
第121章 人不能干太多缺德事

水秒諜:“Excuse me, how much is this white dress .”【请问这个白色的礼服多少钱】

售货员:“This young lady is a good eye, this is not only the most popular style in the present, but this dress is only one thing will not wear. And the above diamonds are real drilling, the price is also a special price, but the original price is twice this.”【这位小姐真是好眼光,这个不仅仅是当下最流行的款式,而且这个礼服仅有一件不会撞衫,并且上面的钻石都是真钻,价格也是特价才6999原价可是这的一倍。】

水秒諜:“This kind of clothes should have specially configured high-heeled shoes!”【这样的衣服应该有专门配置的高跟鞋吧!】

售货员:“Of course. Please come with me ”【当然了,请跟我来。】



售货员:“This silver crystal shoe is matched with just the dress, and this shoe can pull up and pull down, the minute change flat shoes.”【这个银色的水晶鞋就是配刚刚的礼服的,并且这个鞋可以把跟拔下来,分分钟变平底鞋】

水秒諜:“Oh, thank you. Where is the fitting room? I'll try it.”【哦,谢谢,请问试衣间在哪?我去试试。】

尹秀:“Shop assistant, how much is this dress?”【店员,这件衣服多少钱?】

售货员礼貌的笑了笑说到:“This dress is very cheap, but it will be very elegant and noble in your body, it is difficult to have a person to control this suit, I think the young lady should wear a special beautiful.”【这套衣服非常的便宜,但是穿在小姐你的身上会特别的优雅高贵,很难有人能驾驭的了这套衣服我目测小姐应该穿上特别漂亮。】

伊潇潇:“This suit is for the lady .”【这套衣服本小姐要了。】

尹秀:“It's a pity you're late. This one is mine.”【可惜你来晚了,这件已经是我的了。】

伊潇潇:“oh is that so right As long as you don't pay it, it's not yours.”【哦?是吗?只要你没有付钱它就不算是你的。】

尹秀:“You're here to find out, right?”【你是来找茬的对吗?】尹秀突然想到了秒諜,不能让她知道秒諜在这要不然传到顾若白的耳中就不好了,毕竟秒諜还没有准备好,所以必须得引开她。
