
第88章 Marriage and Family 家庭两性(20)

The different generations of employees do not have the same expectations of work and values of employment, which is a difficult gap to bridge。


We often hear about the “generation gap” that occurs between parents and children when it comes to music, morals, fashion and a host of other things。


Now there is a generation lap, the tendency for young people to be increasingly more technically savvy than their parents or elders。


This gap exists in the use of technology where the young generation has become the authority, effectively flipping the typical parental and professional hierarchy on its head in many respects。


They’re not just ahead of their parents in the way they use technology, they’ve lapped their parents and are working at a whole new level。


That’s why there is an unbelievable example from Finland where the government has hand-selected 5000 Net Generations to train the country’s teachers how to use computers。 The students are the teachers and the teachers will be the students。


There are so many differences between generations because each has a different deposit of culture and experiences。


To some extent generation gap has become a social problem。


Yet we find it absolutely difficult to solve because there’s no way to smooth away these differences。


Many people think that generation gap is a modern phrase。


But the great philosopher Socrates three thousand years ago already gave his description of the young in his society。 He said, “They have no manners at all。 They despise on the authority, con-tradict their parents and beat their teachers。 They devour the food ravenously and talk on and on leaving no chance for the other to speak。 ”


Thus it can be seen that the generation gap has a much longer history than we thought。


Generation gap doesn’t come from differences between generations, but results from lack of understanding between them, and mutual understanding depends on how well two generations communicate。


Generation gap can be bridged as long as both parents and children are willing to make efforts。


With the change of the world over decades, the attitude of the young has altered too。


Let’s Talk!


Linda: Bella, is there generation gap between you and your parents?


Bella: Yes, of course。


Linda: How to bridge the generation?


Bella: I’m afraid that’s not an easy thing to explain。


Linda: Of course, this is a big problem。


Bella: What do you think of the reason why generation gap appears?


Linda: First, the young and their parents often fail to talk with each other。 Even sometimes they hear each other, but they do not put them in heart。 By doing this, they send false message to each other 。As the result, their two different worlds meet head on and琳达:首先。父母和孩子之间没能好好沟通。即便他们有时候也会倾听对方的想法,但他们并没有在心理上给予足够的重视。这样做的结果就是他们会相互传达一些错误的信息。这样就会导致意见向左,代沟也就随之产生了。

Bella: Oh, I see。 How to bridge the generation?


Linda: For the parents, they should treat their children as free men not children。 After all, they are young and they have their own ideas。 Whether they are wrong or not, parents should expect their children’s ideas 。If they are truly wrong, parents should have琳达:对父母而言,他们应该将孩子视为是自由的个体,毕竟孩子还年轻。他们有自己的想法,无论是对还是错,父母都应尊重孩子的意见。如果孩子的想法真的存在问题,那么父母就应该有足够的耐心让孩子慢慢意识到自己的错误。

Bella: That’s right 。I agree with you。


Linda: It is really a big question。 But I think it can be solved。


Bella: Yeah, it will be easy to tackle if the children can understand their parents’ concern about them。


Linda: When they are grown up, they will。
