书城公版Irish Fairy Tales



There are people who do not like dogs a bit--they are usually women--but in this story there is a man who did not like dogs.In fact,he hated them.When he saw one he used to go black in the face,and he threw rocks at it until it got out of sight.But the Power that protects all creatures had put a squint into this man's eye,so that he always threw crooked.

This gentleman's name was Fergus Fionnliath,and his stronghold was near the harbour of Galway.Whenever a dog barked he would leap out of his seat,and he would throw everything that he owned out of the window in the direction of the bark.He gave prizes to servants who disliked dogs,and when he heard that a man had drowned a litter of pups he used to visit that person and try to marry his daughter.

Now Fionn,the son of Uail,was the reverse of Fergus Fionnliath in this matter,for he delighted in dogs,and he knew everything about them from the setting of the first little white tooth to the rocking of the last long yellow one.He knew the affections and antipathies which are proper in a dog;the degree of obedience to which dogs may be trained without losing their honourable qualities or becoming servile and suspicious;he knew the hopes that animate them,the apprehensions which tingle in their blood,and all that is to be demanded from,or forgiven in,a paw,an ear,a nose,an eye,or a tooth;and he understood these things because he loved dogs,for it is by love alone that we understand anything.

Among the three hundred dogs which Fionn owned there were two to whom he gave an especial tenderness,and who were his daily and nightly companions.These two were Bran and Sceo'lan,but if a person were to guess for twenty years he would not find out why Fionn loved these two dogs and why he would never be separated from them.

Fionn's mother,Muirne,went to wide Allen of Leinster to visit her son,and she brought her young sister Tuiren with her.The mother and aunt of the great captain were well treated among the Fianna,first,because they were parents to Fionn,and second,because they were beautiful and noble women.

No words can describe how delightful Muirne was--she took the branch;and as to Tuiren,a man could not look at her without becoming angry or dejected.Her face was fresh as a spring morning;her voice more cheerful than the cuckoo calling from the branch that is highest in the hedge;and her form swayed like a reed and flowed like a river,so that each person thought she would surely flow to him.

Men who had wives of their own grew moody and downcast because they could not hope to marry her,while the bachelors of the Fianna stared at each other with truculent,bloodshot eyes,and then they gazed on Tuiren so gently that she may have imagined she was being beamed on by the mild eyes of the dawn.

It was to an Ulster gentleman,Iollan Eachtach,that she gave her love,and this chief stated his rights and qualities and asked for her in marriage.

Now Fionn did not dislike the man of Ulster,but either he did not know them well or else he knew them too well,for he made a curious stipulation before consenting to the marriage.He bound Iollan to return the lady if there should be occasion to think her unhappy,and Iollan agreed to do so.The sureties to this bargain were Caelte mac Ronan,Goll mac Morna,and Lugaidh.

Lugaidh himself gave the bride away,but it was not a pleasant ceremony for him,because he also was in love with the lady,and he would have preferred keeping her to giving her away.When she had gone he made a poem about her,beginning:

"There is no more light in the sky--"

And hundreds of sad people learned the poem by heart.


When Iollan and Tuiren were married they went to Ulster,and they lived together very happily.But the law of life is change;nothing continues in the same way for any length of time;happiness must become unhappiness,and will be succeeded again by the joy it had displaced.The past also must be reckoned with;it is seldom as far behind us as we could wish:it is more often in front,blocking the way,and the future trips over it just when we think that the road is clear and joy our own.

Iollan had a past.He was not ashamed of it;he merely thought it was finished,although in truth it was only beginning,for it is that perpetual beginning of the past that we call the future.

Before he joined the Fianna he had been in love with a lady of the Shi',named Uct Dealv (Fair Breast),and they had been sweethearts for years.How often he had visited his sweetheart in Faery!With what eagerness and anticipation he had gone there;the lover's whistle that he used to give was known to every person in that Shi',and he had been discussed by more than one of the delicate sweet ladies of Faery."That is your whistle,Fair Breast,"her sister of the Shi'would say.

And Uct Dealv would reply:"Yes,that is my mortal,my lover,my pulse,and my one treasure."She laid her spinning aside,or her embroidery if she was at that,or if she were baking a cake of fine wheaten bread mixed with honey she would leave the cake to bake itself and fly to Iollan.Then they went hand in hand in the country that smells of apple-blossom and honey,looking on heavy-boughed trees and on dancing and beaming clouds.Or they stood dreaming together,locked in a clasping of arms and eyes,gazing up and down on each other,Iollan staring down into sweet grey wells that peeped and flickered under thin brows,and Uct Dealv looking up into great black ones that went dreamy and went hot in endless alternation.

Then Iollan would go back to the world of men,and Uct Dealv would return to her occupations in the Land of the Ever Young.

"What did he say?"her sister of the Shi'would ask.

"He said I was the Berry of the Mountain,the Star of Knowledge,and the Blossom of the Raspberry.""They always say the same thing,"her sister pouted.

"But they look other things,"Uct Dealv insisted."They feel other things,"she murmured;and an endless conversation recommenced.