
第10章 I


n. (process of) identifying or being identified 验明;鉴别 means of proving who one is; official papers that do this 身份证明;身份证明书

make an identification 做出鉴定/fingerprint identification 指纹鉴定/target identification (军)目标识别/letter of identification 身份证明书/identification card 身份证/identification plate (汽车) 牌照

The identification of the accident victims took some time.


Can I see some identification, please?



n. who or what a particular person or thing is 身份,本体,个性 unity and persistence of personality 个性,特性 sameness 同一(性),一致 exact likeness 恒等式

an identity card (certificate) 身份证,居民证/identity of thinking and being 思维与存在的同一性/identity crisis 个性转变期

The police are trying to find out the identity of the woman killed in the traffic accident.


All living organisms, regardless of their unique identity, have certain biological, chemical, and physical characteristics in common.



n. set of ideas that form the basis of an economic or political theory 思想体系;思想意识


n. phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit 习语,成语 language or dialect of a people or country 方言


v. cause sth. to catch fire 使……燃烧,点燃

ignite a stove fire 点燃炉火/ignite the hatred of the people 激起人民的仇恨/ignite a new round of inflation 引起新一轮的通货膨胀

He left Europe in the late 1930s when the continent ignited into war. 20 世纪 30 年代末他离开欧洲,当时欧洲大陆战火四起。


n. lack of knowledge or information (about sth) (对某事物)无知

We are in complete ignorance of your plans.


If he did wrong it was only through ignorance.



v. provide sth. with light 照亮,用灯光装饰 make sth. clear; help to explain 阐明;解释清楚;启发

illuminated with electricity 用电照明/illuminated by oil lamps 用油灯照明/a poorly illuminated room 烟光暗淡的房间/illuminate a statement with many examples 用许多例子来阐述

The city was illuminated in celebration of the victory.



n. something seem wrongly, not as it really is 幻想;错觉;假象

be under the illusion that... 错误地相信/be under no illusion about/as to sth. 对……不存幻想/cherish the illusion that... 错误地认为……/have no illusion about... 对……不存幻想/an optical illusion 视错觉/break an illusion 使幻想破灭/indulge in the illusion 沉迷于幻想

We must look beyond illusions and assumptions and try to discover what is missing.


The magician made us think he cut the girl into pieces but it was merely an illusion.



adj. that shows use of the imagination 爱想像的,充满想像力的

imaginative意为“富有想像力的或创造力的”。如:an imaginative child(富于想像力的孩子);imaginative powers(或faculties)(想像力)。

imaginary,imaginative, imaginable

imaginary 指“想象中的,虚构的”。Although the main characters in the novel are so true to life, they are imaginary. 小说里的主要人物虽然写得栩栩如生,但都是虚构的。imaginative 意为“富于“富于想像力的”。如:He is an imaginative writer. 他是一位富于想像力的作家。 imaginable 意为“可想象的”,常置名词之后,在名词前常有all, every或最高级形容词。如:We will make the best efforts imaginable to fulfil the task in time. 我们将尽最大努力及时完成这项任务。

the imaginative power 想像力/imaginative literature 想像文学,纯文学

The imaginative child made up fairy stories.



n. thing produced as a copy of the real thing 仿制品;仿造品;赝品

a blind imitation of... 对……的盲目模仿/an imitation of leather 皮革仿制品/imitation jewellery 伪造的珠宝/in imitation of... 模仿

That s not an original Rembrandt, it s an imitation.



