We chanced to be near a pair of low bars.I hadn't been a college athlete for nothing.I swung Kitty over the bars,and jumped after her.But she,not knowing in her fright where she was nor what she was doing;supposing,also,that the mad creature,like the villain in the play,would "still pursue her,"flung herself bodily into my arms,crying,"Jack!Jack!Save me!"
"It was the first time she had called me Jack,"and I needed no second invitation.I proceeded to save her,--in the usual way,by holding her to my heart and kissing her lovely hair reassuringly,as I murmured:"You are safe,my darling;not a hair of your precious head shall be hurt.Don't be frightened."
She shivered like a leaf."I am frightened,"she said."I can't help being frightened.He will chase us,I know.Where is he?
What is he doing now?"
Looking up to determine if I need abbreviate this blissful moment,I saw the enraged animal disappearing in the side door of the barn;and it was a nice,comfortable Durham cow,--that somewhat rare but possible thing,a sportive cow!
"Is he gone?"breathed Kitty from my waistcoat.
"Yes,he is gone--she is gone,darling.But don't move;it may come again."
My first too hasty assurance had calmed Kitty's fears,and she raised her charming flushed face from its retreat and prepared to withdraw.I did not facilitate the preparations,and a moment of awkward silence ensued.
"Might I inquire,"I asked,"if the dear little person at present reposing in my arms will stay there (with intervals for rest and refreshment)for the rest of her natural life?"
She withdrew entirely now,all but her hand,and her eyes sought the ground.
"I suppose I shall have to now,--that is,if you think--at least,I suppose you do think--at any rate,you look as if you were thinking-
-that this has been giving you encouragement."
"I do indeed,--decisive,undoubted,barefaced encouragement."
"I don't think I ought to be judged as if I were in my sober senses,"she replied."I was frightened within an inch of my life.
I told you this morning that I was dreadfully afraid of bulls,especially mad ones,and I told you that my nurse frightened me,when I was a child,with awful stories about them,and that I never outgrew my childish terror.I looked everywhere about:the barn was too far,the fence too high,I saw him coming,and there was nothing but you and the open country;of course I took you.It was very natural,I'm sure,--any girl would have done it."
"To be sure,"I replied soothingly,"any girl would have run after me,as you say."
"I didn't say any girl would have run after you,--you needn't flatter yourself;and besides,I think I was really trying to protect you as well as to gain protection;else why should I have cast myself on you like a catamount,or a catacomb,or whatever the thing is?"
"Yes,darling,I thank you for saving my life,and I am willing to devote the remainder of it to your service as a pledge of my gratitude;but if you should take up life-saving as a profession,dear,don't throw yourself on a fellow with"-
"Jack!Jack!"she cried,putting her hand over my lips,and getting it well kissed in consequence."If you will only forget that,and never,never taunt me with it afterwards,I'll--I'll--well,I'll do anything in reason;yes,even marry you!"
The Royal Fountain.