
第13章 情感表达(1)




I'm happy.我很高兴/幸福。

I'm thrilled.我很兴奋。

I'm so happy.我很高兴/幸福。

I feel so happy.我很高兴/幸福。

I'm in heaven.我好像到了天堂。

I'm in a good mood today.我今天的心情很好。

Yahoo! 呀呵!



→表示高兴、惊喜。注意,没有“ Oh,girl!”的说法。





I'm glad to hear it.听你这么说,我很高兴。

That's good news.真是个好消息。

How fun! 太棒了!

I feel great/wonderful/good/fantastic! 我感觉好极了!

This is too good to be true.好到让人不敢相信。


It's unbelievable.真叫人不敢相信。

I made it! 我成功了!


I did it! 我成功了!

Lucky! 今天的运气真好。

Talk about luck.真走运。

Thank God! 上帝保佑!

Thank goodness! 谢天谢地!

It was just luck.只是运气好而已。


I'm ecstatic.我高兴得忘乎所以了。


I feel like a million dollars.我感觉棒极了!

I'm walking on air.我高兴死了。


I jumped for joy.我高兴得跳了起来。

Whoopee! 哇!


I'm happy you told me.你能告诉我,我很高兴。

That's great to hear.听你这么说实在是太好了。

I'm relieved to hear that.听了那个消息,我就放心了。

I've never been this happy.我从来没这么高兴过。

I"ve never been as happy as I am now.我从来没这么高兴过。

This is the happiest moment in my life.这是我这辈子最开心的时刻。

This is the best moment of my life.这是我这辈子最开心的时刻。

I couldn't be happier.我实在是太高兴了。

That's welcome news! 真是个好消息。

What fun! 那太棒了!

I feel terrific! 舒服极了!


You look happy today.你今天看上去很高兴啊!

You seem really happy today.你今天看上去高兴得都飘飘欲仙了。

Nothing could be more wonderful.没有比这更让人高兴的了。

Nothing would please me more.没有比这更让人高兴的了。

Nothing could be nicer.没有比这更让人高兴的了。

I hit the jackpot! 我赢了!

→ 原意是赌博时赢得很多钱。一般用于“中了头彩”“获得巨大成功”时。

I struck it rich! 我发了笔横财。

→ 这句是从“挖到富矿”派生出来的一种表达方式。struck是strike的过去式。

I lucked out today.我今天撞大运了。


Today's my lucky day.今天是我的幸运日。

I feel lucky today.我今天很幸运。

I'm in luck today.我今天很幸运。

That's fortunate.真幸运。

It's my lucky day.今天是我的幸运日。

What luck! 真走运!

This must be my lucky day! 今天肯定是我的幸运日!

What a lucky day! 今天真是幸运啊!

Thank heavens! 感谢神灵!

→ heaven 是基督教所说的“天堂”,即“神和天使住的地方”。直译为“感谢天堂里的神”。

I was just lucky.只是运气好而已。


It was pure luck.只是运气好而已。



What a relief! 总算可以松口气了!

Whew! 这下可以放心了!


Aah! 啊!


I felt much better after hearing that.听你这么说我感觉好多了。

Here we are.到了。


That's a relief! 总算放心了。

I'm relieved.可以松口气了。

I feel relieved.可以松口气了。

I feel a lot better now.现在我感觉好多了。

I felt relieved to hear that.听你这么说我就放心了。


I was relieved to hear that.听你这么说我就放心了。

Here we are at last.终于到了。

We"ve finally arrived.总算是到了。

Good riddance.可算是摆脱了。

→riddance 表示“摆脱烦恼、麻烦”。

情境3 安慰


Never mind.别在意。


Don't worry about it.不用担心。

It's okay.没关系。

Don't worry.别担心。

Don't be afraid.别怕。

That's too bad! 太糟糕了!

What a shame! 真丢人!

