
第47章 Food and Life 饮食男女(19)

Vegetarianism encompasses the practice of following plant-based diets (fruits, vegetables, etc。), with or without the inclusion of dairy products or eggs, and with the exclusion of meat (red meat, poultry, and seafood)。 Abstention from by-products of animal slaughter, such as animal-derived rennet and gelatin, may also be practiced。

Vegetarianism can be adopted for different reasons: In addition to ethical reasons, some reasons for vegetarianism include health, religious, political, environmental, cultural, aesthetic or economic, and there are varieties of the diet: An ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy products, a lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but not eggs, and an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products。 A vegan (or strict vegetarian) diet excludes all animal products, such as eggs, dairy, and honey。 Environmental vegetarianism is based on the concern that the production of meat and animal products for mass consumption, especially through factory farming, is environmentally unsustainable。 In May 2009, Ghent, Belgium, was reported to be “the first [city] in the world to go vegetarian at least once a week” for environmental reasons, when local authorities decided to implement a “weekly meatless day”。 Civil servants would eat vegetarian meals one day per week, in recognition of the United Nations’ report。

The American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada have stated that at all stages of life, a properly planned vegetarian diet is “healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provides health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases”。 Large-scale studies have shown that mortality from ischemic heart disease was 30% lower among vegetarian men and 20% lower among vegetarian women than in non-vegetarians。 Necessary nutrients, proteins, and amino acids for the body’s sustenance can be found in vegetables, grains, nuts, soymilk, eggs and dairy。 Vegetarian diets offer lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol and animal protein, and higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, foliate, and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and photochemical。



Vegetarian avoid all food made from animals, such as eggs, milk, cheese and honey。


An ovo-lacto vegetarian (or lacto-ovo vegetarian) is a vegetarian who does not eat animal flesh of any kind, but is willing to consume dairy and egg products。 In the Western world lacto-ovo vegetarians are the most common type of vegetarian。

(3)Raw foodism生食主义

Raw foodism (or rawism) is the practice of consuming uncooked, unprocessed, and often organic foods as a large percentage of the diet。Depending on the type of lifestyle and results desired, raw food diets may include a selection of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds (including sprouted whole grains such as gaba rice), eggs, fish (such as sashimi), meat (such as carpaccio), and non-pasteurized/non-homogenized dairy products (such as raw milk, raw milk cheese, and raw milk yogurt)(4)Fruitarianism食果实主义

Fruitarianism involves the practice of following a diet that includes fruits, nuts and seeds, without animal products, vegetables and grains。 Fruitarianism is a subset of dietary veganism。


Key words & Sentences


Pulses are a good source of protein for vegetarians。


In addition to food, the strictly vegetarian nor make use of animal products, such as leather, fur and cosmetics containing animal ingredients。


Deciding to become a vegetarian involves more than most people realize。 It is a lifestyle change。


Lacto–Ovo vegetarians eat plant foods, eggs, and other dairy products。


Lacto vegetarians eat only plant foods and dairy products。 They do not eat eggs or meat。 Eggs are considered potential animals。
