书城公版Jack and Jill

第48章 And Jill Finds It Out(1)

Jill worried about it more than he did,for she was a faithful little friend,and it was a great trial to have Jack even suspected of doing anything wrong.School is a child's world while he is there,and its small affairs are very important to him,so Jill felt that the one thing to be done was to clear away the cloud about her dear boy,and restore him to public favor.

"Ed will be here Saturday night and maybe he will find out,for Jack tells him everything.I do hate to have him hectored so,for Iknow he is,though he's too proud to complain,"she said,on Thursday evening,when Frank told her some joke played upon his brother that day.

"I let him alone,but I see that he isn't badgered too much.That's all I can do.If Ed had only come home last Saturday it might have done some good,but now it will be too late;for the reports are given out to-morrow,you know,"answered Frank,feeling a little jealous of Ed's influence over Jack,though his own would have been as great if he had been as gentle.

"Has Jerry come back?"asked Jill,who kept all her questions for Frank,because she seldom alluded to the tender subject when with Jack.

"No,he's off for the summer.Got a place somewhere.Hope he'll stay there and let Bob alone.""Where is Bob now?I don't hear much about him lately,"said Jill,who was constantly on the lookout for "the other fellow,"since it was not Joe.

"Oh,he went to Captain Skinner's the first of March,chores round,and goes to school up there.Captain is strict,and won't let Bob come to town,except Sundays;but he don't mind it much,for he likes horses,has nice grub,and the Hill fellows are good chaps for him to be with.So he's all right,if he only behaves.""How far is it to Captain Skinner's?"asked Jill suddenly,having listened,with her sharp eyes on Frank,as he tinkered away at his model,since he was forbidden all other indulgence in his beloved pastime.

"It's four miles to Hill District,but the Captain lives this side of the school-house.About three from here,I should say.""How long would it take a boy to walk up there?"went on the questioner,with a new idea in her head.

"Depends on how much of a walkist he is."

"Suppose he was lame and it was sloshy,and he made a call and came back.How long would that take?"asked Jill impatiently.

"Well,in that case,I should say two or three hours.But it's impossible to tell exactly,unless you know how lame the fellow was,and how long a call he made,"said Frank,who liked to be accurate.

"Jack couldn't do it in less,could he?"

"He used to run up that hilly road for a breather,and think nothing of it.It would be a long job for him now,poor little chap,for his leg often troubles him,though he hates to own it."Jill lay back and laughed,a happy little laugh,as if she was pleased about something,and Frank looked over his shoulder to ask questions in his turn.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Can't tell."

"Why do you want to know about Hill District?Are you going there?""Wish I could!I'd soon have it out of him."


"Never mind.Please push up my table.I must write a letter,and I want you to post it for me to-night,and never say a word till I give you leave.

"Oh,now you are going to have secrets and be mysterious,and get into a mess,are you?"and Frank looked down at her with a suspicious air,though he was intensely curious to know what she was about.

"Go away till I'm done.You will have to see the outside,but you can't know the inside till the answer comes";and propping herself up,Jill wrote the following note,with some hesitation at the beginning and end,for she did not know the gentleman she was addressing,except by sight,and it was rather awkward:

"Robert Walker "Dear Sir,I want to ask if Jack Minot came to see you last Friday afternoon.He got into trouble being seen with Jerry Shannon.He paid him some money.Jack won't tell,and Mr.Acton talked to him about it before all the school.We feel bad,because we think Jack did not do wrong.I don't know as you have anything to do with it,but I thought I'd ask.Please answer quick.Respectfully yours,Jane Pecq"To make sure that her despatch was not tampered with,Jill put a great splash of red sealing-wax on it,which gave it a very official look,and much impressed Bob when he received it.

"There!Go and post it,and don't let anyone see or know about it,"she said,handing it over to Frank,who left his work with unusual alacrity to do her errand.When his eye fell on the address,he laughed,and said in a teasing way,"Are you and Bob such good friends that you correspond?What will Jack say?""Don't know,and don't care!Be good,now,and let's have a little secret as well as other folks.I'll tell you all about it when he answers,"said Jill in her most coaxing tone.

"Suppose he doesn't?"

"Then I shall send you up to see him.I must know something,and I want to do it myself,if I can.""Look here;what are you after?I do believe you think--"Frank got no farther,for Jill gave a little scream,and stopped him by crying eagerly,"Don't say it out loud!I really do believe it may be,and I'm going to find out.""What made you think of him?"and Frank looked thoughtfully at the letter,as if turning carefully over in his mind the idea that Jill's quick wits had jumped at.

"Come here and I'll tell you."

Holding him by one button,she whispered something in his ear that made him exclaim,with a look at the rug,"No!did he?I declare I shouldn't wonder!It would be just like the dear old blunder-head.""I never thought of it till you told me where Bob was,and then it all sort of burst upon me in one minute!"cried Jill,waving her arms about to express the intellectual explosion which had thrown light upon the mystery,like sky-rockets in a dark night.

"You are as bright as a button.No time to lose;I'm off";and off he was,splashing through the mud to post the letter,on the back of which he added,to make the thing sure,"Hurry up.F.M."