书城公版The Miserable World

第232章 PART THREE(14)

M.Gillenormand was always accompanied by his daughter,that tall mademoiselle,who was over forty and looked fifty,and by a handsome little boy of seven years,white,rosy,fresh,with happy and trusting eyes,who never appeared in that salon without hearing voices murmur around him:

'How handsome he is!What a pity!

Poor child!'

This child was the one of whom we dropped a word a while ago.

He was called'poor child,'because he had for a father'a brigand of the Loire.'

This brigand of the Loire was M.Gillenormand's son-in-law,who has already been mentioned,and whom M.Gillenormand called'the disgrace of his family.'



Any one who had chanced to pass through the little town of Vernon at this epoch,and who had happened to walk across that fine monumental bridge,which will soon be succeeded,let us hope,by some hideous iron cable bridge,might have observed,had he dropped his eyes over the parapet,a man about fifty years of age wearing a leather cap,and trousers and a waistcoat of coarse gray cloth,to which something yellow which had been a red ribbon,was sewn,shod with wooden sabots,tanned by the sun,his face nearly black and his hair nearly white,a large scar on his forehead which ran down upon his cheek,bowed,bent,prematurely aged,who walked nearly every day,hoe and sickle in hand,in one of those compartments surrounded by walls which abut on the bridge,and border the left bank of the Seine like a chain of terraces,charming enclosures full of flowers of which one could say,were they much larger:

'these are gardens,'and were they a little smaller:'these are bouquets.'

All these enclosures abut upon the river at one end,and on a house at the other.

The man in the waistcoat and the wooden shoes of whom we have just spoken,inhabited the smallest of these enclosures and the most humble of these houses about 1817.

He lived there alone and solitary,silently and poorly,with a woman who was neither young nor old,neither homely nor pretty,neither a peasant nor a bourgeoise,who served him.The plot of earth which he called his garden was celebrated in the town for the beauty of the flowers which he cultivated there.These flowers were his occupation.

By dint of labor,of perseverance,of attention,and of buckets of water,he had succeeded in creating after the Creator,and he had invented certain tulips and certain dahlias which seemed to have been forgotten by nature.

He was ingenious;he had forestalled Soulange Bodin in the formation of little clumps of earth of heath mould,for the cultivation of rare and precious shrubs from America and China.

He was in his alleys from the break of day,in summer,planting,cutting,hoeing,watering,walking amid his flowers with an air of kindness,sadness,and sweetness,sometimes standing motionless and thoughtful for hours,listening to the song of a bird in the trees,the babble of a child in a house,or with his eyes fixed on a drop of dew at the tip of a spear of grass,of which the sun made a carbuncle.

His table was very plain,and he drank more milk than wine.

A child could make him give way,and his servant scolded him.

He was so timid that be seemed shy,he rarely went out,and he saw no one but the poor people who tapped at his pane and his cure,the Abbe Mabeuf,a good old man.Nevertheless,if the inhabitants of the town,or strangers,or any chance comers,curious to see his tulips,rang at his little cottage,he opened his door with a smile.

He was the'brigand of the Loire.'

Any one who had,at the same time,read military memoirs,biographies,the Moniteur,and the bulletins of the grand army,would have been struck by a name which occurs there with tolerable frequency,the name of Georges Pontmercy.

When very young,this Georges Pontmercy had been a soldier in Saintonge's regiment.

The revolution broke out.Saintonge's regiment formed a part of the army of the Rhine;for the old regiments of the monarchy preserved their names of provinces even after the fall of the monarchy,and were only divided into brigades in 1794.

Pontmercy fought at Spire,at Worms,at Neustadt,at Turkheim,at Alzey,at Mayence,where he was one of the two hundred who formed Houchard's rearguard.

It was the twelfth to hold its ground against the corps of the Prince of Hesse,behind the old rampart of Andernach,and only rejoined the main body of the army when the enemy's cannon had opened a breach from the cord of the parapet to the foot of the glacis.

He was under Kleber at Marchiennes and at the battle of Mont-Palissel,where a ball from a biscaien broke his arm.

Then he passed to the frontier of Italy,and was one of the thirty grenadiers who defended the Col de Tende with Joubert.

Joubert was appointed its adjutant-general,and Pontmercy sub-lieutenant.Pontmercy was by Berthier's side in the midst of the grape-shot of that day at Lodi which caused Bonaparte to say:

'Berthier has been cannoneer,cavalier,and grenadier.'He beheld his old general,Joubert,fall at Novi,at the moment when,with uplifted sabre,he was shouting:


Having been embarked with his company in the exigencies of the campaign,on board a pinnace which was proceeding from Genoa to some obscure port on the coast,he fell into a wasps'-nest of seven or eight English vessels.The Genoese commander wanted to throw his cannon into the sea,to hide the soldiers between decks,and to slip along in the dark as a merchant vessel.

Pontmercy had the colors hoisted to the peak,and sailed proudly past under the guns of the British frigates.Twenty leagues further on,his audacity having increased,he attacked with his pinnace,and captured a large English transport which was carrying troops to Sicily,and which was so loaded down with men and horses that the vessel was sunk to the level of the sea.In 1805 he was in that Malher division which took Gunzberg from the Archduke Ferdinand.