书城公版When the World Shook


We gathered up our gear, and while the others were relighting the lanterns, I walked a few paces forward to the spot where Yva had been dissolved in the devouring fire.Something caught my eye upon the rocky floor.I picked it up.It was the ring, or rather the remains of the ring that I had given her on that night when we declared our love amidst the ruins by the crater lake.She had never worn it on her hand but for her own reasons, as she told me, suspended it upon her breast beneath her robe.It was an ancient ring that I had bought in Egypt, fashioned of gold in which was set a very hard basalt or other black stone.On this was engraved the ank or looped cross, which was the Egyptian symbol of Life, and round it a snake, the symbol of Eternity.The gold was for the most part melted, but the stone, being so hard and protected by the shield and asbestos cloak, for such Isuppose it was, had resisted the fury of the flash.Only now it was white instead of black, like a burnt onyx that had known the funeral pyre.Indeed, perhaps it was an onyx.I kissed it and hid it away, for it seemed to me to convey a greeting and with it a promise.

Then we started, a very sad and dejected trio.Leaving with a shudder that vast place where the blue lights played eternally, we came to the shaft up and down which the travelling stone pursued its endless path, and saw it arrive and depart again.

"I wonder he did not send us that way," said Bickley, pointing to it.

"I am sure I am very glad it never occurred to him," answered Bastin, "for I am certain that we could not have made the journey again without our guide, Yva."I looked at him and he ceased.Somehow I could not bear, as yet, to hear her beloved name spoken by other lips.

Then we entered the passage that she pointed out to us, and began a most terrible journey which, so far as we could judge, for we lost any exact count of time, took us about sixty hours.

The road, it is true, was smooth and unblocked, but the ascent was fearfully steep and slippery; so much so that often we were obliged to pull each other up it and lie down to rest.

Had it not been for those large, felt-covered bottles of Life-water, I am sure we should never have won through.But this marvelous elixir, drunk a little at a time, always re-invigorated us and gave us strength to push on.Also we had some food, and fortunately our spare oil held out, for the darkness in that tunnel was complete.Tommy became so exhausted that at length we must carry him by turns.He would have died had it not been for the water; indeed I thought that he was going to die.

After our last rest and a short sleep, however, he seemed to begin to recover, and generally there was something in his manner which suggested to us that he knew himself to be not far from the surface of the earth towards which we had crawled upwards for thousands upon thousands of feet, fortunately without meeting with any zone of heat which was not bearable.

We were right, for when we had staggered forward a little further, suddenly Tommy ran ahead of us and vanished.Then we heard him barking but where we could not see, since the tunnel appeared to take a turn and continue, but this time on a downward course, while the sound of the barks came from our right.We searched with the lanterns which were now beginning to die and found a little hole almost filled with fallen pieces of rock.We scooped these away with our hands, making an aperture large enough to creep through.A few more yards and we saw light, the blessed light of the moon, and in it stood Tommy barking hoarsely.Next we heard the sound of the sea.We struggled on desperately and presently pushed our way through bushes and vegetation on to a steep declivity.Down this we rolled and scrambled, to find ourselves at last lying upon a sandy beach, whilst above us the full moon shone in the heavens.

Here, with a prayer of thankfulness, we flung ourselves down and slept.

If it had not been for Tommy and we had gone further along the tunnel, which I have little doubt stretched on beneath the sea, where, I wonder, should we have slept that night?

When we woke the sun was shining high in the heavens.Evidently there had been rain towards the dawn, though as we were lying beneath the shelter of some broad-leaved tree, from it we had suffered little inconvenience.Oh! how beautiful, after our sojourn in those unholy caves, were the sun and the sea and the sweet air and the raindrops hanging on the leaves.

We did not wake of ourselves; indeed if we had been left alone I am sure that we should have slept the clock round, for we were terribly exhausted.What woke us was the chatter of a crowd of Orofenans who were gathered at a distance from the tree and engaged in staring at us in a frightened way, also the barks of Tommy who objected to their intrusion.Among the people Irecognised our old friend the chief Marama by his feather cloak, and sitting up, beckoned to him to approach.After a good deal of hesitation he came, walking delicately like Agag, and stopping from time to time to study us, as though he were not sure that we were real.

"What frightens you, Marama?" I asked him.