
第26章 附录:美国八所高校学生事务专有名词中英文对照表(1)



学生事务处the Division of Student Affairs (Student Services)

学生事务处长办公室Dean of Student Affairs Office

学生咨询中心Center for Student Advising

多元文化事务办公室Multicultural Affairs Office

学术管理部门Academic Administration

商业和金融服务部门Business and Financial Services

信息技术部门Computing and Technology


对外联络处External Relations

住房与设施管理办公室Housing and Facilities

人力资源办公室Human Resources

学生发展活动办公室Student Development and Acti Vities Office

学生资助部门Financial Aid and Educational Financing Office

本科生录取部门Undergraduate Admissions

住宿项目办公室Residential Programs Office

学生团体咨询办公室Student Group Advising Office

申诉办公室Ombuds Office


学生财政服务Student Financial Services


申诉处理员Ombuds officer

宿舍辅导员Resident Adviser


学生发展活动和住宿项目Student Development and Activities and Residential Life Programs

财政支持和教育融资Financial Aid and Educational Financing

住宿项目Residential Programs



学生生活办公室The Office of Student Life

学生事务处Office of Student Affairs

多元文化事务办公室The Multicultural Affairs Office

学生会组织Student Government Association

多元文化咨询委员会The Multicultural Advisory Council (MAC)

哈佛大学国际交流处Harvard International Office (HIO)

残疾学生服务办公室The Access &; Disabilities Services Office

学院生活委员会The Committee on College Life

哈佛大学毕业典礼办公室Harvard University's Commencement Office


多元文化和国际事务助理主任Assistant Director, Multicultural and International Affairs

残疾人学生服务助理主任Assistant Director, Access and Disability Services

学生活动协调员Student Activities Coordinator

行政协调员Administrative Coordinator

人事助理Staff Assistant

学生生活处处长Dean of Student Life

处长助理兼主管学生生活副处长Assistant to The Dean and Associate Dean of Student Life

处长助理兼哈佛学院妇女中心主任Assistant Dean &; Director of the Harvard College Women's Center

学生生活人事和住宿主任Director of Student Life Staffing &; Housing

住房与技术协调员Coordinator of Housing &; Technology

学生社团事务协调员Coordinator of Events and Student Organizations

校园活动助理Campus Life Fellow

学生社团中心管理员Manager, Student Organization Center

学生社团顾问Student Organization Adviser



社区服务管理和培训中心Center for Community Service and Learning

学生种族事务中心Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs

多元文化中心Multiculutra Center

申诉办公室Ombuds Office

学生冲突处理办公室Office of Student Conflict Resolution

学生活动管理办公室Office of Student Activities and Leadership

学生组织联合会University Unions

学生组织管理办公室Office of Greek Life

学生事务处长办公室Dean of Students' Office

校园信息中心Campus Information Center

国际服务中心International Center

残疾学生服务中心Service for Students with Disabilities

性侵犯预防中心Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center

特殊性取向学生服务中心The Spectrum Center

学生法律服务中心Student Legal Service

学生医疗服务中心University Health Service

学生住宿服务中心University Housing

大学生就业服务中心The Career Center

心理咨询服务中心Counseling and Psychological Services

学生事务工作研究中心Student Affairs Research

密歇根学生联合会Michigan's Student Assembly,MSA

校园活动中心University Activities Center,UAC

密歇根联合会The Michigan Union

密歇根联盟The Michigan League

北校区学生共同体The Pierpont Commons

校友联合会The Interfraternity Council,IFC

多元文化联合会The Multicultural Greek Council,MGC

国家泛希腊联合会The National Pan-Hellenic Council,NPHC

泛希腊协会The Panhellenic Association,Panhel

和平促进组织Peace Corps


阅读协助项目America Reads Tutoring Corps

社区服务培训项目Project Community

非赢利组织协助项目The Michigan AmeriCorps Partnership,MAP


公众学识提升计划Arts of Citizenship

黑人学生支持项目Support for Incoming Black Students,SIBS

同龄人教育计划Peer Education Programme



学习中心Learning Centre

新生及家长项目办公室Office of New Student &; Carolina Parent Programs


发展外联部主任Director of Development and External Relations

副校长协理Assistant to the Vice Chancellor

助理副校长Assistant Vice Chancellor



大学一年级研习班First Year Seminar

夏日桥项目Summer Bridge Program

阅读项目Reading Program

数学和自然科学学术咨询Academic Counseling for Math and Sciences

补习辅导项目The Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program

同伴辅导项目Peer Tutoring Program Overview

升学等重大考试的备考项目Testprep for GRE,GMAT, LSAT and MCAT

针对学习障碍学生的学业成功项目Academic Success Program, LD, ADHD

暑期适应项目Summer Orientation

北卡新生测试和适应项目研习班Carolina Testing Orientation Program Session

转学新生适应项目Transfer Student Orientation Program

暑期阅读项目Summer Reading Program

新生集会项目New Student Convocation

迎新周项目Week of Welcome,WOW

服务学习倡导项目Service-Learning Initiative

北卡夏令营Carolina Kickoff,CK


野外探险项目WAFFYS-Wilderness Adventures For First-Year Students and Transfers

新生家长适应研习班Parent Orientation Sessions



学生生活处长办公室Office of the Dean of Student Life

教育资源处长办公室Office of Dean of Educational Resources

健康中心Vaden Health Center

学籍管理办公室Office of University Registrar

住宿教育办公室Office of Residential Education

研究生生活办公室Graduate Life Office

司法事务办公室Office of Judicial Affairs

学生活动办公室Office of Student Activities

会议服务中心Tresidder Meeting Service

斯坦福学生联合会Associated Student of Stanford University

亚裔美国人活动中心Asian American Activities Center

国际中心Bechtel International Center

黑人社区服务中心Black Community Services Center

职业发展中心Career Development Center