
第2章 措辞(The Diction)(2)

同义重复:e.g. repeat again, return back, attach together, collaborate /connect/join together.(但可说join the army together。)

意义累赘:e.g. yellow(in color), round(in shape), at 9:45p.m.(that night), sweet(in taste), expensive(in cost), illegal(under the law), visible(to the eye), 有时整句存在同样问题:Rachel Carson(was a woman who)pioneered in ecological studies.



e.g. because of the fact that--because; at this point in time--now.

in a curious manner--curiously; bring all this to a conclusion--conclude.

in many times--often; have the ability to sing--can sing.

during the same time that--while; on account of the fact that--because.

make contact by personal visits--visit; in the near future--soon.

这种情况有时出现在句中:e.g. (1) The reason why we honor Lincoln in these various ways is because he saved the Union.(应改为:We honor Lincoln because he saved the Union.)

(2) In the early part of the month of August there was a really mean hurricane with very high winds that was moving threateningly toward Qingdao.(应改为:In early August a vicious hurricane was threatening Qingdao.)



e.g. (1) This interesting instructor knows how to make an uninteresting subject interesting。(应改为:This instructor knows how to make a dull subject interesting.)

(2) We had problems solving those problems.(应改为:We had a hard time solving those problems.)


意义相同的英语单词有本义和隐含意义之分,两种意义字典无法区分清楚,需在一定的上下文语境中进行体会,因此,因对单词的隐含意义理解不当而导致用词错误的情况就相对较多。如storm(n.)的含义是:a rough weather condition with wind, rain, and often lightening. (v.)to be stormy;blow violently, rain, snow, etc.

e.g. (1) The islanders were warned that a storm was coming.

(2) It stormed so hard that all the electricity went out.

试比较:(1) But his last words brought on another storm.

(2) Their only hope of victory was to storm enemy camp at night.

可见前两句storm用的是本义,后两句storm 用的是引申意义。对于词的引申意义和本义的掌握,要求英语学习者平时多查字典,注意词使用的语势、感情色彩、出现场合和使用目的,逐渐培养起对于所学语言的语感,增加对语言使用的鉴别力。



e.g. (1) When I was waiting for the doctor, I read a magazine. (doctor,magazine不够具体,应改为:When waiting for my dentist, I thumbed through an old issue of Love&Family and scanned an article on What makes a good girlfriend.)

(2) If a person is reading his love letter, you must not lean over his shoulders to read it.(read 不够具体,应改为share。)

(3) An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street, and an ambulance took him to a hospital.(took不够具体,应改为rush。)




1. The country was facing a serious unemployment question\problem when the new government came to power.

2. What the minister has said implies\infers that there will be a change in the economy policy.

3. By cutting down the trees we damage\injury the natural habit of birds and animals.

4. Most women began to become fat\stout in their thirties.

5. When returning to hometown, he was surprised\stunned to find that his little sister had become a pretty, slim/skinny young lady.

6. Although he was on a diet, the food inspired\tempted him enormously.

7. There is no reason\point in applying for that job, as you are not properly qualified.

8. All my colleagues felt sympathy \pity for the little boy who has got blood cancer and made donation without any hesitation\indecision.

9. He does morning exercises for the benefit\profit of his health.

10. The house that they used to live in is in a way neglected\neglectful state.


1. The city"s income relies mainly on the auto industry.

2. The most despised task bestowed on the driver is changing a flat tire.

3. The dog went bounding down the steps, ating whelps at every leap.

4. The money contributed will be given to a child inflicted with leukemia.

5. Don"t expect me to be so credible as to believe everything he said.

6. They all felt a more consistent policy was what the government should play.

7. A teacher should handle emotionally disturbed children without bias and ill-favored feelings.

8. The school has lost much of the prestige local people used to have for it.

9. The situation has become drastic and requires immediate action.

10. In his speech, the mayor suggested several ways of helping the traffic problem.

11. Terrorist activities are a constant fear to innocent people.

12. In an emergency, some drivers become a panic and freeze to the steering wheel.

13. Competence alone should be the judge whether a teacher should be allowed to teach or not.

14. The author explained how her early environment had cultivated her toward a love of literature.

15. In exposing the apathy of some people toward the poor, the newspaper has gone too far.

16. If what you say is true, our whole concept of truth should make a drastic change.

17. The support I received from my fellow students aided greatly to my success.

18. The authorities contributed the low attendance to inadequate publicity.

19. Mother complained that the floor was not tidy enough.

20. The tragic love story ended in sad beauty.


1. The man walked down the street. Along the way, he saw some peddlers.

2. I have a good friend. She is a very beautiful girl and she is very smart.

3. She pins a flower on her coat.

4. The mother can"t help crying when she saw her baby.

5. Every morning, I go to school on bus.

6. My mother is the greatest mother in the world.

7. The old woman is selling the roast potato at the school gate.

8. He is a kind person.

9. This is a newly built street.

10. It is windy in spring in Beijing.