
第7章 商务英语合同的语言特征(2)

vice versa(反之亦然)

per annum(每年)



bar(律师), suit(起诉、控告), complain(投诉), jury(陪审团), terms(条件、条款), claim(权利)等都来自法语。

6 情态动词的使用频率较高

在商务英语合同中,经常用到情态动词shall, shall not, may not, may, must,但是它们在商务英语合同中所表达的含义与普通英语所表达的含义有所不同。Shall, may, must, may not/shall not主要是分别指明合同双方当事人的权利,即可做什么;当事人的义务,即该做什么;规定做的,即必须做什么;还有禁止做的,即不能做什么。

一般来讲,当事人在合同中最关心的问题就是“可以做什么或有权做什么”“应当做什么”“必须做什么”“不得不做什么”。 英语合同中,约定权利(即“可以做”)不用can do来表达,约定义务(即“应当做”)不用should do或must do,约定禁止(即“不得做”)不用can not do, 如:

may do/ have the right to do/ be entitled to有权利做, shall do/ be required to do/ be obliged to do/ be under the obligation/ responsibility to do应当做、有义务做, may not do/ shall not do不可以做。

7 用语明确,避免使用易产生歧义的词汇



Shipment is to be effected bimonthly at 600 metric tons each.句中的bimonthly既可以理解为“两个月一次”又可以理解为“一个月两次”;那么应装数量可以理解为“每两个月装一次每次装600吨”也可以翻译为“半个月装一次每次装600吨”,这样就使装船的时间和数量都产生了歧义。因此,像这种语义模糊的词语就不能出现在商务英语合同中。如果在句中加以限制,就可以避免这一缺陷,如改成:Shipment is to be effected bimonthly at 600 metric tons each within May, 2001.(在2001年5月份之内装运两次每次600吨。)

8 指代明确

在商务合同中很少出现人称代词,而且即使出现了人称代词通常都是泛指。商务英语合同中,经常用the said 或 the same 加上一个名词来指代前文中提到的名词。


The seller shall not be held responsible for any delay in delivery or nondelivery of the goods due to Force Majeure. However, the seller shall advise the buyer immediately of such occurrence and within fourteen days thereafter, shall send by airmail to the buyer a certificate issued by the competent government authorities of the place where the accident has occurred as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the seller, however, it still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than 10 weeks, the buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract.



1 使用专门的短语表达合同英语惯有的含义



in witness whereof______作为协议事项的证据

now this presents witness______兹特立约为据

for and on behalf of...______代表某人

per pro. = per procurationem_________代表代理

2 名词性短语居多



The Contractor shall not knowingly do or omit to do anything which may adversely affect an orderly transfer of responsibility for provision of the Services.(句中的transfer responsibility转化成了transfer of responsibility,而provide Services转化成了provision of the Services)

3 动词短语转化成介词、形容词短语



support 转化成 in support of;violate转化成为in violate of;default转化成 in default of;break 转化成in break of。

All such minutes, records and reports shall be on file at the FIB offices. 该句中“存档”用的是“on file”而不是用的动词短语“be filed”。

常见的商务合同中动词转化成形容词短语的句子有:include转化为be inclusive of;exclude常转化为be exclusive of,如:

Your salary inclusive of any overtime payment from the date of commencement of your contract will be USD AMOUNT IN FIGURE(USD Amount in Words) and will be paid in arrears at the end of the month.

The foregoing states the sole and exclusive liability of the parties hereto for infringement of patents, copyrights, mask works, trade secrets, trademarks and other proprietary rights, whether direct or contributory.

4 常用短语来替代一些从句



All rights and all design elements resulting from the Services shall vest in and be the absolute property of Party A. 该句中的分词短语"resulting from the Services"就起到了使句子结构紧密,表达简单的效果,并且替代了定语从句“which result from the Services”。

All properties of the Contractor while at the Premises shall be at the risk of Contractor and the Department shall accept no liability for any loss or damage however occurring thereto or caused thereby except where any such loss or damage was caused or contributed to by any act, neglect or default of any Servant of thereby Crown at the Premises acting in the course of his employment.

上面这个长句中的“however occurring thereto or caused thereby”就替代了状语从句“however it will occur thereto or be caused thereby”。


1 常用复合句等长句