vt. to put deep under water 沉浸 to cause oneself to enter deeply into an activity 使沉浸于,使专心于

immerse指“沉浸,全部浸入液体内”。如:He immersed himself in the pool.(他将身子浸没在水池里。)引申义为“全神贯注或从事于某事物”。如:He immersed himself completely in work.(他埋头于工作。)They are men well immersed in study.(他们是潜心钻研学问的人们。)


plunge 强调突然或用力地掷入或完全置入液体中。如:Plunge your hands into the water. 将双手插入水中。 dip强调浸入后立即就取出,可以部分浸入也可全部浸入。如:He dipped his pen in the ink. 他把钢笔插进墨水中。 immerse强调完全浸入液体中,时间亦是能使之足以浸透。如:He immersed his head in the water. 他把头浸在水里。

immerse hands in warm water 把手泡在热水里/be immersed in a book (thought, difficulties) 埋头读书(陷入沉思、陷入困境)/be immersed in 聚精会神从事(某工作),陷入……之中/immerse oneself in 专心从事(某事),沉溺于……之中

They were immersed in their scientific research, not knowing what happened just outside their lab.


I walked into the study and found Mr Johnson immersed in his writing, as usual.

我走进书房,发现约翰逊先生同往常一样 埋头写作。


adj. unable to be harmed because of special powers in oneself (有)免疫(力)的 not affected by 不受影响的 marked by protection 豁免的,免除的

immune 作表语用时,常接介词from, to, against等。注意下列句子中immune的不同的意思。如:Nobody is immune from criticism.(谁都难免受批评。)A full life is immune against boredom.(充实的生活无烦腻之虞。)We are not immune to the influences around us.(我们不能不受周围环境的影响。)We are immune from smallpox as the result of vaccination.(由于已经种痘我们不会感染天花。)

immune to/immune from/immune against 免于,免除,免受

He seems immune to any persuasion for he never changes his mind once he has made a decision.



vt. to damage or to weaken 削弱;使恶化


impair one s health 损害健康

This arrest will impair his reputation in the community.



vt. to communicate the knowledge of 通知,透露 to give, pass on a share of sth. 给予,传递


impart information/news/secret to sb. 将消息/秘密告知某人

A quantity of heat is imparted to the gas through conduction.



adj. urgent, which must be done, not to be disobeyed 必要的,紧急的,极重要的 done, given with authority 命令(式)的,必须服从的 n. sth. that is imperative 必要的事,必须完成的事

imperative用于“It is imperative that...”句型中,其后主语从句要用虚拟语气,即用动词原形或should+动词原形。

Military orders are imperative and cannot be disobeyed.


It s imperative for him to be taken to hospital at once because he is seriously ill.



adj. of an empire or its rulers 帝国的;皇帝的 majestic 威严的;帝王般的

an imperial household 皇室;王室/the imperial examinations (中国旧时的)科举/on an imperial scale 以特大规模/imperial rule 帝国统治/the imperial palace 皇宫/imperial nations 宗主国

Since the end of the Roman empire Italy has had no imperial ambitions in Europe.



n. thing that encourages a process to develop more quickly 推动;刺激

give/lend an impetus to... 推动(或促进)……/with great impetus 用大力/gain impetus 获得动力/a huge/powerful impetus 巨大/有力的推动/a cultural impetus 文化动力/a social impetus 社会动力/an impetus to sth. 对……的推动力

The two trains came into collision with great impetus.



n. tool or instrument 农具,用具 v. put sth. into effect; carry out 使……执行;实施

Implementing the new science standards and their math counterparts will be the challenge.



adj. meant though not plainly expressed 含蓄的 unquestioning and complete 无疑问的,完全的 involved in the nature or essence of sth. though not revealed 内含的,固有的

implicit指某种东西是暗含于话语、行动、外表、性格或有关的人、物的方式之中,并非得到明确论述或表达。如:It is implicit on your statement that I was wrong.(你话中暗含的意思是我错了。)implicit的反义词是explicit。如:He would not be more explicit about the matter.(他对那件事不愿说得更清楚。)

an implicit assent 默认/implicit obedience 绝对服从/implicit faith 全信

His comments were viewed as implicit of the policy.



n. sudden urge to act without thinking about the results 冲动,刺激

on impulse 一时冲动,一时心血来潮/on the impulse of the moment 由一时高兴/a man of impulse 易冲动的人;感情用事的人/an impulse buyer 一时冲动的买主/ give an impulse to... 促进……;刺激……

Natural impulses of anger, hostility, and territoriality are expressed through acts of violence.


