
第35章 对外英语广播的主持艺术——“综艺类”(3)

5)脱口秀(Talk Show(美式);Chat Show(英式)):脱口秀是指一种观众聚集在一起讨论主持人提出话题的广播或电视节目。一般脱口秀都有一列嘉宾席,通常由有学问的或者对那档节目的特定问题有特殊经验的人组成。

从各大都市的地方电台到国家联合广播脱口秀,例如“拉什·林堡秀”(Rush Limbaugh show),各种政治脱口秀在(美国)整个国家非常常见。

脱口秀在电视上的播出源于电视时代的早期。深夜脱口秀节目包括“今夜秀”(The Tonight Show)和“大卫深夜秀”(The Late Show with David Letterman,港译“大卫牙擦骚”)等已经播出了几十年,以名人嘉宾和幽默小品为其主要特征。电视新闻先驱爱德华·摩洛(Edward R.Murrow)曾于20世纪50年代晚期主持了“小世界”(Small World),从那时起政治脱口秀主导了星期天早晨的电视节目。

每日联合播出的脱口秀包括从家庭导向的“奥普拉·温芙瑞”(Oprah Winfrey)和“罗茜·欧丹尼秀”(Rosie O'Donnell shows)到“垃圾电视”如“杰瑞·斯普英哥秀”(Jerry Springer Show)等众多节目。


6)Gala Show:It is often a festive,gourmet dinner events.Gala event is especially a lavish royal ball or other variety of high class entertainment.

Across the world various socialites attend gala events to showcase ones status.Gala dinner often brings up images of English socialites,royal French ambiance,and Italian dress.The words gallant steed,and galler(French for to be merry)bring up thoughts of old royal gala times and impressive stature.In Britain the term‘Gala Show'is mostly referred to an athletic competition,especially a swimming contest.

We will be focusing on the western version of the Gala Show and all the intrigue and excitement such shows symbolize.A large or important social gathering:affair,celebration,festivity,fete,function,occasion,party,soiree.Marked by festal celebration:festive,royal,concert,dinner,dress,ball,glad,gladsome,happy,joyful,joyous,merry.

Maybe you have heard of a gala ball after the inaugural ceremony or one of the Gala events that politicians and presidents attend?There are always gala pictures and publicity at such Gala Shows,and for good reason,these gala events often can change one's perception on what's possible in the world of entertainment.Fountains of Champagne,the finest delicacies,and women accessories and gala dress that are often worth more than a normal person would make in their lifetime!You can find it all at the Gala Show.



带着这些需要探讨的问题,本章以四个小节展开,即:第一节的对外英语广播之“综艺类”节目主持人的职业角色定位;第二节的对外英语广播“综艺类”节目主持人的心理态势——Journalisitic Performance(新闻式展现);第三节的对外英语广播“综艺类”节目主持艺术实训;第四节的对外英语广播“综艺类”节目主持人的受训感受。




由于“对外英语广播‘综艺类’节目”不是以“新闻”为出发点来设计节目和定位节目风格的,所以,“综艺类”节目给受众的印象就完全没有“新闻”的色彩,而是以国际学界称的“entertainment-oriented set-up”(娱乐定位设置)为特点运行的节目。而这种定位,又使得国际化的受众面对来自世界不同传播源的娱乐化的文化产品,形成了每天观看一出出颇具“戏剧化”的“Global Soap”(全球肥皂剧)。

这一比喻或定位,使得“对外英语广播‘综艺类’节目”的内容有了具体的圈定范围。在有关研究的记录中,对其是这样解释的:“Soap opera is a global form in two senses:It is a narrative mode produced inner variety of countries across the globe and it is one of the most exported forms of television viewed in a range of cultural contexts.Soap operas are also local to the degree that they can compass the history,culture and specific problems of particular local conditions.”Chris Barker(1997,第75页)。如此的分析,使我们更明了为何“对外英语广播‘综艺类’节目”被形容为“opera”了,这也就形成了我们需要探讨的当前全球化媒体传播的特点。

根据英国学者Chris Barker(1997,第73页)的探讨,全球化的广播电视传播特点可以这样来理解:

Global broadcasting(television)is primarily a narrative form,that is to say a story-telling form.The appeal of global broadcasting(television)lies in its ability to tell stories in ways and about subjects that have resonance with its audience.Indeed,the transition to electronic media has involved the proliferation of narrative form so that today we may see global broadcasting(television)as the prime“story-teller”…

既然全球化媒体传播的风格是以“Story-teller”(故事讲述者)角色定位的,而且,这位“Story-teller”使用的方法是“Narratives”(叙说)。那么,其具有的传播意义又是什么呢?Chris Barker(同上)这样阐述道:

Narratives are“the way in which this society speaks to itself,the way in which the individual must live to be accepted there”(Sollers,cited in Laing,1978,p.99).Narratives thus provide explanations for the way things are.They supply answers to the questions:how shall we live?They offer us frameworks of understanding and rules of reference about the way the world is constructed.

显然,以上的几个反问句引导我们形成新的认识,即:对外英语广播的“综艺类”节目主持人们在这一大的“Global Soap”里,承接着整个传播源担任的“Story-teller”的角色。只不过主持人的微观角色定位,是由其驾驭的节目内容来决定的。Chris Barker(同上)有这样的文字:

Of course stories have story-tellers and it is always best to ask the questions,who is speaking?From what perspective?Does one voice silence another?Since stories both constitute and are constituted by wider social relations we need to know which particular interests are being promoted by specific narratives.


如此的分析,直接点出了“对外广播‘综艺类’节目”主持人在庞大的传播系统里形成的微观化的角色。而这一角色,不仅仅是取决于其驾驭的、在系统里只是一个符号的节目内容,更为重要的是,它取决于对外广播之所以存在的意义。Chris Barker(同上)直截了当地指出:

The significance of global broadcasting(television)lies not only in its discursive content but also in the global spread of particular narrative forms in which are embedded western scientific and realist assumptions about the appearance of physical reality and the plausibility of action.