Trade between Taiwan and China is soaring and relations are warming. But because Beijing refuses to renounce the use of force to “recover” Taiwan,the Taiwanese Government argues that it needs modern jet fighters to balance the Chinese Air Force,now strengthened by two dozen SU-27's purchased last year from Russia.
Many experts say that China understands the difficulties faced by President Bush in his re-election campaign and will be restrained in its reaction if he approves the F-16 sale after a review now under way.
In the past,the pressure to sell weapons to Taiwan came primarily from those who sympathized with its Government and its claims to represent all of China.
But these days the pressure is mainly economic: Taiwan,with more than $80 billion in foreign-exchange reserves,wants to buy weapons at a time when the military industry in many countries is shrinking.
Although China also offers business opportunities to Americans,the jet sale to Taiwan,by directly saving jobs,could contribute to Mr. Bush's re-election chances.
Some American analysts say that China must take particular care in reacting to any deal because it faces a yearly vote in Congress over renewal of its favorable trade status.
1992年9月2日,就在布什宣布军售决定之前,《华盛顿邮报》发表署名为Daniel Southerland的文章,提前一天透露美国的政策变动:
President Bush,facing election-year pressure in Texas,plans to announce the lifting of a ban on the sale of F-16 fighter planes to Taiwan during a visit to a General Dynamics plant in Fort Worth today,Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Tex.) said yesterday.
A White House spokesman declined to confirm the report,but congressional sources said the president's decision to go ahead with the controversial sale would save at least 3,000 jobs in Texas and as many as 7,000 jobs elsewhere in the nation.
面对得克萨斯州竞选年压力,布什总统计划宣布解除对台湾出售F-16战斗机的禁令。据 Sen. Lloyd Bentsen 说,这项计划是在总统今天参观位于沃思堡的通用动力公司的一家工厂时作出的。
Considering that it has been an international outcast,maintaining diplomatic relations with only a handful of countries,Taiwan is doing pretty well these days at attracting visits from foreign dignitaries.
But then,Taiwan holds more foreign exchange reserves——dollars,yen and marks——than any country in the world,and it is shopping around for some big-ticket items,such as a new rapid rail system. So a few VIPs from abroad might be expected to drop in.
Oh,what a difference $ 82 billion makes,especially now that the Cold War is over and a country's money counts for more than it used to.
The central bank of this island nation actually holds about $ 90 billion in reserves,if gold is included along with its portfolio of currencies. Even Japan,with more than six times Taiwan's population of 20 million,holds less.
But when Mr. Bush found himself in need of political help in Texas,the arms sale to Taiwan got a new look. This time almost no one in the bureaucracy argued against antagonizing the Chinese by ending the United States'10-year ban on weapons sales to Taipei.
Mr. Snyder said that because Taiwan's aging air force consisted of out-of- date F-5's and F-104's,the only way to maintain the quality of its air force was by obtaining new planes. The 1982 communique,he said,also spoke about the need to maintain peace and stability in the region,and that was consistent with maintaining a certain balance of power between Taipei and Beijing.
美国国务院发言人Joseph Snyder表示,美国的对台军售“完全符合”中美1982年达成的“八一七公报”的精神。Joseph Snyder说,台湾空军里有很多过时的F-5和F-104战机,保持战斗力的唯一办法是获得新式战机。“八一七公报”也提到,要保持这一地区的和平与稳定,需要两岸在军力上保持一定的平衡。
第二节 对1995年台海问题相关报道