

1.The summer!the summer!the exquisite time Of the red rose's blush and the nightingale's chime,The chant of the lark and the hum of the bee,The season of brightness and beauty and glee!It is here!it is here!it is lighting again,With sun-braided smiles,the deep heart of the glen.

2.It is touching the mountain and tingeing the hill,And dimpling the face of the low-laughing rill;It is flooding the forest trees richly with bloom,And flinging gold showers in the lap of the broom!

3.I have heard the lark warble his hymn in the sky,I have seen the dew-tear in the meek daisy's eye,I have scented the breath of the fresh-opened flowers,I have plucked a rich garland bowers;from bright hawthorn My footsteps have been where the violet sleeps.

4.I have startled the linnet from thickets of shade,And roused the fleet stag as he basked in the glade ;And my spirit is blithe as a rivulet clear,For the summer,the golden-crowned summer,is here!