
第40章 对外英语广播的主持艺术——“综艺类”(8)

Fourthly,you DON'T need to waste your money on expensive“extreme fat burner”pills(that don't work)?or other bogus supplements.A special class of natural foods is much more effective.I'tell you about these natural foods and their powers below.

At last,Ab belts,ab-rockers,ab-loungers,and other infomercial ab-gimmicks...they're all a complete waste of your time and money.Despite the misleading infomercials,the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body by using that“ab contraption”...they got their perfect body through REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies.Again,you'll learn some of their secrets and what really works below.

OK,this is all for today's 10 pounds in 10 days,hope you like all the things we have told you.This is Christy,see you next week!






2)节目名称:《Focus on Your Health》


节目策划及主持:Zhang Shuo

Host:Good morning ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to this edition of Focus on Your Health!I'm Zhang Shuo in Beijing.Today we are going to talk about this little evil thing,the cigarette.

If you feel familiar with this thing,you are either enjoying it or suffering from it.There are billions of smokers all over the world.If second-hand smokers are counted the number will be doubled.Almost every smoker knows that smoking is extremely harmful to their health.It causes cancers in our lung,our mouth,our nose almost everywhere.With a clear awareness of all these fatal harm,those smokers just can't quit smoking.The nicotine in cigarette can stimulate people's emotion which means that when people smoke they can feel comfortable and relaxed.That's the main reason why people can't quit it.So today we are going to introduce several effective ways to fight against your smoking habit.

The quitting smoking program I introduce to you now mainly includes five steps.The first step is that you have to try your best to get to know your habit of smoking.This requires you to notice when,where and why you need to smoke.For instance,maybe after an exhausting day,you may need a cigarette to relax yourself.Or when you attend some social affairs,you think that a cigarette is sometimes necessary to start a conversation.Or you just think smoking is very cool.The second step is that you should write down on a piece of paper what smoking has done harmful to your health.For instance,every morning you wake up you will cough for a minute.Or your skin is getting darker and darker.Or it has a bad effect on your family relations.The third step is that you have to set yourself a date on your calendar and tell yourself that before that day you will be a nonsmoker.To be strongly determined is very important in the process of quitting smoking.The third step is that you need to find something to replace cigarettes.For instance,when you want to smoke very bad,you can have some chewing gums,some of your favorite foods,or hang out with your friends and have some parties or even have a drink.The last step is that you have to enjoy being a nonsmoker.Think yourself is getting healthier and healthier everyday without cigarettes,and you can save a great amount of money without smoking.You can use that money to buy something you really like as a reward of quitting smoking.

Tomorrow is June 1st.it is the International Children's Day.Do you know what is special about today?It is the international no smoking day.So we can see that this day is set with very special meaning.It tells us to quit smoking for our tomorrows,for our children and for our future.Let's try our best to quit smoking.That's all for today's program.Thank you for being with us.I'm Zhang Shuo in Beijing.See you next time.


这档节目的展现形式还是具有突破亮点的。首先,对于“吸烟有害”的话题还是经常出现在广播电视的公益广告中的,但一般只是几十秒的表现形式。其次,在日常的生活里,也会看到各式各样的提示牌、小标语等。但是,还是不够鲜活。这档在《英语节目主持艺术》课的实训部分设计的既有知识性,又有娱乐感的小栏目,配以设计和主持者Zhang Shuo个人的理解,使得整个流程显得自然而又具说服力。


当然,还属学生身份的Zhang Shuo提及这个话题,可以有很好的传播效应。毕竟,这一年龄段的人是容易因为“说不清、道不明”的理由而开始吸烟的。但是,如果节目在内容涉及方面能够把在国内不同年龄段的烟民的反映集中一下,可能会形成更有说服力的呈现。若再有可能的话,将异域文化中的烟民状况或禁烟方式进行对比,节目具有的国际传播意义就会更加明显,形成的跨文化传播效果也就不言自明了。

3)节目名称:《Music Zone》



Hello everybody,welcome to today's Music Zone.I'm Suo Xiajing.With this beautiful music,I think everybody feels relax and enjoyable at the same time.All the people maybe familiar with this song and the singer Mrs.Song Zuying.So,today the theme of our program is about Song Zuying and her folk music.

Mrs.Song Zuying is well-known Chinese female soprano today.For nearly 2 decades she has been a dedicated vocal profermer in Chinese folk music.Her Chinese songs like“Loving for my China”,“Beautiful lives”,“Spices girls”are very popular to the Chinese audience and in the global Chinese circles.In the eyes of the Chinese people,they think Song Zuying is a true star of oriental art,for her beautiful personality and extrodanary talents.In recent years,Mrs.Song traveled a lot with the Chinese art delegation to the Australia,Europe,USA as well as the South East countries to exchange with the local musicians and to spread the charm of the Chinese folk music.So now,she is popular not only in China but also in the world.She is just like a bridge to communicate with the China's music to the other countries'music.