
第25章 家政府与政党(1)

administration[[d9mInI5streiF[n]政府(美国总统任期内的)The Bush administration earlier this month offered a couple of carrots to the North -direct talks and recognition of its sovereignty -in a bid to derailits nuclear weapons program(.CBS)

adviser[[d5vaiz[]顾问The White House has said Bush advisers would recommend the president veto the entire bill over the legislation.But a veto is considered highlyunlikely given that Bush has never used that power(.FOX NEWS)

agree on(to )sth [[5grI:]同意某事agree with sb 同意某人Finance ministers from the Group of Eight industrialized nations agreed Saturday to a historic deal canceling at least $40billion worth of debt owedby the world’s poorest nations,Britain Treasury chief said(.NBC)

“I agree with the vice president,”Bush said Thursday in South Korea when asked about Cheney‘s remarks.I think people ought to be allowed to ask questions.It is irresponsible to say that I deliberately misled theAmerican people(.AP)

appeal for(against)[[5pI:l]呼吁France’s government and opposition showed rare unity in appealing for the release of two French journalists held in Iraq as an Italian envoy flew to the Middle East on Thursday to urge freedom for two Italian aid workers.(REUTERS)

Israeli Vice Premier Peres appeals against his defeat in the Labourleadership poll,alleging voting irregularities(.BBC)

approve ...of [[5prU:v]批准、通过

The Chinese parliament approves a law to lower the wage gap throughraising the income tax threshold(.BBC)

bill [bIl]法案、议案pass a bill 通过议案The Senate was expected to vote on the overall spending bill by weeks‘end.The House-approved version of it does not include the detainee provisions.It is unclear how much support the measure has in the GOP-runHouse(.FOX NEWS)

In passing the bill,Republicans buffed up their party’s budget-cutting credentials as they try to reduce a deficit swelled by spending on the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina.Democrats countered that a companion tax bill that could advance as early as Friday would more than eat up the savings.(AP)

budget [5bQdVIt]预算President Bush‘s conservative allies in Congress hope his vow to use some of his political capital pushing for more budget cuts will help persuadelawmakers to pay for hurricane relief without raising the deficit(.NBC)

cabinet [5kAbInIt]内阁Israel’s Cabinet voted Sunday to leave Gaza after 38years of occupation,the last formality before the handover of the teeming coastalarea to Palestinian control(.USA TODAY)

call for 提倡、号召

The UN secretary general voices“dismay”over the Iranian leader‘s callfor Israel to be“wiped off the map”(.BBC)

call on 号召、呼吁“We expressed our condemnation about the indiscriminate use of force against unarmed civilians,and we certainly deeply regret any loss of life,”White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.“But we’ve also called on people to reject those who would try to incite violence as well,and we‘ve talked about that,too.”(NBC)chancellor [5tFAns[l[]总理、首相(德国,奥地利等国)Angela Merkel is sworn in as Germany’s first woman chancellor at aceremony in parliament in Berlin(.BBC)

coalition [9k[U[5lIF[n]联合coalition government 联合政府An Iraqi child died Thursday during a shootout between insurgents andcoalition forces in northern Iraq‘s Tal Afar,the U.S.military said(.CNN)

One of the leaders in Germany’s proposed coalition government said Monday he was stepping down as party chairman,raising questions aboutthe future of the deal struck to give the country its first female leader(.AP)

compromise [5kCmpr[maiz]妥协、和解

Tony Blair accuses opponents of his anti-terror plans of complacency,but accepts a compromise is inevitable(.BBC)

congress [5kCngres]国会(美国)congressman 议员Lawmakers from each party have said Congress must provide U.S.troopswith clear standards for detaining,interrogating and prosecuting terrorism suspects in light of allegations of mistreatment at Guantanamo Bay and theabuse scandal at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq(.FOX NEWS)

The judge in Rep.Tom DeLay‘s conspiracy case was removed at the congressman’s request Tuesday because of his donations to Democraticcandidates and causes(.NBC)

constitution[9kCnstI5tjU:F[n]宪法constituent assembly [k[n5stItjU[nt [5semblI]立宪会议Iraqis on Thursday began picking up copies of the draft constitution thatthey will vote on next week,after the country‘s Shiite-led parliament endeda bitter dispute with Sunni legislators about how the referendum will beconducted(.FOX NEWS)

Just to make sure,he has endorsed a list of candidates who are expected to win anywhere from 100to 150of the 275seats in the constituentassembly(.NBC)

councillor [5kaUns[l[]地方议会议员Clashes erupted Sunday after police and the ruling party tried to truck in hundreds of people to vote at polling stations against the objections of localresidents.Voting for the region’s councilors,legislators and president isbased on residency(.NBC)

debate [dI5beit]争论、辩论

The grandsons of World War II leaders Josef Stalin,President FranklinD.Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill will debate global politics 60years after their grandfathers‘historic meeting at the YaltaConference(.USA TODAY)

decree [dI5krI:]法令issue a decree 颁布法令The decree named 38towns,cities and urban areas across France.Butfew prefects have made use of the new powers(.Reuters)

Israeli President Moshe Katsav called on Muslim spiritual leaders Friday to issue a religious decree against terrorism in the wake of this week’sdeadly hotel bombings in Amman,Jordan(.AP)

deadlock [5dedlCk]僵局

Trade ministers are due to meet in London on Monday to continue effortsto break a global trade talks deadlock(.BBC)