书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches


They excited, however, transports of rage in the King, who hated all faults except those to which he was himself inclined, and who conceived that he made ample atonement to Heaven for his brutality, by holding the softer passions in detestation.The Prince Royal, too, was not one of those who are content to take their religion on trust.He asked puzzling questions, and brought forward arguments which seemed to savour of something different from pure Lutheranism.The King suspected that his son was inclined to be a heretic of some sort or other, whether Calvinist or Atheist his Majesty did not very well know.The ordinary malignity of Frederic William was bad enough.He now thought malignity a part of his duty as a Christian man, and all the conscience that he had stimulated his hatred.The flute was broken: the French books were sent out of the palace: the Prince was kicked and cudgelled, and pulled by the hair.At dinner the plates were hurled at his head: sometimes he was restricted to bread and water: sometimes he was forced to swallow food so nauseous that he could not keep it on his stomach.Once his father knocked him down, dragged him along the floor to a window, and was with difficulty prevented from strangling him with the cord of the curtain.The Queen, for the crime of not wishing to see her son murdered, was subjected to the grossest indignities.

The Princess Wilhelmina, who took her brother's part, was treated almost as ill as Mrs.Brownrigg's apprentices.Driven to despair, the unhappy youth tried to run away.Then the fury of the old tyrant rose to madness.The Prince was an officer in the army:

his flight was therefore desertion; and, in the moral code of Frederic William, desertion was the highest of all crimes.

"Desertion," says this royal theologian, in one of his half-crazy letters, "is from hell.It is a work of the children of the Devil.No child of God could possibly be guilty of it." An accomplice of the Prince, in spite of the recommendation of a court martial, was mercilessly put to death.It seemed probable that the Prince himself would suffer the same fate.It was with difficulty that the intercession of the States of Holland, of the Kings of Sweden and Poland, and of the Emperor of Germany, saved the House of Brandenburg from the stain of an unnatural murder.

After months of cruel suspense, Frederic learned that his life would be spared.He remained, however, long a prisoner; but he was not on that account to be pitied.He found in his gaolers a tenderness which he had never found in his father; his table was not sumptuous, but he had wholesome food in sufficient quantity to appease hunger: he could read the Henriade without being kicked, and could play on his flute without having it broken over his head.

When his confinement terminated he was a man.He had nearly completed his twenty-first year, and could scarcely be kept much longer under the restraints which had made his boyhood miserable.

Suffering had matured his understanding, while it had hardened his heart and soured his temper.He had learnt self-command and dissimulation; he affected to conform to some of his father's views, and submissively accepted a wife, who was a wife only in name, from his father's hand.He also served with credit, though without any opportunity of acquiring brilliant distinction, under the command of Prince Eugene, during a campaign marked by no extraordinary events.He was now permitted to keep a separate establishment, and was therefore able to indulge with caution his own tastes.Partly in order to conciliate the King, and partly, no doubt, from inclination, he gave up a portion of his time to military and political business, and thus gradually acquired such an aptitude for affairs as his most intimate associates were not aware that he possessed.

His favourite abode was at Rheinsberg, near the frontier which separates the Prussian dominions from the Duchy of Mecklenburg.

Rheinsberg, is a fertile and smiling spot, in the midst of the sandy waste of the Marquisate.The mansion, surrounded by woods of oak and beech, looks out upon a spacious lake.There Frederic amused himself by laying out gardens in regular alleys and intricate mazes, by building obelisks, temples, and conservatories, and by collecting rare fruits and flowers.His retirement was enlivened by a few companions, among whom he seems to have preferred those who, by birth or extraction, were French.

With these intimates he dined and supped well, drank freely, and amused himself sometimes with concerts, and sometimes with holding chapters of a fraternity which he called the Order of Bayard; but literature was his chief resource.