
第214章 The Magician‘s Nephew(214)

He peeled it and cut it up and gave it to her piece by piece. And no sooner had she finished it than she smiled and her head sank back on the pillow and she was asleep: a real, natural, gentle sleep, without any of those nasty drugs, which was, as Digory knew, the thing in the whole world that she wanted most. And he was sure now that her face looked a little different. He bent down and kissed her very softly and stole out of the room with a beating heart; taking the core of the apple with him. For the rest of that day, whenever he looked at the things about him, and saw howordinary and unmagical they were, he hardly dared to hope; but when he remembered the face of Aslan he did hope.

That evening he buried the core of the Apple in the back garden.

Next morning when the Doctor made his usual visit, Digory leant over the banisters to listen. He heard the Doctor come out with Aunt Letty and say:

“Miss Ketterley, this is the most extraordinary case I have known in my whole medical career. It is.it is like a miracle. I wouldn‘t tell the little boy anything at present; we don’t want to raise any false hopes. But in my opinion.” Then his voice became too low to hear.