
第111章 Entertaining Divination 星座血型(4)

ARIES & TAURUS: The Bull has trouble with your free spirited attitude。 With compromise it can work。 A little bit dull for you at times however it can be a stabilizing experience for you。


ARIES & GEMINI: Wonderful alliance。 This is an exciting encounter that can in fact last。 Both you and Gemini are so spontaneous and full of life that there is no time for either of you to become bored。


ARIES & CANCER: The Crab is far too sensitive and slow for your speedy and hot tempered nature。This is really a poor match up right from day one。


AIRES & LEO: This is a most exhilarating combination。 You both share the same likes and dislikes。 You are both always on the go, craving excitement, love and fun。 This is truly a link made in heaven。


ARIES & VIRGO: Your impulsiveness is just too much for the Virgoan。 Virgo’s practical, critical nature will drive you away rapidly。


ARIES & LIBRA: Although opposites attract, the Scales are just a little too lazy to keep up with you。 You on the other hand lack the sophistication required to keep a Libran happy。


ARIES & SCORPIO: You are both ruled by the catalyst Mars that makes this union hot and heavy。 The possessive Scorpio will, however, does clash with your free spirited nature。


ARIES & SAGITTARIUS: This can be a good and a lasting relationship。 You are both fun-loving and quite oblivious to the faults that might drive most people crazy。 This is an exciting and adventurous union。


ARIES & CAPRICORN: Finances are the biggest detriment in this connection。 You can spend it as fast as the hard working Goat can make it that drives the frugal Capricorn insane。


ARIES & AQUARIUS: This is not a bad connection。 You are both inquisitive, however at times you may find it difficultto contemplate what the Water-bearer will do next。


Leo with Taurus Compatibility: There is a lot of initial attraction between these two Zodiac signs as both of them are full of passion and sensuality。


The Taurus individual will be attracted to the Leo for his independent and enthusiastic nature。 On the other hand the Leo individual will love the patient and reliable nature of the Taurus。


Both of them love a long lasting relationship and there will be no dearth of loyalty and romance。


Taurus will shower the Leo partner with attention and gifts and the Leo in turn will be at his charismatic best。


However, on the less brighter side, Leo and Taurus both being fixed signs may create a rift in their relationship。


The legendary stubborn nature of the Taurus often clashes with the bossy nature of the Leo。


The Leo woman may get annoyed by her Taurus partner who may seem slow and stubborn in more than one occasion。


The Leo woman may require a lot of patience to deal with the Taurus man but she will be rewarded with a successful and divinely romantic and trustworthy partner。


Both the Leo man and the Taurus woman are very loyal and devoted to each other。


The Taurus woman, in turn, must accept that her partner’s charming and pompous and not get annoyed by it。


Let’s Talk!


Lucy: What’s your sign?


Anna: As a person born under the sign of Cancer, I am home-loving and wish for a peaceful family life。


Lucy: So what about your boyfriend?


Anna: My boyfriend is Aries。


Lucy: It is said that people of Aries are speedy and hot tempered nature。 They are not good match with people of Cancer。


Anna: But I think although my boyfriend is Aries。 He is gentle and considerate。 And he is also very serious about things。


Lucy: That is to say that you actually deal with him very well in reality。


Anna: Of course。 We are planning to get married next year。


Lucy: Really。 Congratulations。 It seems the compatibility between sun signs is unbelievable。


Anna: I prefer to believe in my own feeling。


Lucy: You are right。


Which Like Single More?



Realize Leo and Virgo



Leo is the fifth astrological sign of the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Leo。 In astrology, Leo is considered to be a “masculine”, positive (extrovert) sign。 It is also considered a fire sign and is one of four fixed signs ruled by the Sun。 Being the fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo has been associated with the astrological fifth house。

Individuals born when the Sun is in this sign are considered Leo individuals。 The Sun is in Leo roughly from July 23 to August 22。 Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly from August 10 to September 15。

Generally, the natives of Leo are considered to be compatible with the natives of other fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius, and the natives of the air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius。 Taurus and Scorpio are signs of the other nature (feminine/introverted), but are considered semi-compatible with Leo due to them having the same fixed quality。