书城公版Iphigenia at Aulis


Besides,Ihave no right at all to cling too fondly to my life;for thou didst not bear me for myself alone,but as a public blessing to all Hellas.What!shall countless warriors,armed with shields,those myriads sitting at the oar,find courage to attack the foe and die for Hellas,because their fatherland is wronged,and my one life prevent all this?What kind of justice is that?could Ifind a word in answer?Now turn we to that other point.It is not right that this man should enter the lists with all Argos or be slain fox a woman's sake.Better a single man should see the light than ten thousand women.If Artemis is minded to take this body,am I,a weak mortal,to thwart the goddess?Nay,that were impossible.To Hellas Iresign it;offer this sacrifice and make an utter end of Troy.This is my enduring monument;marriage,motherhood,and fame-all these is it to me.And it is but right,mother,that Hellenes should rule barbarians,but not barbarians Hellenes,those being slaves,while these are free.


Thou playest a noble part,maiden;but sickly are the whims of Fate and the goddess.


Daughter of Agamemnon Isome god was bent on blessing me,could Ibut have won thee for my wife.In thee Ireckon Hellas happy,and thee in Hellas;for this that thou hast said is good and worthy of thy fatherland;since thou,abandoning a strife with heavenly powers,which are too strong for thee,has fairly weighed advantages and needs.But now that Ihave looked into thy noble nature,Ifeel still more a fond desire to win thee for my bride.Look to it;for Iwould fain serve thee and receive thee in my halls;and witness Thetis,how Igrieve to think Ishall not save thy life by doing battle with the Danai.Reflect,Isay;a dreadful ill is death.


This Isay,without regard to anyone.Enough that the daughter of Tyndareus is causing wars and bloodshed by her beauty;then be not slain thyself,sir stranger,nor seek to slay another on my account;but let me,if Ican,save Hellas.


Heroic spirit!Ican say no more to this,since thou art so minded;for thine is a noble resolve;why should not one avow the truth?Yet will Ispeak,for thou wilt haply change thy mind;that thou mayst know then what my offer is,Iwill go and place these arms of mine near the altar,resolved not to permit thy death but to prevent it;for brave as thou art,at sight of the knife held at thy throat,thou wilt soon avail thyself of what Isaid.So Iwill not let thee perish through any thoughtlessness of thine,but will go to the temple of the goddess with these arms and await thy arrival there.



Mother,why so silent,thine eyes wet with tears?


Ihave reason,woe is me!to be sad at heart.


Forbear;make me not a coward;here in one thing obey me.


Say what it is,my child,for at my hands thou shalt ne'er suffer injury.


Cut not off the tresses of thy hair for me,nor clothe thyself in sable garb.


Why,my child,What is it thou hast said?Shall I,when Ilose thee-IPHIGENIA.

"Lose"me,thou dost not;Iam saved and thou renowned,as far as Ican make thee.


How so?Must Inot mourn thy death?


By no means,for Ishall have no tomb heaped o'er me.


What,is not the act of dying held to imply burial?


The altar of the goddess,Zeus's daughter,will be my tomb.


Well,my child,Iwill let thee persuade me,for thou sayest well.


Aye,as one who prospereth and doeth Hellas service.


What message shall Icarry to thy sisters?


Put not mourning raiment on them either.


But is there no fond message Ican give the maidens from thee?


Yes,my farewell words;and promise me to rear this babe Orestes to manhood.


Press him to thy bosom;'tis thy last look.


Othou that art most dear to me!thou hast helped thy friends as thou hadst means.


Is there anything Ican do to pleasure thee in Argos?


Yes,hate not my father,thy own husband.


Fearful are the trials through which he has to go because of thee.


It was against his will he ruined me for the sake of Hellas.


Ah!but be employed base treachery,unworthy of Atreus.


Who will escort me hence,before my hair is torn?


Iwill go with thee.


No,not thou;thou say'st not well.


Iwill,clinging to thy robes.


Be persuaded by me,mother,stay here;for this is the better way alike for me and thee;but let one of these attendants of my father conduct me to the meadow of Artemis,where Ishall be sacrificed.


Art gone from me,my child?


Aye,and with no chance of ever returning.


Leaving thy mother?


Yes,as thou seest,undeservedly.


Hold!leave me not!


Icannot let thee shed a tear.(Exit CLYTAEMNESTRA.To the CHORUS)Be it yours,maidens,to hymn in joyous strains Artemis,the child of Zeus,for my hard lot;and let the order for a solemn hush go forth to the Danai.Begin the sacrifice with the baskets,let the fire blaze for the purifying meal of sprinkling,and my father pace from left to right about the altar;for Icome to bestow on Hellas safety crowned with victory.Lead me hence,me the destroyer of Ilium's town and the Phrygians;give me wreaths to cast about me;bring them hither;here are my tresses to crown;bring lustral water too.Dance to Artemis,queen Artemis the blest,around her fane and altar;for by the blood of my sacrifice Iwill blot out the oracle,if it needs must be.

Omother,lady revered!for thee shall my tears be shed,and now;for at the holy rites Imay not weep.

Sing with me,maidens,sing the praises of Artemis,whose temple faces Chalcis,where angry spearmen madly chafe,here in the narrow havens of Aulis,because of me.

OPelasgia,land of my birth,and Mycenae,my home!