
第7章 Social Life社会生活(7)

9.You should drink four to six glasses of       each day.

10.Food that is not good for you is called       food.



















1.我能让我的牙齿保持健康,通过吃一些食物如     ,     ,

和     。

2.为了锻炼咽喉和牙齿,我需要     咀嚼食物。

3.我刷牙时应顺着牙齿     的方向刷。

4.每年,我应该看     牙医。

5.我不应该把牙齿当成一个     。

6.在强光下,你应该戴     眼镜。

7.为了在晚上看得更清楚,你应该吃     。

8.你应该每     洗澡。

9.你每天应该喝4到6杯     。

10.那些对你不好的食物被称为     食物。?

1.cheese (奶酪),milk(牛奶),leafy vegetables(绿叶蔬菜)

2.well(充分)        3.grow(生长)

4.twice(两次)        5.tool(工具)

6.sun(太阳)        7.carrots(胡萝卜)

8.day(天)         9.water(水)


09 Electricity 和电流安全相处

Scientists realize that they do not know all about electricity. They know how electricity acts, but they do not know why it acts the way it does.

One of the keys to understanding electricity is understanding lightning. When some of the electrical charges in clouds move from cloud to cloud or from a cloud to the ground, we see a huge spark. This spark we call lightning. Benjamin Franklin did a famous experiment. He attached a key to the end of a kite string. Franklin flew his kite in the air during a thunderstorm. The kite became charged with electricity. A spark jumped from the key to his finger. By this dangerous experiment Franklin proved that lightning is electricity.

Atoms, electrons, and electricity are related to each other. All objects are made up of atoms. Each atom is made of tiny particles called protons and electrons among other things.

Protons are found in the center of the atom. They stay in the center of the atom and never move out. Electrons revolve around the protons and can travel out of the atom. When electrons are removed or added to an atom, that object becomes electrically charged. When an object has more protons than electrons, the object is positively charged. The object that receives the electrons is negatively charged. When an object has an equal number of positive and negative particles, the object is neutral.

Although scientists know that lightning is a form of electricity, they do not know how to make use of it. The electricity from lightning comes and goes in a flash. In order to be useful, electricity must flow. Electricity that flows is current electricity.

An Italian scientist, by the name of Volta, made an important discovery. He found that when two different metals connected by a wire were placed in certain liquids, an electric charge would flow through the wire. The two pieces of metal were electrodes. The liquid was called an electrolyte. Volta had discovered how to make a wet cell battery.

Electricity must have a conductor. Conductors are materials that carry electricity from place to place. Most metals are good conductors, but some are better than others. Copper and aluminum wires are very good conductors. A covering on the wires, called an insulator, is necessary to keep the electricity from flowing out of the wires into the wrong place. Electricity will not flow through an insulator. Electricity is not safe and should never be used without insulation. Materials often used as insulators are rubber, glass, and cloth.

The wire which carries the electric current is called a circuit. Electricity must always travel in a complete circle. That is, it must start and end at the electric cell. A switch is used to break the circuit. A break in the circuit stops the flow of electricity. When the switch is open, the current stops; when the switch is closed, the electricity begins to flow again.

Electricity has many uses. If it is used correctly, it is helpful in doing many kinds of work. It lights our homes. It moves large trains. It helps lift heavy loads. If it is not used correctly, it can be very harmful. Some rules to remember when working with electricity are listed in the following.

Rules and Safeguards to Follow:

1. Have dry hands before touching a switch, electric cord, fuse, or any type of electrical equipment.

2. Do not allow any part of your body to touch a water pipe or faucet while working with electricity.

3. Do not stand in water or on a wet surface when working with electricity.

4. Check all cords to see that they are properly insulated.

In addition to these rules, safeguards must be taken to prevent fires when electricity has been routed into a building. One way that is used to prevent fires is to route the circuit through a fuse. A fuse is a small insulated container through which a thin piece of metal is stretched. If too much current passes through the strip, the metal will burn and break the circuit. A circuit breaker also prevents electrical wires from carrying too much current. The circuit breaker does the same job as a fuse but does not have to be replaced. The breaker switch can be returned to its closed position in order to restore the current.