
第53章 在美容院(1)

Lesson 59 预约及造访


I'd like to make an appointment for the nail polish this afternoon. 我想预约今天下午修指甲。

Do you have your fixed beauty consultant 请问您有固定的美容顾问吗

When is Miss Kelly available for haircut tomorrow 凯莉小姐明天什么时候方便剪发

Is it your first time making reservation 这是您第一次预约吗

It's my first time being here. Can you show me around 这是我第一次到你们这儿来。你能带我参观一下吗

What beauty services do you provide你们提供什么美容服务

How much do you charge for a SPA 你们做一次水疗的价格是怎样的

Our massagists come from Thailand. 我们的按摩师来自泰国。

Do you also sell cosmetic products 你们是否还出售化妆品

What time do you open everyday 你们每天的营业时间是怎样的

Do you have any discount if I bring a friend with me 如果我带朋友一起来,你们能优惠些吗

Is Miss Ron free at 10 tomorrow morning for a facial 罗恩小姐明早10点有时间做面部护理吗

Sorry, the machine for fitness is fully booked tomorrow. 不好意思,减肥仪明天都预约满了。

How much does it cost to get your membership card 你们的会员卡需要多少钱才能办理

Do you have any gifts if I join your membership program 如果我加入你们的会员项目,能给些礼物吗


Good afternoon lady! Welcome to our beauty salon!


Good afternoon. I want to make some improvement for my skin and a friend of mine recommends your place.


May I ask your friend's name


Her name is Cathy White, your VIP.


Oh, I see. Miss White is one of our most welcome guests. I will show you around to give you a brief introduction of our salon.


OK, thanks.


We provide services on facial, body care, nail polish, fitness and fragrance treatment. All our facilities and products come from France. And our crew are perfectly trained.


Looks very nice. Can I make a reservation of a moisturing facialtreatment tomorrow afternoon


Sure. Do you have any appointed beauty consultant


No. Please assign me an experienced one.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

请为我预约明天上午的剪发。 Please schedule a haircut for me tomorrow morning. Can you make a reservation of haircut for me on tomorrow morning

你们的年费是多少钱 What's your annual fee How much do you charge annually

需要提前多久预约 How long in advance should I make a reservation What's the lead time of making a reservation

我们还提供很多附加服务。 We also provide a lot of additional services. Add-value services are also available.

预约但最后没来,需要支付10%的费用。 You need to pay 10% of the cost if you don't come. A 10% of service fee will be charged if you made the reservation without coming at last.

我们的美容沙龙是本地区最著名的。 Our beauty salon is the most famous one in this area. Our beauty salon owns a good reputation locally.

我们的服务是一流水准。 We provide the best services. The services we provide are first class.

你们提供上门服务么 Can you come to my place to provide services Do you provide door-to-door services

你们这里可以刷卡么 Can I swipe credit card Do you accept credit card

你们每家连锁店的服务都一样么 Do your chain stores provide the same services Are the services in each of your chain store the same


1. salon [s‘ln] vt. (营业性的)厅,院,室,店

【例句】She did haircut in that hair salon.


2. fitness ['fitnis] n. 健康

【例句】Fitness is what most people want to achieve.


3. moisture [‘mist] n. 潮湿,湿度,水分

【例句】This moisture cream is the best seller of this year.


4. wellness ['welnis] n. 健康

【例句】Employees' wellness is the asset of an enterprise.


5. carefree [‘kfri:] adj. 轻松愉快的,无忧无虑的

【例句】Carefree is a precious feeling that cannot easily be achieved.




My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of men. Finally whether you are citizens of America, or citizens of the world, ask of us here, the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience of our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth, God's work must truly be our own.



Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth discover virtue.


Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation.


Lesson 60 风格


What's your favourite style 你最喜欢什么风格

We offer different styles to cater different customers. 我们提供不同的风格,去满足不同客人的要求。

Fashion dies quickly but style lives forever. 时尚很快消亡,然而风格永存。

Do you want French nail 您想要法式美甲吗

The color doesn't suit me that well. 这个颜色不是太适合我。

We have a leaflet of different designs of nails.我们有一本手册,上面有不同指甲的设计。

Can you give me the color template 能麻烦你给我下色板吗