I had a sudden impulse to punch him in the face, but I managed to hold back my anger.



vt. to introduce sb.important into a new place or job by holding a special ceremony 使就职,举行……开幕式,举行……(落成、通车)典礼 to be the beginning of 开始,开创;开展

inaugurate a president 举行总统就职典礼/inaugurate a new bridge 举行新桥落成典礼(通车仪式)/the inaugurating general meeting 成立大会

Inaugurated a second time on march 4, 1901, William Mckinley looked forward to a new term.



n. an encouragement to greater activity 刺激,鼓励; 动力,动机

后可接to sth.或to do sth。incentive用作名词,意为“动机;刺激,鼓励”,是可数名词。如:give sb.an incentive to (make) greater efforts(刺激某人做出更大的努力)。

be an incentive to 对……起刺激(鼓励)作用/material incentives 物质刺激

Hope of becoming a scientist is his incentive to hard work.



n. extent to which sth. happens or has an effect 发生 (率), 频率, 事情发生或具有影响的程度 the act or an instance of happening; occurrence 发生,发生的行为或事件;出现

the incidence of disease 发病率/the incidence of cancer 癌症发病率/the incidence of divorce 离婚率/the incidence of burglary 入室盗窃发生率

Physical symptoms include persistent muscular soreness, increased frequency of urial illnesses, and increased incidence of injuries.


There is a high incidence of divorce among couples who marry within a year of meeting.



adv. used to introduce sth additional that the speaker has just thought of 说话者用以引人临时想到补充要说的事情) 顺便提一句 in an incidental way 偶然地;不经意地

Some people, and incidentally that includes Arthur, just won t look after themselves properly.


Potential grandparents would be reminded that, without grandchildren around, it s possible to have a conversation with your kids, who incidentally would have more time for their own parents.



adj. including everything 总括的,包括一切在内的 including all the numbers or dates 首末日(或页码、数字等)包括在内的


inclusive 和 through 均指时间的“包括最后一天在内”。在美国常用 through 代替 inclusive。Wednesday to Friday inclusive = Wednesday through (或 through to) Friday 周三到周五(首尾两天都包括在内)。inclusive 还指“包括(一切费用在内)的。如:There are 10 people present at the banquet, inclusive of the hosts. 主客共10人出席这次宴会。如:From Tuesday through Friday, he is always busying. 从周二到周五,他一直很忙。

inclusive of 包括

The team consists of 15 people, inclusive of the caption.



v. to unite (one thing) with something else already in existence 合并,使组成公司,具体表现

incorporate with 混合,合并/incorporate new ideas into a book 在书中体现新思想/a firm incorporated with another 与另一家公司合并的公司/incorporate a chemical substance with others 把一种化学物质和其他化学物质混合

The shopping center also incorporates a library and a bank.



adj. impossible to believe 难以置信的

Ainstein s theory of relativity seemed incredible at the time when it was first introduced.



v. cause oneself to suffer (sth. bad) 招致;惹起

incur disease 招致疾病/incur hatred 招致仇恨/incur danger 招致危险/incur debts 负债/incur a heavy penalty 遭受重罚

During his stay in London he incurred debts of over 200 pounds.

在伦敦逗留期间他负了 200 多英镑的债。


adj. not exact or clear 不清楚的,不精确的 not clearly defined or stated 不确定的,未决定的

an indefinite answer 含糊其辞的答复/indefinite strike 无期限罢工

The directions we were given were so indefinite that we lost our way.



adj. stating a fact or asking question of fact 指示的;陈述的

be indicative of 表示;表明/the indicative mood 陈述语气,陈述式

All the ceremonies at the 2000 Olympic Games had a unique Australian flavor,indicative of their multicultural communities.



