
"Look here," said he."If I drop, let us see what there is for you.I have had a pretty good run of luck here, and here's two hundred and thirty pounds.I have got ten Napoleons in my pocket.That is as much as I shall want;for the General pays everything like a prince; and if I'm hit, why you know I cost nothing.Don't cry, little woman;I may live to vex you yet.Well, I shan't take either of my horses, but shall ride the General's grey charger: it's cheaper, and I told him mine was lame.If I'm done, those two ought to fetch you something.Grigg offered ninety for the mare yesterday, before this confounded news came, and like a fool I wouldn't let her go under the two o's.Bullfinch will fetch his price any day, only you'd better sell him in this country, because the dealers have so many bills of mine, and so I'd rather he shouldn't go back to England.Your little mare the General gave you will fetch something, and there's no d--d livery stable bills here as there are in London," Rawdon added, with a laugh."There's that dressing-case cost me two hundred --that is, I owe two for it; and the gold tops and bottles must be worth thirty or forty.Please to put THAT up the spout, ma'am, with my pins, and rings, and watch and chain, and things.They cost a precious lot of money.Miss Crawley, I know, paid a hundred down for the chain and ticker.Gold tops and bottles, indeed! dammy, I'm sorry I didn't take more now.Edwards pressed on me a silver-gilt boot-jack, and I might have had a dressing-case fitted up with a silver warming-pan, and a service of plate.But we must make the best of what we've got, Becky, you know."And so, making his last dispositions, Captain Crawley, who had seldom thought about anything but himself, until the last few months of his life, when Love had obtained the mastery over the dragoon, went through the various items of his little catalogue of effects, striving to see how they might be turned into money for his wife's benefit, in case any accident should befall him.He pleased himself by noting down with a pencil, in his big schoolboy handwriting, the various items of his portable property which might be sold for his widow's advantage as, for example, "My double-barril by Manton, say 40 guineas; my driving cloak, lined with sable fur, 50 pounds; my duelling pistols in rosewood case (same which I shot Captain Marker), 20 pounds; my regulation saddle-holsters and housings; my Laurie ditto," and so forth, over all of which articles he made Rebecca the mistress.

Faithful to his plan of economy, the Captain dressed himself in his oldest and shabbiest uniform and epaulets, leaving the newest behind, under his wife's (or it might be his widow's) guardianship.And this famous dandy of Windsor and Hyde Park went off on his campaign with a kit as modest as that of a sergeant, and with something like a prayer on his lips for the woman he was leaving.

He took her up from the ground, and held her in his arms for a minute, tight pressed against his strong-beating heart.His face was purple and his eyes dim, as he put her down and left her.He rode by his General's side, and smoked his cigar in silence as they hastened after the troops of the General's brigade, which preceded them;and it was not until they were some miles on their way that he left off twirling his moustache and broke silence.

And Rebecca, as we have said, wisely determined not to give way to unavailing sentimentality on her husband's departure.She waved him an adieu from the window, and stood there for a moment looking out after he was gone.

The cathedral towers and the full gables of the quaint old houses were just beginning to blush in the sunrise.There had been no rest for her that night.She was still in her pretty ball-dress, her fair hair hanging somewhat out of curl on her neck, and the circles round her eyes dark with watching."What a fright I seem," she said, examining herself in the glass, "and how pale this pink makes one look!" So she divested herself of this pink raiment; in doing which a note fell out from her corsage, which she picked up with a smile, and locked into her dressing-box.

And then she put her bouquet of the ball into a glass of water, and went to bed, and slept very comfortably.

The town was quite quiet when she woke up at ten o'clock, and partook of coffee, very requisite and comforting after the exhaustion and grief of the morning's occurrences.

This meal over, she resumed honest Rawdon's calculations of the night previous, and surveyed her position.

Should the worst befall, all things considered, she was pretty well to do.There were her own trinkets and trousseau, in addition to those which her husband had left behind.

Rawdon's generosity, when they were first married, has already been described and lauded.Besides these, and the little mare, the General, her slave and worshipper, had made her many very handsome presents, in the shape of cashmere shawls bought at the auction of a bankrupt French general's lady, and numerous tributes from the jewellers' shops, all of which betokened her admirer's taste and wealth.As for "tickers," as poor Rawdon called watches, her apartments were alive with their clicking.

For, happening to mention one night that hers, which Rawdon had given to her, was of English workmanship, and went ill, on the very next morning there came to her a little bijou marked Leroy, with a chain and cover charmingly set with turquoises, and another signed Brequet, which was covered with pearls, and yet scarcely bigger than a half-crown.General Tufto had bought one, and Captain Osborne had gallantly presented the other.Mrs.