
第4章 Introduction of Computer(3)

Most of the technology for teleconferencing already exists. Key componentsare terminals connected to computer systems and a video system that allows pictures to be transmitted from one spot to another. Local area networks are unifying much of the traditional equipment found in the office. The purpose of a local area network is to electronically connect word processing, electronic mail, voice storage and forwarding, dictation, and even coping machines together.

Computers are now helping us in almost every area of science and engineering. Over half of the world’s scientific knowledge has been obtained since the construction of the first electronic computer. While business applications require the handling of a large number of documents, the scientific community requires speed and accuracy in making complex computations. The average individual can make from 5 to 10 simple computations per minute. The average computer can make 10,000 complex computations per second, and fast computers can make millions of complex calculations per second. Computations that would take a computer a few seconds would take you a few months or even a few years.

Computers can be used to help astronomers test physics theories. They are also needed to help forecast complicated and unpredictable weather patterns.

Computers can also process and enhance images or pictures. This is called image processing. Image processing is using the computer to enhance and gain a better understanding of images or pictures. It can be used to develop cartoons, touch up photographs, and generate movies. Digitized images are sent to earth receiving stations, and the images are processed. Satellites like Landsat are able to locate oil fields, help farmers determine what to plant, locate mineral deposits, locate ships, missiles, and military installations, and more.

Computers are widely used in health care too. Small inexpensive personal computers, costing under a thousand dollars, have been used in ambulances to locate invalids or other patients quickly. These personal computers have also been used to diagnose potential problems and prescribe their remedies at the scene of an accident. Video games have been developed to allow you to play games and lose weight at the same time. Some software program can help you to relieve stress and tension.

At home, computer can be used to entertain you, educate you, keep track of your personal budget, plan meals, and determine what food items to buy for the next week. You can use personal computers to communicate with friends, relatives, or business associates anywhere in the world as long as they also have personal computers and access to an electronic mail network. Personal computers can be used as the centers of sophisticated security systems. These computers can be sensitive to heat, smoke, water damage, and more. They can be programmed to call you automatically at another phone number or to call the police or the fire department.

Computers are extensively used in the entertainment and leisure industry. Computers are used to analyze and create beautiful musical sounds and tones. You can even get novel sent to you electronically over telephone lines using home computers. These electronic novels can be stored in your computers and then printed at any time.

In education, with computer-aided instruction (CAI), the computer is being used to help students learn other subjects. CAI programs are available today for people ranging in age from one year old to well past retirement age. You are never too young or too old to learn.

In the military, computers are being used to design both conventional and strategic weapons. These military computers are special purpose computers—expensive computers designed to perform only one function.

Computers are working everywhere now.



vt. 目睹,作证


adj. 戏剧性的,生动的


n. 投资,可获利的东西


n. 存货,详细目录


n. 警报,提醒


n. 状态,不动产,阶层


n. 焊接,接缝 vt. 焊接


n. 贬值,减价,跌落


n. 批发 adj. 批发的


n. 仓库,货栈


adj. 邮政的,邮局的


vt. 诊断


n. 现场,场面,情景,景色


n. 天文学家


n. 病人,伤残者


n. 药物,疗法 vt. 治疗,补救


vt. 篡改,曲解,诡辩 n. 久经世故的人


n. 空闲,闲暇,安逸


adj. 可利用的,有用的


n. 退休,撤退


adj. 军用的,军事的


adj. 战略的,战略上的


vt. 旅行,执行,表演


adj. 瞬间发生的,片刻的










计算机还能处理和增强图像与画图的效果,称为图像处理。图像处理就是用计算机来提高并更好地理解图像与画面。图像处理可以用于开发动画、润色照片、生产电影。数字图像被送到地面接收站进行处理。像 Landsat 这样的卫星能确定油田的位置;帮助农民决定种什么;确定矿物沉淀的位置;确定船、导弹、军事装备等的位置。