adj. angry and scornful, esp. at injustice or because of underserved blame, etc. 愤慨的

an indignant glance 愤怒的一瞥/boisterously indignant 狂怒的/righteously indignant 义愤的/wax indignant over...因……而发怒/be indignant at/over/about sth. 对(某事)感到愤慨/be indignant with sb. 对(某人)感到气愤

Mr. Smith became very indignant when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.



n. anger caused by sth thought to be unjust, unfair, etc (对不公正的事激起的)愤慨,愤怒

indignation at the injustice 对不公平的愤慨/arouse sb. s indignation激起某人的愤怒/restrain indignation 抑制愤怒/show indignation 表现出愤怒/show indignation 表现出愤怒/quench indignation 息怒/to sb. s indignation 使某人感到气愤的是/an indignation meeting 声讨会

Much to my indignation, he sat down in my seat.



vt. to lead or move,as to a course of action,by influence or persuasion 劝诱,促使,导致,引起,感应

induce意为“引诱,劝”,含有引导的意思,不见得有坏的动机。如:Advertisements induce people to buy.(广告劝诱人们去购买物品。)A sound argument induces people to agree.(言之成理的论点会说服人们同意。) induce还作“造成,引起”解。如:Too much food induces sleepiness.(吃得过饱会产生睡意。)

induced abortion 人工流产

Nothing shall induce me to join their club.



v. to allow to enjoy whatever he likes (使)沉迷(于) to yield too much to the desires of someone 放任,放纵

indulge 作vi.时后接in,作“沉溺于,沉迷于,享受”讲。

indulge children 纵容小孩/indulge in emotions 任性/indulge oneself in delights of leisure 一味贪图安逸/indulge one s hobby 沉湎于业余癖好/indulge sb. s son 纵容某人的儿子/indulge a sick person 迁就病人

On weekends my grandma usually indulges in a glass of wine.


That s why Hallowell believes it was okay for people to indulge some extreme worries last fall by asking doctors for Cipro and buying gas masks.



n. lack of vigor 无活力;迟钝 tendency to remain unchanged 惰性;保守 property of matter by which it remains in a state of rest unless acted upon by an external force 惯性

gross inertia 十足的惰性/mental inertia 头脑迟钝

It was difficult to overcome the inertia of the heavy roller and start it moving.



adj. (of a disease caused by bacteria, etc that are passed on from one person to another ( 指疾病)传染的,感染的

an infectious disease (空气传播)传染病/infectious laughter 有感染力的笑声

Flu is highly infectious.



n. process of inferring 推论;推理;推断

If he is guilty then by inference so is she, ie this conclusion follows logically from the same set of facts.


Is that a fair inference (to draw) from his statement?



n. rise in prices resulting from an increase in the supply of money 通货膨胀,物价上涨 the act of inflating or the state of being inflated充气,膨胀

Over the past decade, prices leaped by more than double the inflation rate.



vt. to cause to suffer 使遭受(损伤,痛苦等),使承担 to force sth. unpleasant on 把……强加于

inflict意为“使蒙受(损失,灾难等),强加于”,宾语后面与介词on(或upon)连。如:inflict a defeat(loss)on the enemy(给敌人遭受失败/损失);inflict harm on sb.(加害于某人);inflict punishment upon sb.(惩罚某人)。

inflict a blow on sb. 给某人以打击/inflict...on/upon...使……遭受(损伤,痛苦等);处(罚),加(刑)

Montgomery believed in assembling an overwhelming force and then inflicting a crushing blow on his opponent.



adj. having or showing cleverness at making or inventing things 机灵的,有独创性的 skillfully made 精巧的,巧妙的

ingenious常指人的头脑聪明,有发明的才能。如:an ingenious designer(心灵手巧的设计师);an ingenious mind(机灵的头脑);an ingenious author(有创造力的作家)。ingenious不同于ingenuous,后者意为“天真的;直率的;坦白的;老实的”。如:an ingenuous country girl(率直的乡村姑娘)。


ingenious 与 ingenuous 的差异。前者指灵巧的,机敏的(指人);巧妙的,精巧的(指物);后者指直率的,诚恳的,朴实的。如:This mousetrap is an ingenious device.这捕鼠器是个精巧的装置。如:He was soft spoken and ingenuous.他说话温柔,天真坦率。

an ingenious mind 机灵的头脑/an ingenious machine 精巧的机器/flexible and ingenious tactics 机动灵活的战术/ingenious at soloing difficulty 善于解决困难/an ingenious plan 别出心裁和计划

Logically, one day raw materials must run out: the planet is a finite place, yet is also very big, and man is very ingenious.


