
第13章 世界名表(3)

In order to keep pace with its growing success, the company opened the new Manufacture de Haute Horlogerie Piaget in Plan-les-Ouates in 2001 , just outside Geneva. This event consolidated a visionary integration strategy already undertaken by the company in the 1960s. This high-performance facility, regrouping both watchmaking and jeweler crafts, complements the historical site in la Cte-aux-Fées where the movements are made. At the same time, Piaget continued to invest in the domain of research and development.

Within barely a decade, almost 30 new movements were to be created, including some of the most prestigious horological complications, and notably a tourbillion, a dual time-zone flyback chronograph and a perpetual calendar. Meanwhile, jewelry watches were endowed with innovative concepts adding further sparkle to the natural radiance of diamonds.

All these masterpieces are entirely in line with Piagets proverbial inventiveness and emphatically reassert the founders motto: “Always do better than necessary”.

Inimitable [inimitbl] adj. 独特的;无比的;无法仿效的

prestigious [prestids] adj. 有名望的;享有声望的

indelibly [indelibli] adv. 不可消除地

international recognition国际认可




horological [,hrldikl] adj. 钟表的;钟表术的

乔治·爱德华·伯爵(Georges Edouard Piaget)在瑞士侏罗山区的小村庄La Cte-aux-Fées安家立业,这里数十年后成为奢华与精准腕表制造的代名词。1874年,他首先在自家农舍开设了首家机芯制造工作坊,专门为瑞士着名钟表品牌制作性能精准的高质机芯。蒸蒸日上的钟表事业得到迅速发展,而伯爵的声望也远近驰名。出自伯爵之手的钟表机芯,皆以精湛工艺制作而成,倍受各界肯定,工作坊也不断扩大。

1911年提摩太·伯爵(Timothée Piaget)从父亲乔治手中接掌家业,并秉承着其父对钟表业的热情、以及对质量的一贯坚持。伯爵表厂自此打下了稳健而坚实的基础。

企业家精神、勇于尝试、永不言败的精神,深植在伯爵家族的血统中。伯爵在1943年决定将伯爵(Piaget)注册为品牌名称,并在La Cte-aux-Fées表芯的正式推出及销售冠上 “Piaget ”标志。在创办人的孙子杰若德和华伦太·伯爵(Gérald、Valentin Piaget)两人的掌舵下,伯爵品牌在世界各地开疆拓土,知名度与日俱增,展现出脱胎换骨的全新气象。




为顺应企业的蓬勃发展,伯爵表厂在日内瓦的Plan-les-Ouates建立了全新高级制表厂,2001年正式落成启用。制表厂的建立体现了伯爵早在60年代就已制定的富有远见的整体发展战略。在这个效率极高的表厂,同时聚集钟表和珠宝制造部门,与La Cte-aux-Fées表厂的机芯生产业务相互补足。与此同时,伯爵继续投资研发。



4.(瑞士)劳力士 Rolex




创始人:汉斯·韦尔斯多夫(Hans Wilsdorf)





The history of Rolex is inextricably linked to the visionary spirit of Hans Wilsdorf, its founder. In 1905, at the age of 24, Hans Wilsdorf founded a company in London specializing in the distribution of timepieces. He began to dream of a watch worn on the wrist. Wrist watches were not very precise at the time, but Hans Wilsdorf foresaw that they could become not only elegant, but also reliable.

Hans Wilsdorf wanted his watches to bear a name that was short, easy to say and remember in any language, and that looked good on watch movements and dials. He said, “I tried combining the letters of the alphabet in every possible way. This gave me some hundred names, but none of them felt quite right. One morning, while riding on the upper deck of a horse-drawn omnibus along Cheapside in the City of London, a genie whispered‘Rolex in my ear.”Four years later, in 1914, Kew Observatory in Great Britain awarded a Rolex wristwatch a class “A” precision certificate, a distinction which until that point in time had been reserved exclusively for marine chronometers. From that date forward, the Rolex wristwatch was synonymous with precision.

In 1926, the creation by Rolex of the first waterproof and dustproof wristwatch marked a major step forward. Given the name “Oyster”, this watch featured a hermetically sealed case which provided optimal protection for the movement. It is one thing to claim a watch is waterproof. It is quite another to prove it. In 1927, a Rolex Oyster crossed the English Channel, worn by a young English swimmer named Mercedes Gleitze. The swim lasted over 10 hours and the watch remained in perfect working order at the end of it.

In 1953, Sir John Hunts expedition, in which Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of Mount Everest, was equipped with Oyster Perpetuals.

In 1971, Rolex presented the Oyster Perpetual Explorer II, dedicated to polar explorers, speleologists and all those pushing the boundaries of exploration. The watch featured a distinctive 24-hour hand, an invaluable aid around the poles and beneath ground when you cant tell night from day.

On March 26th, 2012, filmmaker and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence James Cameron descended into the Mariana Trench, making the first solo dive into the deepest point on earth and the only dive into the trench since the two-man Trieste expedition of 1960. Only one passenger was on both voyages: a Rolex watch.

In keeping with its history of close ties to motorsports, in 2013 Rolex entered into a long-term partnership with Formula 1 Racing as Official Timekeeper and Official Timepiece.

inextricably [,inikstrikbli] adv.密不可分地

chronometer [krnmt] n.精密记时表;高度精确的钟表

dustproof [dstpruf] adj. 防尘的

hermetically [h:metikli] adv. 密封地,不透气地

descend into向下行

劳力士的历史与其富有远见和开拓精神的创办人汉斯·韦尔斯多夫(Hans Wilsdorf)有着密不可分的关系。1905年,年仅24岁的他便在伦敦开设了钟表销售公司。他幻想将表佩戴在腕上。虽然当时的腕表精准度不足,但汉斯·韦尔斯多夫却能预见到,腕表不但可展示优雅风格,而且精准可靠。
