
第21章 美国主流报纸台海问题报道具体案例(9)


Chen Shui-bian's election as president of the Republic of China on Taiwan dramatically and instantly raised the stakes for U.S. policy in the Taiwan Strait.

Lee Teng-hui's election in 1996 was the first direct,popular election of a head of state in Chinese history. President-elect Chen's election marks the first peaceful transfer of power from a ruling Chinese party to its democratic opposition.

Taiwan's democratic transformation,begun by President Lee,is complete. The Republic of China's experiment in democracy is no longer an experiment——it is a proven reality. The nation that was known for the better part of 40 years as “Nationalist China” now is “Democratic China.”



1996 年李登辉的当选是中国历史上第一次直接的、受欢迎的国家元首选举。陈水扁在此次选举中当选,标志着第一次和平地把权力从一个统治中国的政党交接到它的民主反对派手上。




Chen's personal story is compelling testimony to all aspiring democrats. Born into an impoverished peasant family in rural Taiwan in 1951,Ah-bian (as he is known) was the best student in his county's primary and secondary schools——earning himself a place in the prestigious Taiwan National University and a law degree. He labored for two decades in the opposition movement,enduring imprisonment and personal tragedy.A bungled assassination attempt on him,allegedly by government intelligence agents,left his wife paralyzed for life. Chen's political ascent included service as a Taipei city councilman,a member of the Taiwan legislature and a mayor of Taipei——a post in which he was immensely popular for improving the quality of life of the city and cleaning up corrupt politics.




People here who know Taiwan's president-elect,Chen Shui-bian,often describe him as remote and impersonal. In interviews,the 49-year-old politician comes across as almost robotic,reciting policy positions with a blank gaze and a frozen smile.

Yet for many Taiwanese,not least those who swept him to victory today and ended more than 50 years of rule by the Nationalist Party,Mr. Chen's public image was fixed by a supremely personal tragedy.

When Mr. Chen was greeting supporters at a rally in 1985 after losing a county election,his wife,Wu Shu-jen,was hit by a truck. His supporters say the accident,which left Ms. Wu paralyzed from the chest down,was politically motivated. Evidence for that is sketchy,but it cemented Mr. Chen's reputation as a man who paid a high price for his beliefs.






“We won't let Taiwan become another Hong Kong or Macao.”

CHEN SHUI-BIAN,President-elect of Taiwan.







A day after Taiwan's Nationalist Party was swept from power after more than 50 years,the fury of the losers erupted tonight,forcing President Lee Teng-hui to barricade himself inside his party headquarters as thousands of disaffected supporters battled with the police for hours.

While the worst street clashes in a decade raged outside the building——sealed like a fortress with cordons of riot policemen and powerful water cannons——Mr. Lee bowed somewhat to the intense anger and calls for his immediate resignation,agreeing to step down as party chairman in September,a year earlier than planned. Three senior party leaders submitted their resignations,but in the turmoil,Mr. Lee refused to accept them.

The unraveling of the Nationalist Party after its candidate finished last in a bitter three-way presidential race poses huge potential dangers for Taiwan at a time of delicate transition.






“He betrayed Taiwan!” “He's a traitor who sold out the Nationalist Party!”“He's a monster,lower than a dog!” “Step Down Lee!Step Down Lee!”

The venom of the crowds here today was directed at a man who was long called “Mr. Democracy”——the man who opened the clubby,all-powerful Nationalist Party to the native Taiwanese majority,the man who engineered Taiwan's first direct elections for president and who bravely asserted the island's separate identity against a hostile Beijing.