It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ingenious plan.



n. an element in a mixture or compound; a constituent 成分,要素 any of the foods that are combined to make a particular dish (烹调用的)调料

This means topsoil contains few of the ingredients needed for longterm successful farming.



v. to live or reside in; occupy 居住;栖息;占据

inhabit a city 住在城市


vt. to hold back from sth. 抑制,禁止,约束

inhibit sb. from doing sth.妨碍某人(做某事)

The medicine inhibited the spread of the disease.



vt. to start sth. working 开始,着手


initiate into 介绍参加,使进入/使有初步了解/initiate a conversation 开始交谈/initiate a chain reaction 引起连锁反应/initiate a new programme of reform 开始实施一项新的改革方案/initiate sb.in (to) the ballet 把芭蕾舞的基本技巧教给某人/initiate new members 接纳新会员

The government will initiate a reform in the educational system.


In November 1987 the government initiated a public debate on the future direction of the official sports policy.



n. the power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination 发端;首创(精神);主动;积极性 adj. of or relating to initiation. 开始的,与开始有关的

take the initative 采取主动/do sth. on one s own initiative 主动地做某事


vt. to make enter a part of the body by means of a special needle 注射 to add sth. needed to sth. 注入

后接into或with。inject的喻义为“插(话);引入;投入”。如:When she and I were talking, he injected a remark into the conversation.(在她和我谈话的时候,他插嘴讲了一句话。They were against injecting politics into the games.(他们反对把政治引入体育运动会。)

inject...into...把……注入到/inject with 用……来注射

The desperate doctors injected every possible drug into him with a view to saving his life.



adj. of, relating to, or located in the interior part of a country or region 内陆的,内地的 operating or applying within the borders of a country or region 国内的 adv. in or towards the interior 在内地,在内陆

inland towns 内地城市/an inland river 内河/inland telegraph 国内电报/inland waters 内陆水域

Sea levels shot up nearly 400 feet, flooding coastal settlements and forcing people to migrate inland.

海平面上涨了将近 400 英尺,淹没了海岸上的一些居民区,迫使人们迁往内陆。(2002年6月阅读理解)

He traveled inland from New York to Chicago.



n. a recess, such as a bay or cove, along a coast 水湾,小湾 an opening providing a means of entrance or intake 入口,进口


n. innovating 革新;改革;创新;引入新事物 instance of this; new technique, idea, etc 新方法、新技术、新思想等

technical innovation 技术革新/educational innovation 教育革新/radical innovations 彻底的改革/introduce an innovation 采用一项革新/make an innovation 进行革新/oppose innovation 反对创新

The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller.


Beyond the realm of information technology, the accelerated pace of technological change in virtually every industry has created entirely new business, wiped out others, and produced a Pervasive( 广泛的) demand for continuous innovation.



adj. too many to be counted 数不清的;无数的

an innumerable throng of people 人山人海/innumerable grains of sand 数不清的砂粒/innumerable problems 无数问题/innumerable letters 无数信件/innumerable occasions 无数场合,无数次

An innumerable crowd of people gathered in the Time square on the Christmas Eve.



adj. of people and their acts mad 疯的 very foolish 愚蠢的,荒唐的

insane还可作“蠢极的;荒唐的”解。如:He was dumbfounded by the insane assault.(他被这一荒唐的攻击搞得目瞪口呆。)insane的反义词是sane。

an insane person 疯子/go insane 发疯/insane asylum 精神病院,疯人院/be insane on subject 在某个问题上是荒谬的/drive sb.insane 逼疯某人/insane actions 疯狂的行动

