
第9章 Abandon And Obtain人生舍与得(2)

Whether you live in a state of love or a state of upset depends,not on your circumstances,but on how you relate to your circumstances.A good way to see this is to look at upsets.

Upsets seem to be caused by what happens but they’re not.Upsets are caused by your fighting and resisting what happens.To see this in your life,select a recent upset.Now notice what would happen if somehow youwere at peace with what happened.There would be no upset.

There would be no upset because upsets aren’t caused by what happened.Upsets are caused by fighting and resisting what happened.The moment you take away the fighting and resisting,the upset disappears.

To live the experience of love,and to create a life that works,you need to stop the fighting and resisting.You do this through a process called letting go.

Letting go is the inner action that releases the fear and upset.The moment you let go,everything seems to change.With the fear and upset gone,you see your situation very differently.You become creative and discover solutions that you could never have seen before.

To let go,you need to do the opposite of fighting and resisting.You need to let go of your demands and expectations for how life should be and make peace with the way life is.

Find what you are resisting.Then give it full permission to be there.If you have a fear of losing a relationship,be willing to be it.If you are resisting the way someone is,then give the person full permission to be that way.

Be willing for anything.Set yourself free inside.Then take whatever action you need to have your life be great.

Keep in mind that letting go is a state of mind and has nothing to do with your actions.Letting go is the process that removes the fear and upset so you can see what action you need to take.

In your heart,you can be willing to lose someone,but in your actions,do everything you can to make sure the person feels so loved that he or she would never want to leave.

To make letting go a little easier,there are several steps you can take.The first is trusting.Trust is that no matter what happens you will be okay.

When you know that you will be okay,letting go becomes relatively easy.

Trusting is also telling the truth.You really will be okay no matter what happens.Life is only threatening when you resist.So stop resisting and trust.Trust is that no matter what happens you will be okay.

The second step in the process of letting go is to be willing to feel your hurt.Be willing to feel all the hurt and the feelings of being not okay that your circumstances reactivate.Be willing to feel the hurt of being worthless or not“good enough”.

The avoidance of this hurt is what makes you resist.Once you are willing to feel this hurt,the need to resist disappears.You can then let go.

For example,Robert had a fear of losing his wife Jan.To make sure she didn’t leave,he hung on to her.His hanging on then pushed her further and further away.Robert was afraid of losing Jan because if she left him,this would reactivate all his hurt of feeling not worth loving.To avoid this hurt.He hung on.

Once he was willing to feel his hurt,the loss of Jan ceased to be a treat.He no longer needed to hang on and became willing for her to leave.The moment this happened he changed the way he related to her.Instead of needing Jan,he started treasuring her.Jan then felt so loved and able to be herself,she didn’t want to leave.

This is what happens in life.The more you are able to let go and flow with life,the more life takes care of itself.You may not always get what you want,but you can always be free inside.You can restore both your peace of mind and your effectiveness.You can create a life that works.




















What Will Matter 在乎你该在乎的

Anonymous 佚名

Ready or not,some day it will all come to an end.There will be no more sunrises,no days,no hours or minutes.All the things you collected,whether treasured or forgotten,will pass to someone else.

Your wealth,fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

Your grudges,resentments,frustrations,and jealousies will finally disappear.So,too,your hopes,ambitions,plans,and to-do lists will all expire.The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.

It won’t matter where you came from,or on what side of the tracks you lived.It won’t matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant.Your gender,skin color,ethnic will be irrelevant.

So what will matter?How will the value of your days be measured?

What will matter is not what you bought,but what you built;not what you got,but what you gave.