书城公版The Mysterious Stranger


"He only wanted help for the man who had misused him, and he thought only of that, and has had no food nor sought any.He has watched by his master two nights.What do you think of your race? Is heaven reserved for it, and this dog ruled out, as your teachers tell you? Can your race add anything to this dog's stock of morals and magnanimities?" He spoke to the creature, who jumped up, eager and happy, and apparently ready for orders and impatient to execute them."Get some men; go with the dog--he will show you that carrion; and take a priest along to arrange about insurance, for death is near."With the last word he vanished, to our sorrow and disappointment.We got the men and Father Adolf, and we saw the man die.Nobody cared but the dog; he mourned and grieved, and licked the dead face, and could not be comforted.We buried him where he was, and without a coffin, for he had no money, and no friend but the dog.If we had been an hour earlier the priest would have been in time to send that poor creature to heaven, but now he was gone down into the awful fires, to burn forever.It seemed such a pity that in a world where so many people have difficulty to put in their time, one little hour could not have been spared for this poor creature who needed it so much, and to whom it would have made the difference between eternal joy and eternal pain.It gave an appalling idea of the value of an hour, and I thought I could never waste one again without remorse and terror.Seppi was depressed and grieved, and said it must be so much better to be a dog and not run such awful risks.We took this one home with us and kept him for our own.Seppi had a very good thought as we were walking along, and it cheered us up and made us feel much better.He said the dog had forgiven the man that had wronged him so, and maybe God would accept that absolution.

There was a very dull week, now, for Satan did not come, nothing much was going on, and we boys could not venture to go and see Marget, because the nights were moonlit and our parents might find us out if we tried.But we came across Ursula a couple of times taking a walk in the meadows beyond the river to air the cat, and we learned from her that things were going well.She had natty new clothes on and bore a prosperous look.

The four groschen a day were arriving without a break, but were not being spent for food and wine and such things--the cat attended to all that.

Marget was enduring her forsakenness and isolation fairly well, all things considered, and was cheerful, by help of Wilhelm Meidling.She spent an hour or two every night in the jail with her uncle, and had fattened him up with the cat's contributions.But she was curious to know more about Philip Traum, and hoped I would bring him again.Ursula was curious about him herself, and asked a good many questions about his uncle.It made the boys laugh, for I had told them the nonsense Satan had been stuffing her with.She got no satisfaction out of us, our tongues being tied.

Ursula gave us a small item of information: money being plenty now, she had taken on a servant to help about the house and run errands.She tried to tell it in a commonplace, matter-of-course way, but she was so set up by it and so vain of it that her pride in it leaked out pretty plainly.It was beautiful to see her veiled delight in this grandeur, poor old thing, but when we heard the name of the servant we wondered if she had been altogether wise; for although we were young, and often thoughtless, we had fairly good perception on some matters.This boy was Gottfried Narr, a dull, good creature, with no harm in him and nothing against him personally; still, he was under a cloud, and properly so, for it had not been six months since a social blight had mildewed the family --his grandmother had been burned as a witch.When that kind of a malady is in the blood it does not always come out with just one burning.Just now was not a good time for Ursula and Marget to be having dealings with a member of such a family, for the witch-terror had risen higher during the past year than it had ever reached in the memory of the oldest villagers.The mere mention of a witch was almost enough to frighten us out of our wits.This was natural enough, because of late years there were more kinds of witches than there used to be; in old times it had been only old women, but of late years they were of all ages--even children of eight and nine; it was getting so that anybody might turn out to be a familiar of the Devil--age and sex hadn't anything to do with it.

In our little region we had tried to extirpate the witches, but the more of them we burned the more of the breed rose up in their places.