The insane person as committed to a mental hospital.



n. ability to see into the true nature of sth. 洞察力,见识

Besides cloning a great dog, the project may contribute insight into the old question of nature vs. nurture.



n. stimulation of the mind, feelings, etc to do sth beyond a person s usual ability, esp creative ability in art, literature, music, etc; state or quality of being inspired 灵感 person or thing that causes this state 鼓舞或激励人的人或事物 (sudden) good idea resulting from such a state (心血来潮的) 妙计,好主意,灵机

have a sudden inspiration 灵机一动/derive/get/draw inspiration from 从……获得灵感/give (the) inspiration to 启发;鼓舞

Her work shows real inspiration.


I ve just had an inspiration: why don t we try turning it the other way!



n. one of a number of successive payments in settlement of a debt 分期付款 a portion of sht, such as a publication, issued at intervals 分期连载的文学作品的一章或一部

keep up installments 按时支付分期付款/pay by/in installments 分期付款/installment plan (美语)分期付款购买(=hire purchase)

We couldn t really afford to buy a house so we got it on hire purchase and paid monthly installments.



adj. occurring or completed without perceptible delay 即刻的,瞬间的

an instantaneous answer 立即回答/instantaneous death 立即死去/an instantaneous explosion 瞬间爆炸/instantaneous response 即刻的反应/an instantaneous photography 快照

She took powerful poison and her death was instantaneous.



adj. in doing sth being the means of bringing sth about 作为促成某事物之手段;有帮助;起作用 of or for musical instruments 乐器的;为器乐用的

instrumental music 器乐/ be instrumental in doing sth. 对……有帮助

Our artistic director was instrumental in persuading the orchestra to come and play for us.



v. to prevent the passage of heat,electricity,or sound into or out of,esp.by surrounding with a nonconducting aterial 使绝热;使绝缘to cause to be in a detached or isolated position 隔离,使处于孤立或隔绝的位置

insulate在物理学中的意思是“使绝缘;使隔热;使隔音”。如:Electric wires should be insulated with a nonconducting substance.(电线应该用非导体绝缘。)Doubleglazing of windows helps to insulate the house from the cold weather.(给窗子装上双层玻璃有助于使房子与寒冷的天气绝缘。)

insulate an electric wire with rubber 用橡皮使电线绝缘/insulating tape 绝缘胶带

Rubber is used to insulate electric wires.



adj. undamaged; complete 原封未动的,未受损的

keep/leave sth. intact 使某物保持原样

He can scarcely survive this scandal with his reputation intact.



adj. essential or necessary for completeness; constituent 构成整体所必须的,整体的 expressed as or in terms of integers 整数的,用整数表示的 n. a complete unit; a whole 整体;全体

an integral part of the whole 整体的组成部分/be integral to 对……是不可或缺的,对……(构成整体)是必需的

Students must be incorporated, made, so far as possible, an integral part of the learning process.


The kitchen is an integral part of a house.



v. combine sth. in such a way that it becomes fully a part of sth. else 结合,使……成为一体

integrate... into 使……并入/integrate with 与……结合


n. quality of being honest and upright in character 正直,诚实 state or condition of being complete 完整,完善,健全

honesty, integrity

honesty 一般用词,指与人相处时公正,遵守道德标准,不欺骗,不说谎,不偷窃。如:I m sure of his honesty. 我相信他是诚实的。 integrity指品格纯正,廉洁奉公,不偏心。如:The judge s integrity was unquestioned. 那个法官为人正直,是毫无异议的。

a man of integrity 正直的人/territorial integrity 领土完整/commercial integrity 商业诚实/not on integrity 残缺不全

The time-honored values of integrity of character, good work, friendship, family and community have often been sacrificed in the rush to riches.


Mutual respect for territorial integrity is one of the basses upon which our two countries develop relationships.


