
They usually consist of a filament and an anther, the anther being the essential part in which the pollen, or fecundating dust, is formed. STERNUM The breast-bone. STIGMA The apical portion of the pistil in flowering plants. STIPULES Small leafy organs placed at the base of the footstalks of the leaves in many plants. STYLE The middle portion of the perfect pistil, which rises like a column from the ovary and supports the stigma at its summit. SUBCUTANEOUS Situated beneath the skin. SUCTORIAL Adapted for sucking. SUTURES(in the skull) The lines of junction of the bones of which the skull is composed. TARSUS(pl TARSI). The jointed feet of articulate animals, such as Insects. TELEOSTEANFISHES Fishes of the kind familiar to us in the present day, having the skeleton usually completely ossified and the scales horny. TENTACULAor TENTACLES Delicate fleshy organs of prehension or touch possessed by many of the lower animals. TERTIARY The latest geological epoch, immediately preceding the establishment of the present order of things. TRACHEA The windpipe or passage for the admission of air to the lungs. TRIDACTYLE Three-fingered, or composed of three movable parts attached to a common base. TRILOBITES A peculiar group of extinct Crustaceans, somewhat resembling the Woodlice in external form, and, like some of them, capable of rolling themselves up into a ball. Their remains are found only in the Palæozoic rocks, and most abundantly in those of Silurian age. TRIMORPHIC Presenting three distinct forms. UMBELLIFERÆ An order of plants in which the flowers, which contain five stamens and a pistil with two styles, are supported upon footstalks which spring from the top of the flower stem and spread out like the wires of an umbrella, so as to bring all the flowers in the same head ( umbel ) nearly to the same level. ( Examples , Parsley and Carrot). UNGULATA Hoofed quadrupeds. UNICELLULAR Consisting of a single cell. VASCULAR Containing blood-vessels VERMIFORM Like a worm. VERTEBRATA:

or VERTEBRATE ANIMALS The highest division of the animal kingdom, so called from the presence in most cases of a backbone composed of numerous joints or vertebroe , which constitutes the centre of the skeleton and at the same time supports and protects the central parts of the nervous system. WHORLS The circles or spiral lines in which the parts of plants are arranged upon the axis of growth. WORKERS See neuters. ZOEA-STAGE The earliest stage in the development of many of the higher Crustacea, so called from the name of Zoea applied to these young animals when they were supposed to constitute a peculiar genus. ZOOIDS In many of the lower animals (such as the Corals, Medusæ, &c.)reproduction takes place in two ways, namely, by means of eggs and by a process of budding with or without separation from the parent of the product of the latter, which is often very different from that of the egg. The individuality of the species is represented by the whole of the form produced between two sexual reproductions; and these forms, which are apparently individual animals, have been called zooids .