
第38章 应用文写作(3)

Permit me to congratulate you upon the successful completion of your Master"s Degree. (祝贺) It is your industriousness that has won you this Honor. I hope that your graduation will not end your studies,but will rather be the beginning of a new and broader education. I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever you may enter. (评论看法) How happy I shall be when I see you come back a distinguished scholar with knowledge and skills to benefit our country.

May you have outstanding success in your venture. (祝福)

Yours truly,



◆ What a wonderful performance!

◆ I"d like to congratulate you on your success.

◆ It"s the most joyful news I have heard for a long time.

◆ Heartiest/sincere/warm congratulation!

◆ I feel happy for you.

◆ I must congratulate you....

◆ Please accept my hearty congratulations.

◆ Congratulations on your being named this year"s outstanding manager.

◆ Best wishes for even greater success to you.

◆ May you have an even brighter future in your career.

◆ I wish you increasing happiness as the years go by.

◆ It"s a welldeserved recognition of your excellent performance.

◆ I believe you deserve the honor.

◆ Please allow me to congratulate most heartily on your success in your examination.

◆ I am glad to hear that you were appointed...,on which I congratulate you most heartily.

◆ I congratulate you upon your success.


跟前面提到的便条相比,约会便条(note of appointment)更简短,写起来也更容易。有时可能只有一句话,而且谦语都可省略。但是,既然是约会便条,时间和地点必不可少,而且一般需要对方回复是否能赴约。


June 18


Could we see each other at McDonald"s at 5 o"clock on Monday afternoon?



August 22

Mr. Fernando,

Shall we discuss my market research paper at 9:00 tomorrow morning? If not, please call me to make another time. Many thanks.



◆ Could you please appoint a time....

◆ Shall we discuss the matter at....

◆ Would you please arrange for Tom....

◆ Could we see each other at....

◆ Shall we meet at your convenience?


留言(note of message)是日常生活中经常使用的一种文体形式,其语言相对简单明了,但至少要说明留条的事由。由于留言一般都是当天留的,所以常常省略时间。


Dear Peter,

It was a pity that I didn"t meet you when I called on you. I"ve something important to tell you. I shall be obliged if you will favor me with a call tomorrow.

Yours ever,




Here is a ticket for the movie tomorrow. I"ll pick you up at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow.




◆ 建议信(note of advice)

Oct. 19

Dear Raymond,

I am writing to tell you that I have just learned from the notice board that our university library is in need of a parttime librarian who can work at weekends. It is said the job is wellpaid. Though there are many students who are very interested in this job, I think you are the best person for it. So why not have a try?



◆ 抱怨投诉信(note of complaint)

Sept.11, 2007

Dear Sir or Madam,

I"m writing to tell you that I really can"t bear the bad service of your restaurant. I went to your restaurant to have a dinner yesterday. When I was enjoying my dinner, the waitress spilt the hot soup onto my new dress. Even worse, she didn"t think it"s her fault and refused to apologize. I hope this matter can call your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Lara Sheraton

◆ 借条(IOU)

October 15, 2007

Having borrowed from Michael Johnson US $ 3,000 and the interest rate is 6%.

Denial Watson

◆ 收据(receipt)

September 7, 2007

Having received from Jackie Manson two books Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen and David Copperfield by Charles Dickens.


寻物启事及失物招领(lost & found)

A Nokia Cell Phone Lost

January 28

In the classroom 311, No.5 Lecture Building, on the evening of January 27, a Nokia cell phone was lost. Finder please returns it to the owner, Jessica, in Room 101, No.4 Dormitory Building or call 6565 8821.

Many thanks.

A Wallet Found

May 19

A wallet was found, inside of which are money and two credit cards. Owner is expected to come to identify it. Please claim it at the Lost Property Office, Room 810, Lecture Building.




To: Mr. Peterson,manager(addressee"s name,title)

From: Miss Williams,secretary

Date: March 20, 2007

Subject: Office furniture

Dear Sir,

I would like to remind you that our department is badly in need of some new office furniture. Please take notice of this and solve it ASAP.

Best regards.

Yours respectfully,

Anna Williams

收件人(或收件单位)的姓名、头衔、地址一项写在左上角的抬头下面,其格式与书信的写法相同。称呼从左边顶格写起,对一般机关、团体的负责人一般用Dear Sir,对政府官员可用Sir。文件主题可以放在称呼语之前,也可放在其后。如果此项写在称呼语之前,多从左边的顶格写起;若放在称呼语之后,一般写在信笺正中。主题语多采用不完整的句子,只需很少几个词,甚至一个词,目的在于使收件人一下子抓住主要内容,便于及时处理。正文、结束语和署名等项与一般信件的格式相同。



You are supposed to write a memorandum of about 100 words to the leader of the supply section to borrow one more microscope for your biological experiment.


To: Mrs. Anderson,dean of the supply section

From: Petera, student of the Biology Department

Date: March 20.2007

Subject: Microscope

Dear Sir,

I"m a student of Biology Department and we are badly in need of an extra microscope in order to finish our experimental work punctually.

Since our experiment will finish on next Monday, so please send a microscope to us before this weekend so that we can make more careful investigation about our research and finish it well.

With kind regards.

Yours respectfully,




You are the Secretary of Students" Union. According to the students" request, you decide to write to the Student Service Department and ask them to fix a telephone for each dormitory.


To: The leader of Student Service Department

From: Tom Garrison,Secretary of Students" Union

Date: September 24,2007

Subject: Telephone

Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that we are in want of a telephone for each dormitory room. As university students, we need to cope with the increasing daily communications with teachers, friends and people outside the campus.