 It questions the integrity of individuals working in a profession that prizes intellectual honesty as the supreme virtue, and plays into the hands of those who would like to discredit scientists by representing then a venal.



n. the ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding 理解力;思维能力;理智,智力 a person of great intellectual ability 明智者,有才智的人


adj. which can be understood 可理解的,明白易懂的

an intelligible explanation 明白易懂的解释/make oneself intelligible 使人明白/an intelligible reader 理解力高的读者/an intelligible decision 明智的决定

The science teacher s explanations were so intelligible that students had no problems doing their assignments.



v. to become more intense (使)增强,(使)变尖锐

intensify the struggle for peace 加强争取和平的斗争

They have intensified the patrols along the frontier.



adj. showing fixed attention in doing or wishing to do 专心/注的 n. purpose 意图,意向 intention 企图

be intent on/upon 一心想(做某事)/of intent 有意的/to all intents (and purposes) 实际上,基本上

The intent of the new Harvard Center on Media and Child Health to collect and standardize studies of media violence in order to compare their methodologies, assumptions and conclusions is an important step in the right direction.


The burglar broke into the house with intent to steal.



v. act or have an effect on each other 相互作用,相互影响

interact on 相互作用……,相互影响……/interact with 与……相互作用,与……相互影响

All things are interrelated and interact on each other.



n. during the time that comes between; meantime 在其间;在其时 adj. existing or in force only for a short time; temporary; provisional 暂时的;临时的

interim trial 临时试验/an interim dividend (未决算的)暂定股利/an interim report 临时性的报告/an interim government 过渡政府/an interim agreement 一项临时协议/at interim 暂时的;临时代理的/in the interim 在这期间;在过渡期间/during the interim 在……的整个期间

My new job starts in May. what are you doing in the interim ?



adj. of or on the inside 内部的 of affairs within a country 国内的;内政的

There will be intermittent thunderstorms throughout the day.



n. intersecting or being intersected 横断;横切;相交;交叉 point where two lines, etc intersect 交点 place where two or more roads intersect; crossroads 交叉路口;十字路口

at a street intersection 在交叉路口/at the intersection of... and... 在……路与……路的相交处

Bridges are used to avoid the intersection of a railroad and a highway.



vi. to interrupt sth. esp. to prevent a bad result 干涉,干预 to come between events 介入,插入

intervene, interfere

intervene, interfere两个都可表示“干预,干涉”, intervene 常含有干预争端或调停的意思,而 interfere 一般含有妨碍的意思;intervene in, interfere in:指“介/插入”(时间或空间)时,要用 intervene in/between;interfere 后跟 with 则意为“阻挠,妨碍”。如:He intervened in the quarrel between them. 他出面调停他们之间的争吵。如:None of them has any right to interfere with me. 他们中谁也无权干涉我。

intervene in 干预,干涉/intervene in a dispute 调停争论/intervene between 在……之间进行调停

The argument between the two boys became so fierce that Dad had to intervene and tell them to behave.



vt. to make sb. fearful enough to do what one wants 恐吓,威胁

intimidate sb. into doing sth. 胁迫某人做某事/intimidate a witness 恐吓证人/intimidate with 用……吓唬

The major s enemies accused him of trying to use policemen to intimidate voters on election day.



adj. made up of many small parts put together in a complex way, and therefore difficult to follow or understand 复杂的;难懂的

an intricate instrument 复杂的仪器/an intricate plot 错综复杂的情节/ an intricate design 难懂的设计/an intricate knot 复杂难解的结

Although the body is made up of many different tissues, these tissues are arranged in an intricate and orderly fashion.


