书城公版A Doll's House

第22章 ACT III(5)

Helmer.It is so incredible that I can't take it in.But we must come to some understanding.Take off that shawl.Take it off,Itell you.I must try and appease him some way or another.The matter must be hushed up at any cost.And as for you and me,it must appear as if everything between us were just as before--but naturally only in the eyes of the world.You will still remain in my house,that is a matter of course.But I shall not allow you to bring up the children;I dare not trust them to you.To think that I should be obliged to say so to one whom I have loved so dearly,and whom I still--.No,that is all over.From this moment happiness is not the question;all that concerns us is to save the remains,the fragments,the appearance--(A ring is heard at the front-door bell.)Helmer (with a start).What is that?So late!Can the worst--?

Can he--?Hide yourself,Nora.Say you are ill.

(NORA stands motionless.HELMER goes and unlocks the hall door.)Maid (half-dressed,comes to the door).A letter for the mistress.

Helmer.Give it to me.(Takes the letter,and shuts the door.)Yes,it is from him.You shall not have it;I will read it myself.

Nora.Yes,read it.

Helmer (standing by the lamp).I scarcely have the courage to do it.It may mean ruin for both of us.No,I must know.(Tears open the letter,runs his eye over a few lines,looks at a paper enclosed,and gives a shout of joy.)Nora!(She looks at him questioningly.)Nora!--No,I must read it once again--.Yes,it is true!I am saved!Nora,I am saved!

Nora.And I?

Helmer.You too,of course;we are both saved,both you and I.

Look,he sends you your bond back.He says he regrets and repents--that a happy change in his life--never mind what he says!We are saved,Nora!No one can do anything to you.Oh,Nora,Nora!--no,first I must destroy these hateful things.Let me see--.(Takes a look at the bond.)No,no,I won't look at it.The whole thing shall be nothing but a bad dream to me.(Tears up the bond and both letters,throws them all into the stove,and watches them burn.)There--now it doesn't exist any longer.He says that since Christmas Eve you--.

These must have been three dreadful days for you,Nora.

Nora.I have fought a hard fight these three days.

Helmer.And suffered agonies,and seen no way out but--.No,we won't call any of the horrors to mind.We will only shout with joy,and keep saying,"It's all over!It's all over!"Listen to me,Nora.You don't seem to realise that it is all over.What is this?--such a cold,set face!My poor little Nora,I quite understand;you don't feel as if you could believe that I have forgiven you.But it is true,Nora,I swear it;I have forgiven you everything.I know that what you did,you did out of love for me.

Nora.That is true.

Helmer.You have loved me as a wife ought to love her husband.Only you had not sufficient knowledge to judge of the means you used.But do you suppose you are any the less dear to me,because you don't understand how to act on your own responsibility?No,no;only lean on me;I will advise you and direct you.I should not be a man if this womanly helplessness did not just give you a double attractiveness in my eyes.You must not think anymore about the hard things I said in my first moment of consternation,when I thought everything was going to overwhelm me.I have forgiven you,Nora;I swear to you I have forgiven you.

Nora.Thank you for your forgiveness.(She goes out through the door to the right.)Helmer.No,don't go--.(Looks in.)What are you doing in there?

Nora (from within).Taking off my fancy dress.

Helmer (standing at the open door).Yes,do.Try and calm yourself,and make your mind easy again,my frightened little singing-bird.Be at rest,and feel secure;I have broad wings to shelter you under.

(Walks up and down by the door.)How warm and cosy our home is,Nora.Here is shelter for you;here I will protect you like a hunted dove that I have saved from a hawk's claws;I will bring peace to your poor beating heart.It will come,little by little,Nora,believe me.Tomorrow morning you will look upon it all quite differently;soon everything will be just as it was before.

Very soon you won't need me to assure you that I have forgiven you;you will yourself feel the certainty that I have done so.

Can you suppose I should ever think of such a thing as repudiating you,or even reproaching you?You have no idea what a true man's heart is like,Nora.There is something so indescribably sweet and satisfying,to a man,in the knowledge that he has forgiven his wife--forgiven her freely,and with all his heart.It seems as if that had made her,as it were,doubly his own;he has given her a new life,so to speak;and she has in a way become both wife and child to him.So you shall be for me after this,my little scared,helpless darling.Have no anxiety about anything,Nora;only be frank and open with me,and I will serve as will and conscience both to you--.What is this?Not gone to bed?Have you changed your things?

Nora (in everyday dress).Yes,Torvald,I have changed my things now.

Helmer.But what for?--so late as this.

Nora.I shall not sleep tonight.

Helmer.But,my dear Nora--

Nora (looking at her watch).It is not so very late.Sit down here,Torvald.You and I have much to say to one another.(She sits down at one side of the table.)Helmer.Nora--what is this?--this cold,set face?Nora.Sit down.

It will take some time;I have a lot to talk over with you.

Helmer (sits down at the opposite side of the table).You alarm me,Nora!--and I don't understand you.

Nora.No,that is just it.You don't understand me,and I have never understood you either--before tonight.No,you mustn't interrupt me.You must simply listen to what I say.Torvald,this is a settling of accounts.

Helmer.What do you mean by that?

Nora (after a short silence).Isn't there one thing that strikes you as strange in our sitting here like this?

Helmer.What is that?

Nora.We have been married now eight years.Does it not occur to you that this is the first time we two,you and I,husband and wife,have had a serious conversation?