
第34章 深刻模仿高频句子(7)

Beth:It’s funny really you spend more time with the people you work with than you do with your family and friends, but who can say that they really know the people they work with well?

Sally:A great way to fix this and really learn about the people you work with is to have an outing. A successful outing should be away from the office and in an environment that is different from the usual office scene.

Beth:As you did during the passed weekend?

Sally:Of course.

Beth:Sounds great. I hope that I can go in the next weekend outing!

Sally:I hope you can!


贝 丝: 在乡下的周末过得愉快吗,莎莉?

莎 莉:我玩得很开心。空气清新、心情平静、环境安宁,而且我认识了很多新人。

贝 丝:你为什么说和你一起工作的人是“新”人?

莎 莉:因为在单位我只看到他们职业化的工作形象。在外面玩的时候我看到了他们有趣的一面。

贝 丝:你认为周末旅游能提高团队的效率吗?

莎 莉:我确实这么认为。我多了解了每个人,这样我们的交流就更容易了。

贝 丝:真的很有意思―你和与你一起工作的人度过的时间要多于你和家人与朋友。可是谁能说他们很了解那些和他们一起工作的人呢?

莎 莉:解决此问题并要真正了解与你一起工作的人的一个好方法就是外出旅游。旅游要成功,就要选择一个远离办公室,并且与一般办公室氛围不同的地方。

贝 丝:就像你们在过去的这个周末一样?

莎 莉:当然。

贝 丝:听起来不错。我希望下一次周末旅行我能去!

莎 莉:我也希望你能参加。

countryside ['kntri'said] n. 乡下,农村

fresh [fre] a. 新鲜的

professional [pr'fenl] a. 职业的

image ['mid] n. 形象

productive [pr'dktiv] a. 多产的

smooth [smu] a. 流畅的

scene [sin] n. 场景

How did you enjoy the weekend in the countryside Sally? 在乡下的周末过得愉快吗,莎莉?enjoy:享受,喜欢,enjoy常用作及物动词。

1) enjoy后面接反身代词(oneself),构成固定搭配,意为“玩得高兴,过得愉快”,相当于have a good time。

2) enjoy后面可接名词或代词。例如:Did you enjoy the film?你喜欢这部电影吗?

3) enjoy后面也接动词的ing形式。例如:Do you enjoy reading? 你喜欢读书吗?

8. Making a Phone Call 打电话


Joe: Good morning!

Pat:Can I speak to Miss Cooper, please?

Joe:Would you hold on a second, please? Miss Cooper’s extension is engaged.

Pat:Engaged. Oh, dear! Could you tell her it’s a longdistance call?

Joe:I’m sorry, sir. I can’t interrupt her. I’m sure she won’t be very long.

Pat:How long do you think she’ll be?

Joe:I really can’t say how long she’ll be.

Pat:Can I leave a message, please?

Joe:Yes, certainly.

Pat:Can you tell her I’m waiting to speak to her?

Joe:Yes, sir. I’ll give her a buzz on an inside line if you like.

Pat:Thank you very much.


乔: 早上好!


乔: 请等一等,库柏小姐的分机正忙着。

帕特: 占线,噢,天哪!能不能告诉她这是长途电话?

乔: 抱歉,先生,我不能打扰她。我相信她不会打很长时间。

帕特: 你觉得她会打多长时间?

乔: 我确实不知道她会打多长时间?

帕特: 我能不能留个口信?

乔: 好的,当然可以。

帕特: 能不能告诉她我正在等着跟她讲话?

乔: 是的,先生。如果你愿意的话,我用内线打。

帕特: 非常感谢。

extension [ik'stenn] n. 电话分机

engage [in'ɡeid] v. 占用

interrupt [int'rpt] v. 打扰

I’ll give her a buzz on an inside line if you like. 如果你愿意的话,我用内线打。give someone a buzz等同于give somebody a ring,但要比后者更口语化。例如:Give me a buzz when you’ve decided. 决定了就给我打个电话。

9. Traffic Accident 交通事故

Traffic Accident

Maggie: Ambulance, please.

William:Ambulance. Do you get your bearings?1

Maggie:I’m in a phone box outside No.255, Cranston Avenue.

William:What’s the trouble, sir?

Maggie:There’s been an accident. A man’s been run over. He’s losing a lot of blood. Please send an ambulance at once.

William:Is there a doctor present?

Maggie:No, there’s only me. The driver didn’t stop. Is there anything I can do?

William:Don’t move the patient. Try to stop the bleeding and keep the patient warm, but don’t give him anything to eat or drink, OK?

Maggie:Right. Please hurry.

William:Don’t worry. The ambulance is on its way now.


马吉: 我要救护车,劳驾。










ambulance ['mbjuls] n. 救护车

patient ['peint] n. 病人

Do you get your bearings? 你在哪个方位?。


get one’s bearings可指地理方位,也可指人生或自身发展的方位。

例如:When I got out of the tube, it took me several minutes to get my bearings. 从地铁出来后,我用了好几分钟才弄清自己所在的方位。

10. Traffic Jam 交通堵塞

Traffic Jam

Linda: What happened?

Mike:We’re stuck again.

Linda:Why are we so unfortunate? I am really fed up with traffic jams1.

Mike:Everybody here is in the traffic jam, not only you and me.

Linda:But it’s the fifth time in this week that we have been caught in the traffic jam.

Mike:It’s not use complaining. It’s the rush hour now.

Linda:I’ll be late again. Why are there so many cars on the road?

Mike:Calm down, honey. Do you forget we are in New York?

Linda:There is always traffic problem in big cities.

Mike:So I’ve been used to the traffic jam.

Linda:I’ll take the subway tomorrow. It is much faster than driving cars.


琳达: 出什么事了?











stuck [st'k] a. 不能动的

unfortunate [n'ftnnt] a. 令人遗憾的

complain [kem'plein] v.抱怨

I am really fed up with traffic jams. 我对堵车真是烦透了。fed是feed (喂)的过去分词。be fed up with...的原意是“吃够了某样东西”,引伸意为“腻味”或“厌烦”。此语常用在to be fed up with something (somebody)和to be fed up with doing something的句式之中。例如:My roommates are too noisy. I’m really fed up with them. 我的室友实在是太闹了,我简直受够了。

11.Traveling by Subway 坐地铁

Taking a Subway

John: Hello, Steve, did you have a good Monday?

Steve:Not at all. I had a bad time in the subway yesterday.

John:Really? What happened?

Steve:I got down the subway at 7:00 in the morning. I found the platform crowded with people1.When a train pulled in, I was swept in by the rush of people behind.

John:Oh, poor guy.

Steve:It was even worse on the train. It was simply impossible to find a seat.

John:Yes, it’s usually like this at about 7:00 in the morning. Many people go to work by subway.

Steve:Yeah, I did not expect that. And what’s more, I overrode my station.

John:Really? I think they broadcast a notice at each station.

Steve:Yeah, I know, but it was too noisy and I didn’t hear it.

John:That was really a bad experience.

Steve:I hope that it won’t happen to me again.


约翰: 喂,约翰,你周一过的愉快吗?