An detective story usually has an intricate plot.



v. to interest greatly 激起……的好奇心/兴趣 to make a secret plan 密谋,施诡计 n. plot, secret plan 阴谋,诡计


intrigue with A against B 与A密谋杀害B /a diplomatic/political intrigue 外交(政治)阴谋

The are intriguing against the local government.



adj. being part of the nature or character of sb. or sth. 生来的,内在的,固有的

intrinsic energy 内能/intrinsic speed 特性(本征)速度/a man s intrinsic worth 一个人内在的优点

The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of.



n. power of understanding things immediately,without the need for conscious reasoning or study 直觉,直觉力

powers of intuition 直觉能力/mysterious intuition 神秘的直觉/trust one s intuition 相信直觉

Intuition is the power of the immediate understanding of something without reasoning or study.



adj. not properly based or able to be upheld by reasoning 论据不足的 not officially acceptable or legally recognized 无效的,法律或官方不认可的 n. person weakened through illness or injury 病号

invalid claims 无效的要求/invalid will 无效的遗嘱/invalid contracts 无效的契约/declare a marriage invalid 宣布结婚无效/invalid soldiers 伤兵/a bedridden invalid 卧床不起的病人/a chronic invalid 患慢性病的病人/a war invalid 战争造成的伤病员

Unless it is signed, a check is invalid.



adj. of value too high to be measured 极宝贵的,有用的,无价的


an invaluable treasure 无价之宝/make oneself invaluable to the country 使自己成为国家的宝贵人才

These manus are invaluable to scholars and should be in a museum.



adj. not changing or subject to change; constant 不变地,总是

Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves invariably know where to look for them.



n. detailed list, eg of goods, furniture, jobs to be done 详细目录,清单(如商品、家具、要做的事的单子)

keep/make a full, complete, careful inventory (of sth) 记录(某事物的)详尽的、完整的、仔细的清单

They will make an inventory of all the items in the estate.



v. put sth. upside down or in the opposite order 倒置,颠倒 n. sth. inverted 颠倒的事物

invert the subject and predicate of a sentence 颠倒句子中主语和谓语的位置/inverted comma 引号/inverted order 倒装语序

Inflation inverts all the old canons of economics.



n. expression of one s meaning by saying the direct opposite of one s thoughts 反语,反话,讽刺

the irony of fate 命运的嘲弄/irony of circumstances 客观形势的嘲弄/Socratic irony 苏格拉底式的佯装无知愚弄对方

But here s the crazy irony, I don t want my childfree life back.


It was an irony that the firehouse burned.



adj. not taking account of 不顾的,不管的,不考虑的

irrespective of 是常用语,它后面跟名词或名词性短语。

irrespective of age(sex) 不论年龄大小(性别)/irrespective of 不管,不论,不顾/irrespective of the consequences 不顾后果/irrespective of the cost 不惜工本/irrespective of duty status 不论职位高低/irrespective of sex,age or education 不论性别、年龄或教育程度

Students irrespective of nationality and sex, may join the club.



v. supply with water 灌溉 wash a wound with a constant flow of liquid 冲


an irrigation channel 灌溉渠/bring the farm land under irrigation 使农田水利化

Now in western part of China, the government class on people to irrigate the desert areas to make them fertile.



vt. to make sb. annoyed or impatient 激怒,使烦躁 to make painful or sore 使疼痛

irritate还可作“激怒,使恼怒;使烦躁”解,指由于外界的原因而生气。如:be irritated by sb. s insolence(被某人的傲慢无礼弄得恼火)。irritateirritable (adj. 易怒的,急躁的)。如:an irritable disposition(急躁的脾性)。

be irritated against (by,with) sb. 对某人生气

Please do not be irritated by his offensive remarks since he is merely trying to attract attention.



n. a hard, smooth, yellowishwhite substance composed primarily of dentin that forms the tusks of the elephant 象牙 a pale or grayish yellow to yellowish white 象牙色,乳白色

ivory tower 象牙塔(与世隔绝的境界)/ivory yellow 乳白色/artificial ivory 人造象牙/fossil ivory 象牙化石/Ivory coast 象牙海岸/solid ivory (俚)头脑迟钝的人;笨蛋/show one s ivory (俚)露出牙齿,咧着嘴笑

The museum has a fine collection of medieval ivories.
