
第94章 Trendy Lifestyle 潮流生活(6)

Known as the “King of Pop,” Jackson’s dramatic stage presence and innovative dance moves were imitated by legions of fans around the world。




“For his legions of fans, he was the Peter Pan of pop music: the little boy who refused to grow up。 But on the verge of another attempted comeback, he is suddenly gone, this time for good。”——The New York Times。


Michael Jackson’s video for his hit single “Thriller” has been voted the most influential in pop music history。


Country and western music lies close to the heart of many Americans。


This style originated among country folks in the southern and western United States。


Country music tells down-to-earth stories about love and life’s hardships。 Guitars, banjos and violins—also known as fiddles—give country music its characteristic sound。


The home of country music is Nashville, Tennessee—Music City U。S。A。


Jazz music, developed by African-Americans in the late 1800s, allows performers to freely express their emotions and musical skill。


Instead of just playing the melody, jazz musicians improvise different tunes using the same chords。


The peak of jazz music came in the 1920s, known as “The Jazz Era。”


This period produced musicians like Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington。 These musicians later created the “big band” sounds of the 1930s。

这个时期创造出来的乐手有阿姆斯特朗(Louise Armstrong),古德曼(Benny goodman)和埃林顿(Duke Ellington)。这些乐手稍后都创造了1930年代的“大乐团”之音。

Different styles of jazz developed in different cities, such as New Orleans, Chicago, New York and Kansas City。


Let’s Talk!


Gucci: I’m so excited to be here。 It’s hard to believe that I can see the Twins face to face, and get their signatures。 Maybe I will get the chance to have a photograph with them…古奇: 到这里来我真的太兴奋了。很难相信我竟然可以面对面地看到Twins,还可以得到她们的签名。也许,我还可以有跟她们合影的机会……May: Calm down, sweetie。 It’s a long queue, and also their signatures are not free。 You get them only after you buy their new released CD。

阿美: 冷静一点,亲爱的。队伍那么长,况且她们的签名又不是免费的。你得买了她们发行的新唱片才可以得到的啊。

Gucci: Come on, May。 It’s the time of my life。 It’s a wonderful thing that they issued their album here with this signature court。

古奇: 拜托,阿美,这可是我人生中的重要时刻。她们来这里开签售会发行新唱片多棒啊。

May: You are such a big fan of them。 Well, do you know when they started to sing?

阿美: 你可真是她们的超级粉丝啊。不过,你知道她们是从什么时候开始唱歌的吗?

Gucci: Sure。 Two years ago, they took part in a singing contest, and won the first place。 After that, their fans appeared in a rush。

古奇: 那当然,两年前,她们参加了一个歌唱比赛,并且夺得了第一名。在那之后,她们的粉丝数量很快地扩大了。

May: What about their singing standard?

阿美: 她们的歌唱水平怎么样?

Gucci: You’ve got to the point。 They have very sweet voices。

古奇: 你说到点子上了。她们的嗓音非常甜美。

May: Can they do high notes?

阿美: 她们能唱高音吗?

Gucci: I think so。 But they don’t rely on hitting high notes to attract you。 The point is their songs can always touch your soul, making you feel pure。

古奇: 我觉得可以。不过她们不靠高音来吸引你。关键在于她们的歌可以打动你的灵魂,让人感觉到纯净。

May: Sounds good。 Hey, the poster on the wall says that they are going to hold a concert next Friday。 Will you be there?

阿美: 听起来不错。嗨,墙上的海报说下周五她们要举办一场演唱会。你会去听吗?

Gucci: Yeah。 I’ve got two tickets。 Would you like to join me?

古奇: 我去,我有两张票呢。你想和我一起去吗?

May: I’d love to。

阿美: 我很乐意啊。




Realize Pet Culture



There are a vast range of commodity forms available to transform a pet dog into an ideal companion。 The list of goods, services and places available is enormous: from dog perfumes, couture, furniture and housing, to dog groomers, therapists, trainers and care-takers, dog cafes, spas, parks and beaches, and dog hotels, airlines and cemeteries。 While dog training as an organized activity can be traced back to the 18th century, in the last decades of the 20th century it became a high profile issue as many normal dog behaviors such as barking, jumping up, digging, rolling in dung, fighting, and urine marking became increasingly incompatible with the new role of a pet dog。 Dog training books, classes and television programs proliferated as the process of commodifying the pet dog continued。

A pet dog takes part in Christmas traditions。 The majority of contemporary dog owners describe their dog as part of the family, although some ambivalence about the relationship is evident in the popular reconceptualisation of the dog-human family as a pack。 A dominance model of dog-human relationships has been promoted by some dog trainers, such as on the television program Dog Whisperer。 However it has been disputed that “trying to achieve status” is characteristic of dog–human interactions。 Pet dogs play an active role in family life; for example, a study of conversations in dog-human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource, talking to the dog, or talking through the dog, to mediate their interactions with each other。 Another study of dogs’ roles in families showed many dogs have set tasks or routines undertaken as family members, the most common of which was helping with the washing-up by licking the plates in the dishwasher, and bringing in the newspaper from the lawn。 Increasingly, human family members are engaging in activities centered on the perceived needs and interests of the dog, or in which the dog is an integral partner, such as Dog Dancing and Doga。



Pet nurse宠物保健师

Pet trainer宠物驯导师

Pet Groomer宠物美容师






Alaskan Malamute阿拉斯加雪橇犬

American Eskimo Dog美国爱斯基摩犬

Australian Shepherd澳洲牧羊犬

Bichon Frise卷毛比雄犬

Bulldog老虎犬 (英国斗牛)



Lakeland Terrier湖畔梗
