
第44章 在药店

Lesson 50 买药


Of course you'll need some medicine. I will prescribe some for you. 当然得吃药。我给你开点儿药。

Don't eat anything cold or spicy. 不要吃生冷和刺激性的食物。

I need some medicine for headache. 我需要一些治头疼的药。

Here is my preion the doctor gives me. 这是医生给我的药方。

How should I take these medicine 我应该怎样服药

Is there a traditional Chinese medicine shop here 这儿有中药店吗

How much does it cost 这药多少钱

What's the function of these medicine 这些药有什么作用

This kind of medicine tastes very bitter. 这种药吃起来很苦。

I need some specific medicine for pain relief. 我需要一些减轻疼痛的特效药。

This is for oral administration. 这是口服药。

He made up a medicine from the juice of herbs and applied it to the wound. 他用几种草药的鲜汁配了一副药,把它敷在伤口上。

Please take the drug with a full glass of water. 请用一杯温水送服这种药。

What symptoms does the patient have 病人有什么症状

Chinese medicine has a better lasting effect in cure. 中药的治疗效果更持久。


Good morning.


Good morning. What can I do for you


I've got a headache. And I want to buy some medicine for it.


Do you have any other symptoms like cough or else


No, it is just a common headache.


Got it, medicine for headache ...Here it is.


How should I take it


Take three pills each time every eight hours after meals.


OK. I'll take it. How much should I pay for it


Twenty-five yuan.


Does it have any side effects


No. It's safe enough.


Thank you very much。


My pleasure.


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天用语 正式场合聊天用语

晚饭前服药。 Take the medicine before dinner. Take the medicine prior to dinner.

根据说明服药。 Take the medicine according to the illustrations. Take the medicine in accordance with the instructions.

我已经把服药的方法告诉你了。 I have told you the right way to take the medicine. You are informed of the right way of taking the medicine.

这种药见效快。 This kind of medicine soon takes effect. This kind of medicine is with immediate effect.

你要停止吸烟。 You have to stop smoking. You should cease to smoke.

给我一些药。 Give me some pills. Please render some medicine to me.

它有副作用吗 Is it harmful to my health Does it have any side effects

他是什么病 What disease does he have What's wrong with you

我对药很了解。 I know medicine very well. I'm quite familiar with medicine.

我讨厌吃药。 I hate to take medicine. I am fed up with taking medicine.

这药没有味道。 This medicine has no flavor. This medicine is tasteless.

药不能乱吃。 Medicine can't be eaten carelessly. You must be circumspect with medicine.

这份说明的意思很难理解。 It's difficult to know the meaning of the directions. It's too difficult to understand the full import of the instructions.

你有头疼药吗 Do you have any medicine for headache Is there any medicine for headache for sale

这种药加了一种特殊物质。 This medicine included a kind of special material. A kind of special material is introduced into this medicine.


1. prescribe [pris‘kraib] vi. 规定;开药方 vt. 规定;开处方

【例句】The doctor prescribed his patient who was down with fever.


2. herb [h:b;:b] n. 药草;草本植物;香草

【例句】The herb's health benefits include stimulating circulation, relieving muscle pains, and preventing headaches.


3. apply [‘plai] vt. 申请;涂,敷;应用vi. 申请;涂,敷;适用;请求

【例句】Does this apply also for European institutional investors


4. drugstore ['drɡst:] n. 药房

【例句】By the way, is there a drugstore near here


5. side effects [said ‘fekts] 副作用

【例句】However, the drugs also affect normal cells, causing certain side effects.




The course of true love never did run smooth.


Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose them to dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind.


The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact.


Since the little wit that fools have was silenc'd, the little foolery that wisemen have makes a great show.