I'm sorry to hear that.听到你这么说我感到很遗憾。

What a pity.太遗憾了。


That's all right.没关系。

That's okay.还好。

It'll be OK.没事的。

It's not your fault.这不是你的错。

It happens to everyone.这是常有的事。

I don't want to bother you.我不想麻烦你。

This is nothing.没什么。

It's no big deal.没什么大不了的。

No big deal.没什么大不了的。

I"ve seen worse.我还见过更糟的呢。

Don't feel so bad about yourself.别自暴自弃。

Everything will be fine.一切都会好起来的。

Things will work out.一定会有办法的。

I know.我知道。

I know how you feel.我能理解你的感受。

Oh,poor thing! 哦,可怜的家伙!

You can count on me.有我在呢。

Leave it up to me! 交给我吧!

Just listen to me,and you'll be fine.听我说,你会没事的。

I will always be there for you.我会一直支持你的。

There's nothing you can do about it.没办法,只能这样了。

You did the best you could.你已经尽力了。


Forget about it.不用在意。

→比 Never mind 更直接。根据说法不同,有时听起来没有礼貌。

What bad luck.真不走运。


Better luck next time! 下次一定会走运的!

Bummer! 太遗憾了。


I'm sorry about that.太遗憾了。

That's a pity.太遗憾了。

How awful.太可怕了!

How sad.真是遗憾啊!

Tough luck.真倒霉。

That's unfortunate.真不幸。

It's no problem.没事儿。

Don't blame yourself.不用自责。

→blame 责备

It happens.反正都已经发生了。


It happens to the best of us.这是常有的事。

It can't be helped.那是不可避免的。

There's no need to worry about it.不用担心。

Don't concern yourself.别想得太多。

Don't give it another thought.别多想了。

→give it another thought 直译是“别再有其他的想法”“别想得太多”。

I don't want to put you out.我不想给您添麻烦。

→put out 有“添麻烦”的意思。

I don't want to bring you trouble.我不想麻烦你。

It's no problem.这算什么呀。

It might/could have been worse.没什么大不了的。

Don't be so hard on yourself.别那么苛责自己。

Don't be so down on yourself.别那么自暴自弃。

Don't think so low of yourself.别那么自暴自弃。

It'll work out.总会有办法的。

→work out 表示“进展顺利”“解决”。

It's not as bad as all that.没那么糟糕。

Things are never as bad as they seem.


Win a few,lose a few.That's life.


My heart bleeds for you.我对此感同身受。

Join the club! 咱们都一样!

I understand the way you feel.我知道你是什么感觉。

I really sympathize with you.我真的很同情你。

Oh,poor baby! 哦,可怜的孩子!

I'll back you up.我支持你。

I will do my best to help you.我会尽力帮你的。

I will never leave you alone.我不会丢下你一个人的。

You can come to me whenever you are in need of help.


That's the way it goes.只能这样了。

You can't fight it.没办法了。

C"est la vie.(法语)生活就是如此。

It was destined to happen.没办法,只能这样了。

It's meant to be.没办法,只能这样了。

Whatever will be,will be.不管怎样,顺其自然吧。

It's just one of those things.这样的事情总是难免的。

At least we are not the only ones facing these problems.


It's the best you can do under the circumstances.


You get an A for effort.你已经尽力了。

The important thing is that you tried.最重要的是你试过了。

Winning isn't everything.赢并不能说明一切。

It's not whether you win or lose.It's how you play the game.


情境4 鼓励


Cheer up! 振作起来!

Come on! 别这么消沉!

Pull yourself together.振作起来!

Take it easy! 别着急!

Don't cry.别哭了。

Go for it! 去吧!

You can do it! 你能行的!

Hang in there! 坚持住!


Don't give it up! 别轻言放弃!

When god closes a door,he opens a window.


Never give up! 永远不要轻易放弃!

Look on the bright side.你得看到事情好的一面。

Tomorrow is another day.明天又是新的一天。

Don't take it too seriously! 别那么较真儿!

It could happen.这是一个机会。

Just try it.试试看。

Come on,try it.来吧,先试试看。

Just give it a try.试一下嘛!

Try it.试试看。

Give it a try.试试看。

Try again.再尝试一下看看。

Do it again.再试一遍。