
第49章 索引(4)

Hue 色调,158-159,166,168

Hume,David 休谟,大卫,59-60,129,230-231

Hurvich,Leo 赫维奇,里奥,158

Husserl,Edmund 胡塞尔,埃德蒙德,15-19,21,27-28,47,68,117


ICOTprogram ICOT程序,43

Idea,and Cartesian anxiety 观念,与笛卡尔式焦虑,141

Idealism 唯心论,136-137,140,172,233

Identity 同一性

criteria of~的标准,65-66

and self 与自我,62,65

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,124

Ignorance 无明,111,113-115,122

Imagery 意象,45-47

Impermanence 无常,60-61,64,69,243

Impulse 冲动,62,64,66-67,120

Inclusion 包容,101

Independent,definition of 独立,~的定义,224

Indeterminate factors 不定心所,258

Information processing 信息加工

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,133-134

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,38,42-44,46-47

and emergence 与涌现,86,93-94,97-98

and enaction 与生成,165,173

and self 与自我,78

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,126


Input 输入,138-139,151,157,246

Insight 洞见,24,80,111,142,252,255

Instinct 本能,47,62

Intention 意图,29,68,116,119-121,123

Intentionality 意向性

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,40-41,43,47

and computational mind 与计算心智,52-53,55-56

and evolution 与演化,205-206

and experience 与经验,15-16,50

Internalization 内化,108-109

Interpretation 解释,149,156

Interpretationism 解释主义,232-233

Intrinsic,definition of 内在的,~的定义,224

Introspection 内省,16,32,45,48,54

Invariances 恒定性,203-204


Jackendoff,Ray 杰肯道夫,雷,51-56,69,108,124,126,128-129,231


Jainism 耆那教,219

Jameson,Dorothea 詹姆士,多萝西亚,158

Jaspers,Karl 雅斯贝尔斯,卡尔,179

Johnson,Mark 约翰逊,马克,149-150,162,177-178




Karma 业,219,227,249

and basic element analysis 与基本元素分析,118,120-122

and codependent arising 与缘起,110,116

wheel of~的轮,110

Karmic causality 业力因果,111

Karuna 慈悲,248

Kay,Paul 凯,保罗,168-171

K eiko 训练,30

Kempton,Willett 坎普顿,威利特,171

Klein,Melanie 科林,梅勒尼,108

Knowledge 知识,5,32,140,148-149


Koyre,Alexandre 考耶尔,亚历山大,5

Kuhn,Thomas 库恩,托马斯,5

Kundera,Milan 昆德拉,米兰,238



Lacan,Jacques 拉康,雅克,48



and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,134-135

and circularity 与循环,6

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,42-43,4647

and color perception 与颜色知觉,168-169

and common sense 与常识,149-150

and middle way 与中道,233

Lateral geniculate nucleus(LGN)侧膝状核,94-96,161,163,170

Layers 层,209-211

Learning 学习

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,47-48

and enaction 与生成,148,169,177

and ethics 与伦理,251

and evolution 与演化,193

and experience 与经验,29

and neuronal ernergences 与神经涌现,96-97

Leibniz 莱布尼茨,117

Lewontin,Richard 莱文丁,理查德,193,198‐200,202

LGN.See Lateral geniculate nucleus 见侧膝状核


Life‐world 生活世界,12,17-18,117


and cognition as embodied action 与作为具身行动的认知,177-178

and color perception 与颜色知觉,157,168-169,171

and evolution 与演化,213

and middle way 与中道,225

Linkage 连锁,188

Links in circular chain 循环链中的环,111,113-115,120-121

Locke 洛克,138

Logic 逻辑,38-39,102,116

Lorenz,Konrad 洛伦茨,康纳德,39


McCulloch,Warren 麦克洛克,沃伦,38-39

McDaniel,Chad 马克丹尼尔,乍得,170-171


Madhyamika 中观派

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,143-144

and experience 与经验,21

and groundlessness 与无根基性,230,233-234

and middle way 与中道,219-220,225,227-228

Mahayana 大乘佛教

and ethics 与伦理,248

and experience 与经验,23

and middle way 与中道,219-221,234

and nihilism 与虚无主义,240

works on 关于~的着作,259-260

Maps 映射,135-136,178

Marr 马尔,180

Meditation.See also Mindfulness/awareness meditation 静心。亦见正念/觉知静心

and basic element analysis 与基本元素分析,118,120-122

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,144

and divided agents 与分开的行动者,125,129

and enaction 与生成,180

and ethics 与伦理,247,251

and experience 与经验,21-29,31-32

and middle way 与中道,220,223,225,230

and neuronal emergences 与神经涌现,98

and self 与自我,59-60,62-63,78

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,108,110

and self‐organization 与自组织,85

sitting 坐,24

terminology 术语学,255

Memory 记忆,46,92,96,169

Mental factors 心所法

and middle way 与中道,219,226

and mindfulness/awareness 与正念/觉知,257-258

and self 与自我,68-69

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,110,116-121,125

Mental processes 心智的过程

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,49-50

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,109,126

Merleau‐Ponty,Maurice 梅洛庞蒂,莫里斯,3-4,15,19-20,22,25,32,64,81,150,


Metzler 迈特泽勒,46

Middle way 中道

and circularity 与循环,3-4

and ethics 与伦理,251

and evolution 与演化,203

and experience 与经验,21

and groundlessness 与无根基性,217-219,229-235

and Nagarjuna 与龙树,219-226

and nihilism 与虚无主义,240-241

steps to 迈向,143-145

and two truths 与两种真理,226-228


Mind 心智

concept of~的概念,140

processes of~的过程,62,256-257

selfless 无我的(see Selfless minds 见无我的心智)

Mind‐body problem 心-身问题,28-30,52-53

Mindful,open‐ended approach to experience 经验之警觉的、开放的进路

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,53,55

and enaction 与生成,179

and ethics 与伦理,246-247

and nihilism 与虚无主义,239

and Nishitani 与西谷启治,244

Mindful,open‐ended reflection 警觉的,开放的反思,27,30

Mindfulness 正念

and circulation 与循环,237

and ethics 与伦理,246-247,250

and experience 与经验,22,25,28,30,32

and freedom 与自由,122-123

and middle way 与中道,224-225,234

and self 与自我,61,78-81

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,111,115,120-122,126

and self‐organization 与自组织,85

Mindfulness/awareness 正念/觉知

and basic element analysis 与基本元素分析,117,122

and circulation 与循环,238

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,37,53,57

and divided agents 与分开的行动者,125,127,129

and enaction 与生成,180

and ethics 与伦理,246-248,251-254

and experience 与经验,23-24,27-29,3133

experiential events used in 用于~ 中的经验事件,256-258

and middle way 与中道,219,225,228,230

and momentariness 与瞬间,73,77-78

and nihilism 与虚无主义,241

and Nishitani 与西谷启治,242-245

and self 与自我,59-60,62

and self in aggregates 在积聚中的自我,66,69-72

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,110-111,116,122-123

and self‐organization 与自组织,85,97-98

and societies of mind 与心智社会,105,108

works on 关于~ 着作,259-260

Mindfulness/awareness meditation 正念/觉知静心