

1.One day,when two sisters,called Nell and Kate,came home,they found a poor little kitty at the door of their house.

2.She was very cold and wet,and her paws were very dirty,for it was a rainy day.The children took her into the house,and gave her some milk at the warm fire.

3.Kitty always lived with them after that day.They called her Whitefoot,because she had four white paws.

4.Pussy,pussy Whitefoot,Wandering in the street,Wet and cold and dirty With the rain and sleet;5.Pussy,pussy Whitefoot,Hungry and alone,In the children‘s play-room Found a happy home.

6.Pussy,pussy Whitefoot,Spotted brown and black,When she sees old Carlo How she bends her back!

7.Pussy,pussy Whitefoot,Fur as soft as silk;See her roll and tumble,See her lap her milk.