

You are a sweet nut! The devil crack you. Masters, Ithink it be my luck; my first wife was a loving quiet wench, but this, I think, would weary the devil. I would she might be burnt as my other wife was. If not, I must run to the halter for help. O codpiece, thou hast done thy master! this it is to be meddling with warm plackets.


ACT III. SCENE IV. The camp of Locrine.

[Enter Locrine, Camber, Corineius, Thrasimachus, Assarachus.]


Now am I guarded with an host of men, Whose haughty courage is invincible:

Now am I hemmed with troops of soldiers, Such as might force Bellona to retire, And make her tremble at their puissance:

Now sit I like the mighty god of war, When, armed with his coat of Adament, Mounted his chariot drawn with mighty bulls, He drove the Argives over Xanthus' streams:

Now, cursed Humber, doth thy end draw nigh.

Down goes the glory of thy victories, And all the fame, and all thy high renown Shall in a moment yield to Locrine's sword.