
第37章 兴趣及休闲生活(1)

Lesson 43 兴趣


What are your hobbies 你的业余爱好是什么

I have an interest in traveling. 我对旅游非常感兴趣。

What kind of sports do you like most 你最喜欢什么运动

How do you spend your spare time 你的业余时间怎么度过

I really go for authentic Western singers' tapes. 我很喜欢纯正地道的西方歌手的磁带。

I am excited about surfing. 我对冲浪很感兴趣。

I'm crazy about the ancient China poetry. 我迷上了中国古代诗词。

I have a passion for Chinese movies. 我酷爱中国电影。

I'm big on collecting stamps. 我很喜欢收集邮票。

I have strong interest in visiting historical relics. 我对参观历史古迹有浓厚兴趣。

I find great pleasure in practicing English with my colleagues. 我很喜欢和同事一起操练英语。

Writing articles on my blog is my favorite thing to do. 在我的博客上写文章是我喜欢做的事。

I am totally into going to the seasides. 我非常喜欢去海边。

I've always liked listening to inspiring speeches. 我一直喜欢听鼓舞人心的演讲。

I'm really fond of imitating standard American English from VOA. 我很喜欢模仿美国之音里面的标准美语。


Do you have any hobbies


I am interested in watching football matches with my friends.


How do you spend your spare time


I usually do some reading at home.


What kind of book do you like


My favorite books are comic ones.


Comic books Oh, come on. You are old enough to put away these books.


Just because I'm grown up, I want to get rid of the real world for a moment by reading comic books.


Well, maybe you are right. What kind of sports do you like


I like almost all sports, and I enjoy playing better. I especially like football as I said right now.


I like football too. What kind of personality do you think you have


It's hard to say. So complicated.


Do you think you are extroverted


I wouldn't call myself extroverted, especially before I get the job.


And now


Most time I enjoy being alone.and sometimes I like sharing activities with my friends and colleagues too, especially during the last few years in my career.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

我不喜欢现代艺术。 I don't go for modern art. I do not appreciate modern art.

你的兴趣和你的品味相称。 Your interests match your taste. Your interests commensurate with your taste.

我不能放弃这个爱好。 I can't throw away the hobby. I cannot abandon the hobby.

旅游花了我很多钱。 Travelling sets me up a lot. Travelling costs me a large amount of money.

我下决心要得到这张邮票。 I stuck out for the stamp. I dertermined to obtain the stamp.

我喜欢旅游。 I'm interested in traveling. I have an interest in traveling.

你怎么度过你的业余时间 What do you do after work How do you spend your spare time

我很喜欢中国电影。 I really go for Chinese movies. I really appreciate Chineses movies.

我对冲浪很感兴趣。 I'm excited about surfing. I have great excitement about surfing.

我很喜欢收集邮票。 I'm big on collecting stamps. I have a great passion for the collecting of stamps.

我非常喜欢去海边。 I am totally into going to the seasides. I prefer to go to the seasides.

你喜欢什么样的书 What kind of books do you like What type of books do you prefer

我很享受听磁带的时光。 I'm happy when I'm listening to these tapes. I enjoy myself during the listening of these tapes.

我喜欢和朋友同事一起活动。 I like sharing activities with my friends and colleagues. I found great joy in sharing activities with my friends and colleagues.

骑马让我兴奋。 I get excited about

horse-riding. I feel great excitement in horse-riding.


1. hobby [‘hbi] n. 业余爱好,嗜好

【例句】One of her hobbies is horse-riding.


2. passion ['pn] n. 强烈的情感,激情;[+for] 对……的强烈爱好,热爱

【例句】Paul is burning passion for an older woman.


3. excite [ik‘sait] v. 引起(兴趣,怀疑,忌妒等);引发(评论,谣言等);使兴奋,使激动;刺激,使紧张

【例句】The court case has excited a lot of public interest.


4. crazy ['kreizi] adj. 奇怪的;不明智的;生气的;生病的 n. 疯子

【例句】Frank is just crazy about you!


5. pleasure [‘ple] n. 愉快,乐趣;令人愉快的经历

【例句】The children used to get a lot of pleasure out of that game when they were young.



The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

——Thomas Jefferson



I like to walk about among the beautiful things that adorn the world; but private wealth I should decline, or any sort of personal possessions, because they would take away my liberty.

——George Santayana



There is no pain as great as being alive, o burden heavier than that of conscious life.

——Ruben Dario



It is familiarity with life that makes time speed quickly. When every day is a step in the unknown, as for children, the days are long with gathering of experience.

——George Gissing



Lesson 44 运动


What sports do you like 你喜欢什么运动

What's your favorite type of exercise 你最喜欢什么运动

What kind of exercise do you usually do 你平时做什么运动

I love to do push-ups, and I go cycling every day. 我喜欢做俯卧撑,每天我都骑单车。

How often do you go jogging 你多久去跑一次啊

The key to do exercise is to do it regularly. 运动的重点是要有规律。

What are the best exercises for my health 什么运动最有益健康

The ball is in your court. 该由你发球了。

Regular exercise makes me feel more energized. 有规律的锻炼让我感觉更有活力。

I am a little bit out of shape. I should get some exercises to keep fit. 我有点儿发胖,应该做点运动来保持体形。

Jogging in the morning makes you feel more energetic during the day. 早上跑步会让人白天更加精力充沛。

Yoga, Pilates and Latin Dancing are fashionable figure-shaping programs with many women followers. 瑜伽,普拉提和拉丁舞是很多女士热衷的时尚塑身运动。

You seem to be in a perfect condition. 你看起来状态好极了。

The fitness club will tailor a work-out plan according to the customer's physical conditions and personal needs. 健身俱乐部会根据顾客的身体状况和个人需要量身订做一个健身计划。

I haven't gone to the fitness club for a long time because of work. 因为工作忙,我很久都没去健身俱乐部锻炼身体了。