
第77章 Marriage and Family 家庭两性(9)


Let’s Talk!


Anne: Where did you meet your girlfriend Susan?


Joe: I met him through a computer bulletin board。


Anne: Oh, really, what bulletin board?


Joe: It was one I used at the local Internet Café called the E-life。


Anne: I’ve heard about that, but I’ve never tried it。


Joe: You ought to。 One dollar buys you 15 minutes of computer time。 A “chat session” links you with other guys on the network。


Anne: I have no desire to talk on a network with a bunch of strangers。


Joe: That’s the whole point。 All your inhibitions disappear because you can’t see the other person。 This network allows you to talk to people whom you normally wouldn’t talk to。 I really hope you can find your the other half just like me。


Anne: But I just want a private conversation with one other person。


Joe: You can do that。 A private session lets you talk alone。 This online-chat program lets you talk about anything with everyone, without prejudice because you can’t see them。


Anne: Well, maybe I’ll tag along and watch how you talk。


Joe: That’s fine with me。 But we’ll have to get there early。 After 8 p。m。, there’s always a long waiting line。


Anne: Is it that popular?


Joe: Welcome to the 21st century!


Anne: Okay, okay。 We’re there tonight。


Office Romance


公室恋情绝对不是一个新话题,支持者与反对者意见各异。然而在工作日益繁忙的现代社会,办公室白领天天加班,根本就没有足够的时间去发展公司外的爱情,于是越来越多的人将目光瞄向了与自己一同工作的同事,office romance 越来越流行,有些企业甚至为职员搭起方便之桥,组织更多的联谊活动。

Realize Office Romance



Office romance is fairly common these days as the office is where we spend so much of our time。 Handled well it can lead to a relationship。 Handled badly it can lead to a lawsuit for harassment。

It is not surprising that romance springs up at the office。 We spend a third or more of our lives in the office or other places of work。 It is a non-threatening environment where we have an opportunity to meet potential dating partners and learn more about them than just what they look like。 Yet romantic involvement between employees is loaded with dangers for both the employees and for their employer。

Many companies tried to ban dating among their employees。 Most have since abandoned that plan, because of legal restrictions and recognition of the inevitable。 Instead most now try to restrict such activities that are harmful to the business。

If you are going to allow employees “coming on” to other employees, you have to first make very clear the company policy on harassment。 If an employee is not interested in, or receptive to, an advance from another employee, it should end there。 Playing around, verbal sparring, etc。 are appropriate preludes to dating, but only if the receiving party is comfortable with them。 If you have a harassment policy, make it very clear all employees。 If you don’t have one, you need to generate one right now。

If you are going to allow employees “coming on” to other employees, you have to first make very clear the company policy on harassment。 If an employee is not interested in, or receptive to, an advance from another employee, it should end there。 Playing around, verbal sparring, etc。 are appropriate preludes to dating, but only if the receiving party is comfortable with them。 If you have a harassment policy, make it very clear all employees。 If you don’t have one, you need to generate one right now。


Vice-President of Sales销售副总裁

Director of Human Resources人力资源总监

Compensation Manager薪酬经理

Employment Consultant招募顾问

Facility Manager后勤经理

Senior Customer Manager高级客户经理

Sales Manager销售经理

Regional Sales Manager地区销售经理

Procurement Manager采购经理

Procurement Agency采购代办所

Sales Assistant销售助理

Customer Manager客户经理

Vice-President of Marketing市场副总裁

Regional Customer Manager地区客户经理

Sales Administrator销售主管

Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席执行官

Director of Operations运营总监


Branch Manager部门经理

Retail Store Manager零售店经理

HMO Product Manager产品经理

老话说:兔子不吃窝边草。这成了很多职场人最初入行时选择恋人的一条戒律,但时间久了,有几人能独善其身,高傲到底?办公室恋情每天都在上演,那么不可思议,又如此轰轰烈烈。在许多公司,并没有明确禁止同事之间谈恋爱,甚至还有很多公司为单身员工举行联谊活动。实际上,在一些禁止“办公室恋情”的公司,也潜伏着 “杜拉拉和王伟”这样的地下情侣。更有一些“办公室恋情”开花结果,两人终成眷属。

Key words & Sentences


Unless you’re in separate locations, office romances are a bad idea。


If you become involved with your boss, your accomplishments and promotions will be suspect。


if you date a subordinate, you leave yourself open to charges of sexual harassment。


And if it ends badly, you’re at risk of everyone knowing about it and witnessing the unpleasantness。


Forty percent of US workers have dated an office colleague, with 31 percent of them going on to marriage, according to a survey released on Tuesday。


Ten percent work with someone they would like to date and 18 percent have dated a co-worker twice or more at some time in their careers, the office romance survey for online job website CareerBuilder。com showed。


The opinion is different between the sexes, with 14 percent of men but just 5 percent of women saying they would like to date a colleague。


Of those who dated a co-worker in the last year, a third said it was someone with a more senior position in the company。 Of those, 42 percent have dated their boss。


Nearly three-quarters said they did not have to keep their romance a secret but 7 percent said they had left a job due to an office romance。