
第1章 英文(1)

Once there was a little cocker spaniel puppy named Topsy,and all the HOME she had was a shop window.When Topsy was a baby puppy she had belonged to her mother,but now that she was older Topsy did not belong especially to anybody.So Topsy was very lonesome.

Every day Topsy would watch OTHER DOGS out walking with the PEOPLE they belonged to,and every day Topsy would hope that SOMEBODY who needed a little dog would come into the shop and take her away to a real HOME to live in.

One day Topsy saw a little girl and her mother walking by.Topsy heard thelittle girl say,"Look,Mother,look at the sweet little dog!"Topsy barked and wagged her little tail,and the little girl said,"PLEASE,Mother,PLEASE buy me the sweet little dog!"but the mother said,"No,Judy,"and they went away.

Every day after that Topsy would see the little girl named Judy go by the shop window with her mother,and every day after that Topsy would hear the little girl say,"PLEASE,Mother,PLEASE buy me the sweet little dog,"and the mother always said,"No,Judy,"and they would go away.

Then at last SOMEBODY did come into the shop and take Topsy away to a real HOME to live in.