
第146章 The Magician‘s Nephew(146)

“Ride?” said Strawberry. “Oh, I remember now. That means sitting on my back. I remember there used to be a little one of you two.leggers who used to do that long ago. He used to have little hard, square lumps of some white stuff that he gave me. They tasted.oh, wonderful, sweeter than grass.”

“Ah, that‘d be sugar,” said the Cabby.

“Please, Strawberry,” begged Digory, “do, do let me get up and take me to Aslan.”

“Well, I don’t mind,” said the Horse. “Not for once in a way. Up you get.”

“Good old Strawberry,” said the Cabby. “‘Ere, young ’un, I‘ll give you a lift.” Digory was soon on Strawberry’s back, and quite comfortable, for he had ridden bare.back before on his own pony.

“Now, do gee up, Strawberry,” he said.

“You don‘t happen to have a bit of that white stuff aboutyou, I suppose?” said the Horse.

“No. I’m afraid I haven‘t,” said Digory.

“Well, it can’t be helped,” said Strawberry, and off they went.

At that moment a large Bulldog, who had been sniffing and staring very hard, said:

“Look! Isn‘t there another of these queer creatures.over there, beside the river, under the trees?”