
第21章 篇章的写作(The Whole Composition)(6)

It is nice to get a little pleasure out of life, a little fun from time to time. Unfortunately, many of the fun things that you can do today cost money. New York City, for example, is one of the entertainment capitals of the world. On any night, outstanding performers appear in its clubs and on its concert stages. It is also a centre of theater. Furthermore, you can dine on foods from every corner of the world in its countless restaurants. So how can it be that some people in New York do not have fun? Simple, they do not have the money to take advantage of all these attractions.

So, is money the road to success? Not really. Large numbers of people work every day, work overtime, work weekends, and make a lot of money. Are they happy? No. They have no time to form or to maintain friendship. Enjoying means taking things in, taking the time to see, to hear... Too, many people do not take the time to do this.

Surely everyone has thought at times, “If I only had a lot of money, I could be happiest person in the world.” It is important to remember, however, that money is only a means to an end, not the end itself.

本文题目为 “How Important Is Money”.作者围绕这个问题展开论述,将文章分为五个自然段,在文章的结尾处得出结论“...Money is only a means to an end, not the end itself”,观点鲜明,表达地道。

第一自然段,作者遵循论文的写作规律,在首句作者用双重否定句“No one would argue, I think, that money is unimportant”,暗示自己的观点:“Money is important”,并附以实例food,shelter,medical care 证明。

第二、三自然段观点基本一致的:“Money can buy a lot”。但是两个段落的论证方法是不一样的;第二段以simple shelter→big apartment→a house为线索从正面说明“Money can buy a lot.”。而第三自然段则抓出New York City 形形色色的entertainment, 从反面说明没有钱则不能 “...take advantage of all these attraction”。

第四自然段因势利导提出问题“So, is money the road to happiness”,从而非常自然地转入问题的另一面。作者对此问题的解答十分巧妙机智,不是正面铺开,而是抓住time 这一点来发挥:“Too many people so not take the time to do this.”。读者的联想是:享受,光有钱不行,还需要时间,除了时间之外,当然还需要其他的条件,如健康、兴趣等。

还应该指出的是,文章的末尾段先以虚拟句“if I only had a lot of money, I could be the happiest person in the world”开头,将第二、三自然段较为含蓄的观点加以凸现,紧接着又以however转折,对这个观点加以修正,提出作者本人鲜明而明确的观点。从提出论点、提供论据、得出结论的整个过程来讲,这是一篇值得研读的好文章。

Topic 2.

The Importance of keeping a Good Mood

Recently, people in modern city live under a lot of pressure from education, career or family. Cases of going mad or committing suicide of those who cannot handle the pressure well can be seen often, I think, keeping a good mood can free us from the pressure and help us to start a virtuous circulation.

I am going to justify my view in two aspects. For one thing, keeping a good mood can help make things easier for us. If we always maintain a good mood and take an optimistic and positive attitude towards life, we"ll find the most difficult things a piece of cake. For another, to be a healthy person both physically and psychologically, one should keep a good mood. A good mood is helpful to ease the symptoms of heavy stress and, to a certain extent, may turn the stress into motivation force for us to strive. Otherwise, no matter how rich we are or what a high position we occupy in work place, we will possibly feel completely exhausted, which, in turn, may have destructive effects on our health.

In a word, a good mood is the best medicine for any disease. We must be fully aware of the importance of keeping a good mood in order to live a much better life.





上述说明文又可以分类为:a.事物说明文(object exposition);b.事理说明文(reason exposition)。前者指的是介绍事物究竟是什么样,让读者即使不曾亲眼所见,读后能意会的文章,强调说明的对象“是什么”;后者指的是介绍与说明科学知识的说明性文章,说明某些规律,或讲述事情的原因,强调说明的对象“为什么”。









Practice Makes Perfect

A veteran always tells the green hands that “Practice makes perfect.” The truth of this saying is selfevident. The more one practices, the more skillful he will be. Practice helps one to be efficient both in work and study.

In English study, one has so much to learn, such as vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, etc. To lay a solid foundation of English, he has to practice the four integrated skillslistening, speaking, reading and writing. Only through practice can he have a good command of it. For example, if one wants to speak English fluently and express himself freely, he has to take every chance to practice spoken English, such as going to the English corner, talking with foreigners, reciting some beautiful versions. If he does not practice from time to time, he will fail to make himself understood.

In our daily life, cooking is another example that shows“Practice makes perfect.” When one first learn to cook a fish, he is not familiar with the cooking process,and cannot cook it well. After several times of cooking practice he is sure to cook it well. So why not put the saying into practice.

本文是解释格言、警句、谚语的说明文。因此类题目意义比较抽象,需用具体的例子进行解释说明。本文的结构:第一段点明主题;第二、三段用具体的例子(English study)来说明如何才能熟能生巧,最后一句采用反问的形式,号召大家将熟能生巧理论运用于实际工作中。



