书城公版Volume One


Quoth the Khalif'Who art thou?'And she answered'I am she whom thou hadst as a present from Noureddin Ali ben Khacanand I crave the fulfilment of thy promise to send me to him with the dress of honour;for I have now been here thirty dayswithout tasting sleep.'Thereupon the Khalif sent for Jaafer and said to him'O Jaaferit is thirty days since we had news of Noureddin Ali ben Khacanand I doubt me the Sultan has killed him;but by the life of my head and the tombs of my forefathersif aught of ill have befallen himI will make an end of him who was the cause of itthough he be the dearest of all men to myself!So it is my wish that thou set out at once for Bassora and bring me news of my cousin Mohammed ben Suleiman ez Zeini and how he hath dealt with Noureddin;and do thou tell my cousin the young man's history and how I sent him to him with my letterand if thou find that the King hath done otherwise than after my commandment,lay hands on him and his Vizier Muin ben Sawa and bring them to usas thou shalt find them. Nor do thou tarry longer on the road than shall suffice for the journeyor I will strike off thy head.'I hear and obey,'replied Jaaferand made ready at once and set out for Bassorawhere he arrived in due course. When he came up and saw the crowd and turmoilhe enquired what was the matter and was told how it stood with Noureddin Aliwhereupon he hastened to go in to the Sultan and saluting himacquainted him with his errand and the Khalif's determinationin case of any foul play having befallen Noureddinto destroy whosoever should have been the cause of it. Then he seized upon the Sultan and his Vizier and laid them in wardand commanding Noureddin to be releasedseated him on the throne in the place of Mohammed ben Suleiman. After this Jaafer abode three days at Bassorathe usual guest-timeand on the morning of the fourth dayNoureddin turned to him and said'I long for the sight of the Commander of the Faithful.'Then said Jaafer to Mohammed ben Suleiman'Make readyfor we will pray the morning-prayer and take horse for Baghdad.'And he answered'I hear and obey.'So they prayed the morning-prayer and set outall of themtaking with them the Vizier Muin ben Sawawho began to repent of what he had done.

Noureddin rode by Jaafer's side and they fared on without ceasingtill they arrived in due course at the Abode of Peace,Baghdadand going in to the Khalif's presencetold him how they had found Noureddin nigh upon death. The Khalif said to Noureddin'Take this sword and strike off thine enemy's head.'

So he took the sword and went up to Muin ben Sawabut the latter looked at him and said'I did according to my nature;do thou according to thine.'So Noureddin threw the sword from his hand and said to the Khalif'O Commander of the Faithfulhe hath beguiled me with his speech,'and he repeated the following verse:

Lowith the cunning of his speech my heart he hath beguiledFor generous minds are ever moved by artful words and mild!

'Leave himthou,'said the Khalifand turning to Mesrour,commanded him to behead Muin. So Mesrour drew his sword and smote off the Vizier's head. Then said the Khalif to Noureddin'Ask a boon of me.'O my lord,'answered he'I have no need of the sovereignty of Bassora: all my desire is to have the honour of serving thee and looking on thy face.'With all my heart,'replied the Khalif. Then he sent for Enis el Jelis and bestowed plentiful favours upon them bothassigning them a palace at Baghdad and regular allowances. Moreoverhe made Noureddin one of his boon-companionsand the latter abode with him in the enjoyment of the most delectable lifetill Death overtook him.