
第63章 The Magician‘s Nephew(63)

“You!” said the Queen, laying her hand on his shoulder.a white, beautiful hand, but Digory could feel that it was strong as steel pincers. “You? But you are only a child, a common child. Anyone can see at a glance that you have no drop of royal or noble blood in your veins. How did such as you dare to enter this house?”

“We’ve come from another world; by Magic,” said Polly,who thought it was high time the Queen took some notice of her as well as of Digory.

“Is this true?” said the Queen, still looking at Digory andnot giving Polly even a glance. “Yes, it is,” said he.

The Queen put her other hand under his chin and forced it up so that she could see his face better. Digory tried to stare back but he soon had to let his eyes drop. There was something about hers that overpowered him. After she had studied him for well over a minute, she let go of his chin and said:

“You are no magician. The mark of it is not on you. You must be only the servant of a magician. It is on another‘s Magic that you have travelled here.”

“It was my Uncle Andrew,” said Digory.