书城公版When the World Shook


In this the native belle appeared after conversion, clad in broken-down stays--I suppose they were stays--out of which she seemed to bulge and flow in every direction, a dirty white dress several sizes too small, a kind of Salvation Army bonnet without a crown and a prayer-book which she held pressed to her middle;the general effect being hideous, and in some curious way, improper.

"Certainly," said Bastin, "though I admit her clothes do not seem to fit and she has not buttoned them up as she ought.But it is not of the pictures so much as of the letterpress with its false and scandalous accusations, that I complain.""Why do you complain?" asked Bickley."Probably it is quite true, though that we could never ascertain without visiting the lady's home.""If I could afford it," exclaimed Bastin with rising anger, "Ishould like to go there and expose this vile traducer of my cloth.""So should I," answered Bickley, "and expose these introducers of consumption, measles and other European diseases, to say nothing of gin, among an innocent and Arcadian people.""How can you call them innocent, Bickley, when they murder and eat missionaries?""I dare say we should all eat a missionary, Bastin, if we were hungry enough," was the answer, after which something occurred to change the conversation.

But I kept the book and read it as a neutral observer, and came to the conclusion that these South Sea Islands, a land where it was always afternoon, must be a charming place, in which perhaps the stars of the Tropics and the scent of the flowers might enable one to forget a little, or at least take the edge off memory.Why should I not visit them and escape another long and dreary English winter? No, I could not do so alone.If Bastin and Bickley were there, their eternal arguments might amuse me.Well, why should they not come also? When one has money things can always be arranged.

The idea, which had its root in this absurd conversation, took a curious hold on me.I thought of it all the evening, being alone, and that night it re-arose m my dreams.I dreamed that my lost Natalie appeared to me and showed me a picture.It was of a long, low land, a curving shore of which the ends were out of the picture, whereon grew tall palms, and where great combers broke upon gleaming sand.

Then the picture seemed to become a reality and I saw Natalie herself, strangely changeful in her aspect, strangely varying in face and figure, strangely bright, standing in the mouth of a pass whereof the little bordering cliffs were covered with bushes and low trees, whose green was almost hid in lovely flowers.

There in my dream she stood, smiling mysteriously, and stretched out her arms towards me.

As I awoke I seemed to hear her voice, repeating her dying words: "Go where you seem called to go, far away.Oh! the wonderful place in which you will find me, not knowing that you have found me."With some variations this dream visited me twice that night.In the morning I woke up quite determined that I would go to the South Sea Islands, even if I must do so alone.On that same evening Bastin and Bickley dined with me.I said nothing to them about my dream, for Bastin never dreamed and Bickley would have set it down to indigestion.But when the cloth had been cleared away and we were drinking our glass of port--both Bastin and Bickley only took one, the former because he considered port a sinful indulgence of the flesh, the latter because he feared it would give him gout--I remarked casually that they both looked very run down and as though they wanted a rest.They agreed, at least each of them said he had noticed it in the other.Indeed Bastin added that the damp and the cold in the church, in which he held daily services to no congregation except the old woman who cleaned it, had given him rheumatism, which prevented him from sleeping.

"Do call things by their proper names," interrupted Bickley."Itold you yesterday that what you are suffering from is neuritis in your right arm, which will become chronic if you neglect it much longer.I have the same thing myself, so I ought to know, and unless I can stop operating for a while I believe my fingers will become useless.Also something is affecting my sight, overstrain, I suppose, so that I am obliged to wear stronger and stronger glasses.I think I shall have to leave Ogden" (his partner) "in charge for a while, and get away into the sun.There is none here before June.""I would if I could pay a locum tenens and were quite sure it isn't wrong," said Bastin.

"I am glad you both think like that," I remarked, "as I have a suggestion to make to you.I want to go to the South Seas about which we were talking yesterday, to get the thorough change that Bickley has been advising for me, and I should be very grateful if you would both come as my guests.You, Bickley, make so much money out of cutting people about, that you can arrange your own affairs during your absence.But as for you, Bastin, I will see to the wherewithal for the locum tenens, and everything else.""You are very kind," said Bastin, "and certainly I should like to expose that misguided author, who probably published his offensive work without thinking that what he wrote might affect the subscriptions to the missionary societies, also to show Bickley that he is not always right, as he seems to think.But Icould never dream of accepting without the full approval of the Bishop.