
第49章 Healthy Living 健康生活(1)

Outdoor Exercises



Realize Various Outdoor Exercises



A systematic review carried out by a team at the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry has analyzed existing studies and concluded that there are benefits to mental and physical well-being from taking exercise in the natural environment。

Eligible trials were those that compared the effects of outdoor exercise initiatives with those conducted indoors and which reported at least one physical or mental well-being outcome in adults or children。

The study found that most trials showed an improvement in mental well-being: compared with exercising indoors, exercising in natural environments was associated with greater feelings of revitalisation, increased energy and positive engagement, together with decreases in tension, confusion, anger and depression。 Participants also reported greater enjoyment and satisfaction with outdoor activity and stated that they were more likely to repeat the activity at a later date。

However, none of the identified studies measured the effects of physical activity on physical well-being, or the effect of natural environments on sticking to exercise。

On balance this review has identified some promising effects on self-reported mental well-being immediately following exercise in the natural environment, as opposed to those reported following exercise indoors。 This is a first step towards vindicating the positive effects of programmes such as the Green Gym and Blue Gym, and innovative interventions by medical practitioners that include exercise outdoors as part of holistic treatments for those suffering from depression and similar psychological ailments。

At present research analysts are working with a paucity of high quality evidence, and one significant outcome from this study is the urgent need for there to be further research in this area。 Large, well-designed longer-term trials in populations who might benefit most from the potential advantages of outdoor exercise are needed to fully analyze the effects of outdoor exercise on mental and physical well-being。 Studies are also required that measure the influence of such effects on the sustainability of physical activity。



Hiking uses a lot of up-and-down movement, so you get a tremendous leg workout along with the cardiovascular benefits。


Kayaking is primarily an upper-body sport, but it also works the muscles of the center of your body, back, and stomach。Beginners should start by taking a class or clinic in a pool or flat-water location。


Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise。 A 150-pound woman can burn 306 calories running for 30 minutes at 5 mph (a 12-minute mile)。


Not only is bicycling an excellent cardiovascular exercise, but you can really explore your community by cycling to different neighborhoods or in parks, bike paths, or trails。

Rock climbing攀岩

Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up or across natural rock formations。 The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a pre-defined route without falling。

户外运动是一项在自然场地举行的一组集体项目群。其中包括登山:体育运动的一类。运动员徒手或使用专门装备攀登各种不同地形的山峰或山岭。 穿越 :主要靠行走去完成起点到终点的穿越里程。中间可能要跨越山岭、丛林、沙漠、雪原、溪流、峡谷等地貌的一种户外活动。 徒步:也即“HIKING”,是户外运动的基本构成,可以简单地理解为长途步行。

Key words & Sentences


New research shows that even just five minutes of exercise in a natural setting can significantly boost your mood。


Exercise alone is known to make you happier。 So is being in a natural setting。


If it’s difficult to motivate yourself to exercise, a change of venue may be in order。 How about the great outdoors?


With warmer weather on the way, the American Diabetes Association suggests these outdoor activities may get you moving: Go for a walk outside, Pull months’ worth of weeds in the garden, Go for a hike on a wooded trail, Play a game of Frisbee, Try kayaking or canoeing, Head to the park for a walk or a game of tag with the kids or grandchildren。


Go where there are no other people and set up camp there。 It is quite popular to go to lakes and rivers and camp beside them。 This is so people can fish and ride on boats。


People like to climb mountains and go fishing。 Other people go hunting for deer 。 Some people just like to read books by a river…it is very relaxing。


If walking or jogging doesn’t appeal to you, then you might find some other form of aerobic exercise that can make you at least moderately fit。


In Alaska and the great lakes region of north America winter activities include ice fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling。


The chill also offers challenges。 Ice swimming, for example, seems to be one with global appeal。


A hole is cut in the ice to expose enough water for adrenaline junkies to dive into。


In Russia, “walrus” clubs perform this function。


Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going。


Energy: the more you give the more you get back。


If you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat如果你停止锻炼,你的肌肉将变成脂肪。

Forget the gym! An open-air workout can work wonders for the mind。


Scientists are now calling for doctors to prescribe “green exercise”–working our in a park or the back garden—for patients who suffer from mental illness。
