
第12章 眼里有心,旖旎一路风景(5)





这 是 重 病 特 护 的 第 二 周了。看来好像到不了这周结束葬礼就要来临了。迈克尔不断地缠着要给小妹妹唱歌听,然而重病特护区不允许儿童入内。不过卡伦下定了决心,不管他们愿不愿意,她都要带迈克尔进去。











Keep on Singing

Like any good mother, when Karenfound out that another baby was on theway, she did what she could to help her3-year-old son, Michael, prepare for anew sibling. They find out that the newbaby is going to be a girl, and day afterday, night after night, Michael sings tohis sister in Mommys tummy.

The pregnancy progresses normallyfor Karen, an active member of thePanther Creek United MethodistChurch in Morristown, Tennessee.

Then the labor pains come. Everyfive minutes… every minute. Butcomplications arise during delivery.

Hours of labor pains. Would a C-sectionbe required? Finally, Michaels littlesister is born. But she is in seriouscondition. With siren howling in thenight, the ambulance rushes the infantto the neonatal intensive care unit at St.

Marys Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee.

The days inch by. The little girlgets worse. The pediatric specialist tellsthe parents, “There is very little hope.

Be prepared for the worst.” Karen andher husband contact a local cemeteryabout a burial plot. They have fixed up aspecial room in their home for the newbaby - now they plan a funeral.

Michael, keeps begging his parentsto let him see his sister, “I want to singto her,” he says. It is the second week inintensive care. It looks as if a funeral willcome before the week is over. Michaelkeeps nagging about singingto his sister, but kids arenever allowed in IntensiveCare. But Karen makes upher mind. She will takeMichael whether they like itor not.

If he doesnt see hissister now, he may never seeher alive. She dresses him inan oversized scrub suit andmarches him into ICU. Helooks like a walking laundrybasket, but the head nurserecognizes him as a childand bellows, “Get that kidout of here now! No childrenare allowed.” The motherrises up strong in Karen, andthe usually mild-manneredlady glares steel-eyed intothe head nurses face, herlips a firm line. “He is notleaving until he sings to hissister!” Karen tows Michaelto his sisters bedside. Hegazes at the tiny infantlosing the battle to live. Andhe begins to sing. In the purehearted voice of a 3-year-old,Michael sings:

“You are my sunshine,my only sunshine, you makeme happy when skies aregray -”

Instantly the baby girlresponds. The pulse ratebecomes calm and steady.

Keep on singing,Michael. “You never know,dear, how much I loveyou. Please dont take mysunshine away -” Theragged, strained breathingbecomes as smooth as akittens purr.

Keep on singing,Michael. “The other night,dear, as I lay sleeping, Idreamed I held you in myarms” Michaels little sisterrelaxes as rest, healing rest,seems to sweep over her.

Keep on singing,Michael. Tears conquerthe face of the bossy headnurse. Karen glows. “Youare my sunshine, my onlysunshine. Please dont takemy sunshine away.”

Funeral plans arescrapped. The next day -the very next day - thelittle girl is well enough togo home!

Womans Day magazinecalled it “the miracle of abrothers song.” The medicalstaff just called it a miracle.

Karen called it a miracle ofGods love!

Never give up on thepeople you love. Love is soincredibly powerful. Life isgood.









A Young Apple Tree

A poor farmer had a friend who was famousfor the wonderful apple he grew.

One day, his friend gave the farmer a youngapple tree and told him to take it home and plant it.

The farmer was pleased with the gift, but whenhe got home he did not know where to plant it.

He was afraid that if he planted the tree nearthe road, strangers would steal the fruit. If heplanted the tree in one of his field, his neighborswould come at night and steal some of the apples.

If he planted the tree near his house, his childrenwould take the fruit.

Finally he planted the tree in his wood whereno one could see it. But without sunlight andgood soil, the tree soon died.

Later the friend asked the farmer why he hadplanted the tree in such a poor place. “Whatsthe difference?” The farmer said angrily. “If I hadplanted the tree near the road, strangers wouldhave stolen the fruit. If I had planted the tree inone of my field, my neighbors would have comeat night and stolen some of the apples. If I hadplanted it near my house, my own children wouldhave taken the fruit.”

“Yes,” said the friend, “but at least someonecould have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not onlyhave robbed everyone of the fruit, but also youhave destroyed a good apple tree!”







